The 2024 simulation game Space for Sale was created by AstroTech Studios and released by Galactic Ventures. Following 2021's Space Builders, it is the series' second primary instalment and its third overall. The single-player narrative centres on an ambitious entrepreneur, Alex Solaris, who ventures into the cosmos to buy, develop, and sell planetary properties while navigating intergalactic politics and alien challenges.
Key Features
- New Content: Visit the Galactic Trade Hub to discover new technologies and unique customizations. Engage in new missions, space races, and more with these advanced tools.
- Build your empire: Start your journey in Space for Sale Online with all the essential resources. Choose from one of four roles—developer, trader, explorer, or diplomat—quickly, then decide on planets, advanced vehicles, and equipment to establish your galactic dominance.
- 2-player multiplayer: Play the game with a friend in drop-in/drop-out multiplayer (up to two players).
- Research: Tame and research the bewildering flora and dangerously cute fauna, and learn from them how to enhance your creations to withstand even the harshest of biomes.
- Trade & Manage: Gather resources, build estates, and sell them for a hefty profit to eccentric alien clients. Find creative ways to satisfy the ever-growing demands of your customers.
The unique combination of resource management, construction, and alien encounters makes Space for Sale a fun and dynamic game that will appeal to fans of simulation and adventure genres alike. Buy the cheapest key for Space for sale right here on Driffle.
- 发布日期2024-07-30
- 发布者Mirage Game Studios
- 开发人员Mirage Game Studios
The 2024 simulation game Space for Sale was created by AstroTech Studios and released by Galactic Ventures. Following 2021's Space Builders, it is the series' second primary instalment and its third overall. The single-player narrative centres on an ambitious entrepreneur, Alex Solaris, who ventures into the cosmos to buy, develop, and sell planetary properties while navigating intergalactic politics and alien challenges.
Key Features
- New Content: Visit the Galactic Trade Hub to discover new technologies and unique customizations. Engage in new missions, space races, and more with these advanced tools.
- Build your empire: Start your journey in Space for Sale Online with all the essential resources. Choose from one of four roles—developer, trader, explorer, or diplomat—quickly, then decide on planets, advanced vehicles, and equipment to establish your galactic dominance.
- 2-player multiplayer: Play the game with a friend in drop-in/drop-out multiplayer (up to two players).
- Research: Tame and research the bewildering flora and dangerously cute fauna, and learn from them how to enhance your creations to withstand even the harshest of biomes.
- Trade & Manage: Gather resources, build estates, and sell them for a hefty profit to eccentric alien clients. Find creative ways to satisfy the ever-growing demands of your customers.
The unique combination of resource management, construction, and alien encounters makes Space for Sale a fun and dynamic game that will appeal to fans of simulation and adventure genres alike. Buy the cheapest key for Space for sale right here on Driffle.
- 发布日期2024-07-30
- 发布者Mirage Game Studios
- 开发人员Mirage Game Studios