Satisfactory 1.1 Update: New Content Coming Soon

Our favorite factory-building game returns with a fresh update! Satisfactory went live on 10 September 2024 and instantly captured gamers with its intense open world, unique combat, and co-op game mode. Being a highly engaging strategy and simulation game, Satisfactory sold more than 5 million copies worldwide. And now the game is getting a solid new update with exciting new features and enhancements. Let’s get some details on the Satisfactory 1.1 update.

Satisfactory 1.1 Update

About Satisfactory

Satisfactory is a first-person factory-building game that supports both single-player and co-op gameplay. You explore the open vast lands as an employee of FICSIT and decide where you wanna build factories and industrialize. You can use advanced machinery and vehicles like trucks and trains, gather resources, and check out local wildlife in this amazing simulation game. Moreover, customize your factories your way and keep expanding your territory!

Satisfactory 1.1 Update

Satisfactory 1.1 Release Date

Coffee Stain, the game developers, and publishers have dropped a new teaser video by the name ‘Postcards from 1.1’. This teaser video walks us through some fresh features and new content coming to Satisfactory. Though no release date has been mentioned for the launch of the new content, we expect it to be out by the end of April 2025. Surprisingly, the game has received a total number of 14 patches since its release, but they were minor updates like bug fixes and general enhancements. But now get ready to get loads of new Satisfactory content!

Upcoming Content in Satisfactory 1.1 Update

There is so much new content coming to Satisfactory, that we can’t decide what to be excited about first! The new teaser video is just 1 minute and 10 seconds long, but it’s packed with exciting hints about all the new features and upgrades coming to Satisfactory. The length is a clever nod to the 1.1 update, showing that the developers have put a lot of mind into this creative idea. We have compiled this list of new content as per the new teaser, while we still wait for official announcements for the Satisfactory 1.1 update.

Satisfactory 1.1 Update
  • Belt throughput counter
  • Conveyor wall holes
  • Curved belts and pipes (larger radius)
  • Hypertube junctions
  • Improved drone pathing
  • New beam types (rivets, ridges, circular)
  • New pioneer poses
  • Elevators
  • Shelving/pallets
  • Train signals
  • Vertical splitters
  • Vent decorations
Satisfactory 1.1 Update


A ton of new factory-building equipment, structures, and vehicles are coming with this new patch. Players were looking forward to new updates for the game and Coffee Stain Studios has done a great job introducing this new content right on time. Exploring the alien planet in Satisfactory will become much more satisfactory with all this new content! Satisfactory 1.1 release date will be out soon so stay tuned for further updates!

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