Directed by Shinji Mikami, the creator of the Resident Evil series and developed by Tango Gameworks, The Evil Within Digital Bundle entails a thrilling survival horror story and gameplay that'll keep you on the edge of your seats all along!
Embark on a grim adventure with Detective Sebastian Castellanos into a desolate world where evil lurks. Find the truth behind a horrid mass murder and its uncanny link between a world where gruesome monsters lurk in the corners of the world of the dead. Face unthinkable terrors as you have limited resources and survive as Detective Sebastian Castellanos to uncover the journey of finding out who or what is responsible for these murders.
Key Features:
- The Digital Bundle: As you have more of the thrill of survival and horror, engage in an even more thrilling adventure into the grim world of The Evil Within! Enjoy all the thrilling Season Pass content: The Assignment, The Consequence, and The Executioner, with The Digital Bundle! What's more? The additional content in the Digital Bundle allows you to play the game with a fresher perspective as you play Detective Juli Kidman's role and enter the monster's mind as The Keeper.
- Intense Storyline: Enjoy this high-intensity and tension-provoking storyline as you face the horrors lurking around the corner or escape the vicious traps; you will ultimately fight for survival. The perfect blend of horror and thrill is here to enthrall your spirits in this callous environment- do you have the courage to fight?
Enjoy this all-new horror survival game as you struggle to survive through the thrill of evil that lurks around the corner. Get to the depth of mystery that entails as you work to stay in The Evil Within Digital Bundle.
- 発売日2015-05-26
- 出版社Bethesda Softworks
- 開発者Tango Gameworks
Directed by Shinji Mikami, the creator of the Resident Evil series and developed by Tango Gameworks, The Evil Within Digital Bundle entails a thrilling survival horror story and gameplay that'll keep you on the edge of your seats all along!
Embark on a grim adventure with Detective Sebastian Castellanos into a desolate world where evil lurks. Find the truth behind a horrid mass murder and its uncanny link between a world where gruesome monsters lurk in the corners of the world of the dead. Face unthinkable terrors as you have limited resources and survive as Detective Sebastian Castellanos to uncover the journey of finding out who or what is responsible for these murders.
Key Features:
- The Digital Bundle: As you have more of the thrill of survival and horror, engage in an even more thrilling adventure into the grim world of The Evil Within! Enjoy all the thrilling Season Pass content: The Assignment, The Consequence, and The Executioner, with The Digital Bundle! What's more? The additional content in the Digital Bundle allows you to play the game with a fresher perspective as you play Detective Juli Kidman's role and enter the monster's mind as The Keeper.
- Intense Storyline: Enjoy this high-intensity and tension-provoking storyline as you face the horrors lurking around the corner or escape the vicious traps; you will ultimately fight for survival. The perfect blend of horror and thrill is here to enthrall your spirits in this callous environment- do you have the courage to fight?
Enjoy this all-new horror survival game as you struggle to survive through the thrill of evil that lurks around the corner. Get to the depth of mystery that entails as you work to stay in The Evil Within Digital Bundle.
- 発売日2015-05-26
- 出版社Bethesda Softworks
- 開発者Tango Gameworks