Embark on a magical journey in SpellForce: Conquest of Eo, a turn-based strategy game set in the enchanting world of SpellForce. As the heir to a mysterious wizard's tower, you are tasked with mastering the arcane arts, expanding your domain, and rising to power in a realm filled with magic, mystery, and conflict.
Key Features
- Inherit a Wizard's Tower: Step into the shoes of a master wizard's heir. Inherit a mystical tower filled with secrets, magical potential, and a quest to tap into the ultimate source of magical power – the Allfire.
- Master Diverse Spells and Magic: Study and cast a multitude of spells, shaping the world around you. Your journey into spellcraft will see you summoning fantastical minions, crafting powerful artifacts, and training mighty warriors to roam the lands.
- Explore the Realm of Eo: Venture through the vast, procedurally generated world of Eo. Engage in over 600 unique adventures, each bringing its own challenges and rewards. From unearthing ancient artifacts to battling formidable foes, your journey will be filled with wonder and peril.
- Assemble and Lead Heroes: Recruit a diverse cast of heroes and apprentices, each with unique abilities and talents. Send them on daring adventures to gather resources, discover artifacts, and expand your magical knowledge.
- Engage in Tactical Battles: Fight in fast-paced yet deeply tactical turn-based battles. Face off against rival mages, powerful armies, and a host of mythical creatures as you vie for dominance.
- Expand and Customize Your Tower: Enhance and personalize your wizard's tower. Construct new rooms like a necromancer's crypt or a mystical crystal chamber, each offering unique benefits and advancements on your path to power.
- Choose Your Archetype: Become a Necromancer, Alchemist, or Artificer. Each archetype offers distinct gameplay styles, with over 60 spells and more than 100 different troops, from goblins to griffons.
- Craft and Conjure: Utilize your magical prowess to create anything from undead minions to magical glyphs. Your ability to craft artifacts and harness arcane knowledge will be crucial in your quest for power.
- Levitating Tower: Utilize the unique ability of your tower to levitate and travel across the lands. This mobility allows you to explore new territories, exploit sources of magical power, and confront various challenges, from fanatical New Purity adherents to hostile granite dwarves and orcs.
In SpellForce: Conquest of Eo, your journey as a wizard is filled with endless possibilities and challenges. Will you rise to become the greatest mage the world of Eo has ever seen, or will you succumb to the dangers lurking in this magical world? The fate of your legacy awaits your command.
- 发布日期2023-02-03
- 发布者THQ Nordic
- 开发人员Owned by Gravity
Embark on a magical journey in SpellForce: Conquest of Eo, a turn-based strategy game set in the enchanting world of SpellForce. As the heir to a mysterious wizard's tower, you are tasked with mastering the arcane arts, expanding your domain, and rising to power in a realm filled with magic, mystery, and conflict.
Key Features
- Inherit a Wizard's Tower: Step into the shoes of a master wizard's heir. Inherit a mystical tower filled with secrets, magical potential, and a quest to tap into the ultimate source of magical power – the Allfire.
- Master Diverse Spells and Magic: Study and cast a multitude of spells, shaping the world around you. Your journey into spellcraft will see you summoning fantastical minions, crafting powerful artifacts, and training mighty warriors to roam the lands.
- Explore the Realm of Eo: Venture through the vast, procedurally generated world of Eo. Engage in over 600 unique adventures, each bringing its own challenges and rewards. From unearthing ancient artifacts to battling formidable foes, your journey will be filled with wonder and peril.
- Assemble and Lead Heroes: Recruit a diverse cast of heroes and apprentices, each with unique abilities and talents. Send them on daring adventures to gather resources, discover artifacts, and expand your magical knowledge.
- Engage in Tactical Battles: Fight in fast-paced yet deeply tactical turn-based battles. Face off against rival mages, powerful armies, and a host of mythical creatures as you vie for dominance.
- Expand and Customize Your Tower: Enhance and personalize your wizard's tower. Construct new rooms like a necromancer's crypt or a mystical crystal chamber, each offering unique benefits and advancements on your path to power.
- Choose Your Archetype: Become a Necromancer, Alchemist, or Artificer. Each archetype offers distinct gameplay styles, with over 60 spells and more than 100 different troops, from goblins to griffons.
- Craft and Conjure: Utilize your magical prowess to create anything from undead minions to magical glyphs. Your ability to craft artifacts and harness arcane knowledge will be crucial in your quest for power.
- Levitating Tower: Utilize the unique ability of your tower to levitate and travel across the lands. This mobility allows you to explore new territories, exploit sources of magical power, and confront various challenges, from fanatical New Purity adherents to hostile granite dwarves and orcs.
In SpellForce: Conquest of Eo, your journey as a wizard is filled with endless possibilities and challenges. Will you rise to become the greatest mage the world of Eo has ever seen, or will you succumb to the dangers lurking in this magical world? The fate of your legacy awaits your command.
- 发布日期2023-02-03
- 发布者THQ Nordic
- 开发人员Owned by Gravity