In the quirky world of Horace Hagfish, you take on the role of the titular character, an unlikely hero with a unique talent for slime production and an insatiable appetite for meat. Your mission is as bizarre as it is critical: to restore the stolen colors of the cosmos, threatened by the drab ambitions of the villainous Monochromulus.
As Horace, you will slither through 50 mind-bending levels, each a vibrant puzzle waiting to be solved. Your task is to eat colorful meat, leaving behind trails of colorized slime. These vivid trails are the key to solving the puzzles that stand between you and saving the cosmos. You must cleverly navigate your way, blending colors by crossing paths to create new hues and collecting chromatic orbs to unlock the exit of each labyrinthine stage.
Key Features
- Color Mixing Mechanics: Master the art of color theory as you blend slime trails to shift hues. Your understanding of primary and secondary colors will be pivotal in unlocking the secrets of each level.
- Puzzle Diversity: Encounter an array of innovative puzzles across 50 levels. Each stage is carefully crafted to challenge your problem-solving skills and understanding of the game's unique mechanics.
- Retro Aesthetics: Revel in the nostalgia of glorious 16-color EGA graphics that pay homage to a bygone era of gaming.
- Hint System: Should you find yourself in a chromatic problem, a progressive hint system is at your disposal, nudging you in the right direction without spoiling the satisfaction of the solution.
- Epic Showdown: Face off against Monochromulus, the color-draining menace who has his Proboscis-Umbilicus set on the planet of EGA. It's up to you to thwart his plot to drown the universe in brown techno gravy.
- Colorful Consequences: Remember, blending colors indiscriminately in the world of Horace Hagfish can lead to disaster. Avoid creating brown at all costs, or it's game over for you and the cosmos!
Embark on a surreal adventure in Horace Hagfish, where your slime leaves a colorful mark on the universe. Will you be able to strategize, combine, and conquer the puzzles before the cosmos is reduced to a monochromatic wasteland? Only your wits and a keen eye for color can prevent a gravy-drenched future. The steaks are high, and the universe's palette is in your hands!
รายละเอียดอื่น ๆ
- วันที่วางจำหน่าย2023-11-20
- ผู้จัดพิมพ์Gregory Tice
- ผู้พัฒนาGregory Tice
In the quirky world of Horace Hagfish, you take on the role of the titular character, an unlikely hero with a unique talent for slime production and an insatiable appetite for meat. Your mission is as bizarre as it is critical: to restore the stolen colors of the cosmos, threatened by the drab ambitions of the villainous Monochromulus.
As Horace, you will slither through 50 mind-bending levels, each a vibrant puzzle waiting to be solved. Your task is to eat colorful meat, leaving behind trails of colorized slime. These vivid trails are the key to solving the puzzles that stand between you and saving the cosmos. You must cleverly navigate your way, blending colors by crossing paths to create new hues and collecting chromatic orbs to unlock the exit of each labyrinthine stage.
Key Features
- Color Mixing Mechanics: Master the art of color theory as you blend slime trails to shift hues. Your understanding of primary and secondary colors will be pivotal in unlocking the secrets of each level.
- Puzzle Diversity: Encounter an array of innovative puzzles across 50 levels. Each stage is carefully crafted to challenge your problem-solving skills and understanding of the game's unique mechanics.
- Retro Aesthetics: Revel in the nostalgia of glorious 16-color EGA graphics that pay homage to a bygone era of gaming.
- Hint System: Should you find yourself in a chromatic problem, a progressive hint system is at your disposal, nudging you in the right direction without spoiling the satisfaction of the solution.
- Epic Showdown: Face off against Monochromulus, the color-draining menace who has his Proboscis-Umbilicus set on the planet of EGA. It's up to you to thwart his plot to drown the universe in brown techno gravy.
- Colorful Consequences: Remember, blending colors indiscriminately in the world of Horace Hagfish can lead to disaster. Avoid creating brown at all costs, or it's game over for you and the cosmos!
Embark on a surreal adventure in Horace Hagfish, where your slime leaves a colorful mark on the universe. Will you be able to strategize, combine, and conquer the puzzles before the cosmos is reduced to a monochromatic wasteland? Only your wits and a keen eye for color can prevent a gravy-drenched future. The steaks are high, and the universe's palette is in your hands!
รายละเอียดอื่น ๆ
- วันที่วางจำหน่าย2023-11-20
- ผู้จัดพิมพ์Gregory Tice
- ผู้พัฒนาGregory Tice