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Seller Rating: 4.7
US$ 64.92
~ 57%Seller Rating: 4.7
Seller Rating: 4.1
US$ 64.92
~ 57%Seller Rating: 4.1
Seller Rating: 4.6
US$ 64.92
~ 57%Seller Rating: 4.6
Seller Rating: 4.6
US$ 64.92
~ 57%Seller Rating: 4.6
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Deskripsi produk
Dark Souls 3 is a combat-based Video Game released in 2016. It is the final extension of the Dark Soul trilogy. The player is given the authority to access secret ammunitions, blades, armour, bows, and arrows, and combusting items to fight their cruel opponents. This Game extension is played from a third-person perspective, just like the previous versions. Subordinate weapons like shields are also provided to the players for protection. Each ammunition can attack in two primary ways, one being the basic attack and the other being a little stronger and charged. Some exciting elements like bonfires, ashes, magic, spells, and more add a very unusual angle to the Game. Action and motion are much quicker than in Dark Soul 2, but it causes more damage simultaneously. Players come across the opposition throughout the Game, each with different characteristics and gaming techniques.
Dark Souls 3 is set in the Province of Lothric. The First Flame, formed to maintain the Age of Fire, is setting out, and the chime has rung.
The Ashes of Ariandel :
Ashes of Ariandle introduces a new landscape to the Game, Painted World of Ariandel. As the player reaches the Church in the base Game, the Ashen meets the rambling gallant Gael. He begs him to go inside the painted world and accomplish the prediction of the "Fire of Ariandel". The native population of this world beseeches the Ashen One to set the painted world on fire or slowly let it rot. There is nothing but gratitude in the painter's heart as the player brings her to the flame and anticipates Gael for the Dark Soul. Also, like the old DLCs, Ashes of Ariandel introduces a new area, multiple ammunitions, armour, spells, and fights between the heads.
The Ringed City :
The Ashen One is set to start her journey to a place by the name "The Dreg Heap", where the destroyed reigns of many eras are stacked up. After surviving the remnants of Lothric Castle, Ashen One comes across the forgetful knight Lapp, who doesn't remember much about the past. The player is guided by clues, hints, and messages from Gael.
Ashen One then progresses to the ruins of Earthen Peak, a place encountered in the Dark Soul 2, before fighting the remaining demons. The triumphant players travel to the Ringed City, an area assigned as a symbol of peace between Gwyn and Pygmy Lords.
To experience the most thrilling combats ever, buy the Dark Souls 3. Have the deepest and darkest gaming experience ever. Also, check out the other two versions of the Dark Soul trilogy.
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Detail lainnya
- Tanggal rilis2016-04-11
- PenerbitFromSoftwareInc.Bandai Namco Entertainment
- PengembangFromSoftwareInc.
- Peringkat usia
Produk tren
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Seller Rating: 4.7
US$ 64.92
~ 57%Seller Rating: 4.7
Seller Rating: 4.1
US$ 64.92
~ 57%Seller Rating: 4.1
Seller Rating: 4.6
US$ 64.92
~ 57%Seller Rating: 4.6
Seller Rating: 4.6
US$ 64.92
~ 57%Seller Rating: 4.6
Sering dibeli bersama
1 Peringkat
Deskripsi produk
Dark Souls 3 is a combat-based Video Game released in 2016. It is the final extension of the Dark Soul trilogy. The player is given the authority to access secret ammunitions, blades, armour, bows, and arrows, and combusting items to fight their cruel opponents. This Game extension is played from a third-person perspective, just like the previous versions. Subordinate weapons like shields are also provided to the players for protection. Each ammunition can attack in two primary ways, one being the basic attack and the other being a little stronger and charged. Some exciting elements like bonfires, ashes, magic, spells, and more add a very unusual angle to the Game. Action and motion are much quicker than in Dark Soul 2, but it causes more damage simultaneously. Players come across the opposition throughout the Game, each with different characteristics and gaming techniques.
Dark Souls 3 is set in the Province of Lothric. The First Flame, formed to maintain the Age of Fire, is setting out, and the chime has rung.
The Ashes of Ariandel :
Ashes of Ariandle introduces a new landscape to the Game, Painted World of Ariandel. As the player reaches the Church in the base Game, the Ashen meets the rambling gallant Gael. He begs him to go inside the painted world and accomplish the prediction of the "Fire of Ariandel". The native population of this world beseeches the Ashen One to set the painted world on fire or slowly let it rot. There is nothing but gratitude in the painter's heart as the player brings her to the flame and anticipates Gael for the Dark Soul. Also, like the old DLCs, Ashes of Ariandel introduces a new area, multiple ammunitions, armour, spells, and fights between the heads.
The Ringed City :
The Ashen One is set to start her journey to a place by the name "The Dreg Heap", where the destroyed reigns of many eras are stacked up. After surviving the remnants of Lothric Castle, Ashen One comes across the forgetful knight Lapp, who doesn't remember much about the past. The player is guided by clues, hints, and messages from Gael.
Ashen One then progresses to the ruins of Earthen Peak, a place encountered in the Dark Soul 2, before fighting the remaining demons. The triumphant players travel to the Ringed City, an area assigned as a symbol of peace between Gwyn and Pygmy Lords.
To experience the most thrilling combats ever, buy the Dark Souls 3. Have the deepest and darkest gaming experience ever. Also, check out the other two versions of the Dark Soul trilogy.
Persyaratan Sistem
Persyaratan Sistem Minimum
Persyaratan Sistem yang Disarankan
Detail lainnya
- Tanggal rilis2016-04-11
- PenerbitFromSoftwareInc.Bandai Namco Entertainment
- PengembangFromSoftwareInc.
- Peringkat usia