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Utazz a világ bármely pontjára a Driffle eSIM-ekkel!

Azonnali csatlakozás feloldása: bárhol, bármikor!

Digitális Sim kártya

Digitális Sim kártya

Azonnali szállítás

190+ úti cél

190+ úti cél

Globális lefedettség

Azonnali beállítás

Azonnali beállítás

Könnyen kezelhető

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Támogatja a telefonom az eSIM-et?

Keresse meg eszköze modelljét, és ellenőrizze, hogy kompatibilis-e az eSIM kártyával


Támogatja a telefonom az eSIM-et?

Gyakran Ismételt Kérdések

Hogyan telepíthetem az új eSIM-emet?

The eSIM card needs to be installed through your device's Settings outside of the Driffle website. Once you complete your eSIM purchase on Driffle, you will receive an email with instructions on how to install and activate your eSIM. Simply head over to the email and follow the instructions for installing your eSIM. Note that internet access is required to download and activate the eSIM profile to your cellular setting. We strongly recommend that you install (not activate) your eSIM on your phone soon after purchase and then wait to activate the plan when you are ready to use it. To get a detailed insight on how to install and activate your eSIM, you can read the Installation and Activation Guide.

Mennyi ideig használhatok eSIM-et?

Our plans come with various expiry options, such as seven days, 30 days, 60 days, and more. Selecting a plan with an appropriate expiry period ensures that you have sufficient data for your intended usage duration. You also have the flexibility to add extra data to your existing eSIM before it expires or depletes, avoiding the inconvenience of installing a new eSIM.

How do I check the data usage on my eSIM?

On the My eSIM tab of the Driffle website, you can manage your eSIMs and view information such as your data usage, how much data you have left, and how long before your plan expires. Follow the following steps to check the data usage on your eSIM: Go to Driffle website > Go to the My eSIMs page > Choose the data plan you want to check

When should I activate my eSIM?

You should install ( not activate!) your eSIM as soon as you purchase your plan. When you are ready to use the data, you can activate your plan by hitting the "Activate Now" button on the website, or by turning on the phone and starting to use data. The method for activating data depends on the individual plan and is explained in your installation instructions. In most cases, a stable cinnection would be required while activating the data, so it is suggested to do it before arriving at your destination. NOTE: Installing and activating the eSIM are two different things. The plan expires only when you activate it; installing your eSIM beforehand will not cause it to expire.

Hány eSIM-em lehet?

Presently, iOS permits you to download up to 10 eSIM profiles onto your device. However, only one eSIM profile can be activated at a time. You can switch between active eSIM profiles by navigating to your iOS Settings > Cellular and selecting the desired profile. This functionality provides users with the flexibility to manage multiple eSIM profiles on their device, allowing for seamless transitions between different plans or carriers as needed.
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Miért a Driffle eSIM?

Digitális Sim kártya

190+ úti cél

Azonnali beállítás

Dedicated Support

Hogyan működik

You can buy and install the eSIM now but only activate/start it when you need it. Ensure that you activate your plan within 30 days of the purchase date. If not activated within this period, it will automatically activate and start the expiry countdown.



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Támogatja a telefonom az eSIM-et?

Keresse meg eszköze modelljét, és ellenőrizze, hogy kompatibilis-e az eSIM kártyával


Támogatja a telefonom az eSIM-et?




Middle East

Gyakran Ismételt Kérdések

Hogyan telepíthetem az új eSIM-emet?

The eSIM card needs to be installed through your device's Settings outside of the Driffle website. Once you complete your eSIM purchase on Driffle, you will receive an email with instructions on how to install and activate your eSIM. Simply head over to the email and follow the instructions for installing your eSIM. Note that internet access is required to download and activate the eSIM profile to your cellular setting. We strongly recommend that you install (not activate) your eSIM on your phone soon after purchase and then wait to activate the plan when you are ready to use it. To get a detailed insight on how to install and activate your eSIM, you can read the Installation and Activation Guide.

Mennyi ideig használhatok eSIM-et?

Our plans come with various expiry options, such as seven days, 30 days, 60 days, and more. Selecting a plan with an appropriate expiry period ensures that you have sufficient data for your intended usage duration. You also have the flexibility to add extra data to your existing eSIM before it expires or depletes, avoiding the inconvenience of installing a new eSIM.

How do I check the data usage on my eSIM?

On the My eSIM tab of the Driffle website, you can manage your eSIMs and view information such as your data usage, how much data you have left, and how long before your plan expires. Follow the following steps to check the data usage on your eSIM: Go to Driffle website > Go to the My eSIMs page > Choose the data plan you want to check

When should I activate my eSIM?

You should install ( not activate!) your eSIM as soon as you purchase your plan. When you are ready to use the data, you can activate your plan by hitting the "Activate Now" button on the website, or by turning on the phone and starting to use data. The method for activating data depends on the individual plan and is explained in your installation instructions. In most cases, a stable cinnection would be required while activating the data, so it is suggested to do it before arriving at your destination. NOTE: Installing and activating the eSIM are two different things. The plan expires only when you activate it; installing your eSIM beforehand will not cause it to expire.

Hány eSIM-em lehet?

Presently, iOS permits you to download up to 10 eSIM profiles onto your device. However, only one eSIM profile can be activated at a time. You can switch between active eSIM profiles by navigating to your iOS Settings > Cellular and selecting the desired profile. This functionality provides users with the flexibility to manage multiple eSIM profiles on their device, allowing for seamless transitions between different plans or carriers as needed.

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