Описание товара
Step into the intriguing world of The Gunk, an action-adventure masterpiece crafted by Thunderful Development, renowned creators of the Steamworld series. Set against the backdrop of a distant, forgotten planet, you find yourself in the boots of a waste collector, embarking on what initially seems like a lucrative venture to rid the planet of its pervasive gunk. However, as you delve deeper, the allure of quick riches morphs into a desperate struggle for survival amidst the planet's many secrets.
In The Gunk, your mission transcends mere profit; it becomes a noble endeavor to rejuvenate the alien world's environment. Wielding a specialized glove, you'll vacuum up the toxic slime suffocating the planet, revealing hidden treasures and resources buried beneath the filth. This act of "degunking" not only uncovers the planet's secrets but also revives its dormant vegetation, allowing you to witness the transformation of the barren lands into thriving ecosystems. Yet, be wary; the gunk attracts dangerous creatures, forcing you to strategize your battles carefully to avoid being overwhelmed.
Your journey in The Gunk starts with the ambition of easy wealth as you and your partner tackle the task of cleaning up the planet. However, the adventure quickly becomes an epic tale of discovery and survival. As you clear the grime, ancient ruins, forgotten technologies, and hostile aliens emerge from beneath, each revelation pulling you further into the planet's mysteries.
Critics, having caught a glimpse of the game through its gameplay trailer at the 2021 Gamescom, praised The Gunk for its unique gameplay mechanics and stunning visual style. The game has been lauded for introducing a fresh concept to the action-adventure genre, blending environmental storytelling with exhilarating gameplay.
Key Features
- Crafted by Thunderful Development, the acclaimed creators behind the Steamworld series.
- Embark on an eco-centric mission to cleanse a distant planet of its polluting gunk.
- Discover hidden treasures and ancient secrets beneath layers of slime.
- Encounter and combat alien creatures drawn to the planet's pollution.
- Enhance your equipment, including a high-tech glove, to tackle greater environmental challenges.
The Gunk invites you to become the savior of a forgotten world, transforming desolation into life through your actions. Are you ready to uncover the secrets hidden beneath the slime and fight for survival on this alien planet?
Другие детали
- Дата выпуска2022-04-29
- ИздателиThunderful Publishing
- РазработчикиImage & Form Games
Описание товара
Step into the intriguing world of The Gunk, an action-adventure masterpiece crafted by Thunderful Development, renowned creators of the Steamworld series. Set against the backdrop of a distant, forgotten planet, you find yourself in the boots of a waste collector, embarking on what initially seems like a lucrative venture to rid the planet of its pervasive gunk. However, as you delve deeper, the allure of quick riches morphs into a desperate struggle for survival amidst the planet's many secrets.
In The Gunk, your mission transcends mere profit; it becomes a noble endeavor to rejuvenate the alien world's environment. Wielding a specialized glove, you'll vacuum up the toxic slime suffocating the planet, revealing hidden treasures and resources buried beneath the filth. This act of "degunking" not only uncovers the planet's secrets but also revives its dormant vegetation, allowing you to witness the transformation of the barren lands into thriving ecosystems. Yet, be wary; the gunk attracts dangerous creatures, forcing you to strategize your battles carefully to avoid being overwhelmed.
Your journey in The Gunk starts with the ambition of easy wealth as you and your partner tackle the task of cleaning up the planet. However, the adventure quickly becomes an epic tale of discovery and survival. As you clear the grime, ancient ruins, forgotten technologies, and hostile aliens emerge from beneath, each revelation pulling you further into the planet's mysteries.
Critics, having caught a glimpse of the game through its gameplay trailer at the 2021 Gamescom, praised The Gunk for its unique gameplay mechanics and stunning visual style. The game has been lauded for introducing a fresh concept to the action-adventure genre, blending environmental storytelling with exhilarating gameplay.
Key Features
- Crafted by Thunderful Development, the acclaimed creators behind the Steamworld series.
- Embark on an eco-centric mission to cleanse a distant planet of its polluting gunk.
- Discover hidden treasures and ancient secrets beneath layers of slime.
- Encounter and combat alien creatures drawn to the planet's pollution.
- Enhance your equipment, including a high-tech glove, to tackle greater environmental challenges.
The Gunk invites you to become the savior of a forgotten world, transforming desolation into life through your actions. Are you ready to uncover the secrets hidden beneath the slime and fight for survival on this alien planet?
Другие детали
- Дата выпуска2022-04-29
- ИздателиThunderful Publishing
- РазработчикиImage & Form Games