Zoochosis Gameplay Guide

Welcome to the world of Zoochosis, a unique horror survival game by Clapperheads that promises to keep you on the edge of your seat. In this eerie and terrifying adventure, you’re tasked with being a night watchman at a zoo where the animals. They are more than just cuddly zoo creatures. Let’s walk you through some of the critical aspects of heart-pounding gameplay and provide you with the best survival tips in this Zoochosis Gameplay Guide!

What is Zoochosis?

Now, let’s get this show on the road. Here’s the setup: Zoochosis is a management game for the zoo at night. Its job is pretty much like any other: It starts off by feeding the animals, cleaning the enclosures, and getting everything running smoothly. Sounds peaceful, right? Wrong.

Soon, you will find that a weird infection is spreading through the animals, changing them into terrifying mutants and bloodthirsty killers. Your role is no longer to care for these animals but to survive until nighttime falls and try to figure out what is going on with the virus so you can survive and find a cure. Spoiler alert: The animals aren’t going to make things easy for you.

Gameplay Basics

If you are new to Zoochosis, here is what you need to know. It’s a mashup of sim and horror, with a balance between managing your zoo jobs for the day and keeping yourself alive. It’s first-person, so you get to feel fully plunged into this cold atmosphere of the zoo, which is creepy and unsafe. The atmosphere of the game sinks into your skin, and when it goes on, it flickers as if you hear nervous growls coming from within the cages with the animals.

1. Treatment of Infected Animals in the Zoo

Things begin reasonably inoffensively with feeding the animals, cleaning up behind them, and ensuring they are well. Then things turn dark when more and more of the animals show evidence of infection. Of course, while basic tasks like feeding and cleaning keep surfacing, you’ll also have your eye out for animals that seems Off. They are the ones that might suddenly turn into mutant nightmares at a moment’s notice.

Tip: Always watch the animals’ health meters. If you see suspicious actions, you must be alert. As you know, mutants can attack without even a warning; you do not want to be caught off guard!

2. Avoid Getting Devoured

Night falls, and the infected animals will start attacking you. Survival is now the main priority. These animals are not out there to frighten you; they are hungry. Zoochosis will test your survival instincts as you must duck, cover, and outmaneuver such nightmarish creatures.

Tip: Use your environment. Several zoo areas could be used to cover or provide obstacles to hinder and distract the mutants. Familiarize yourself with the layout of the exits so you don’t get cornered against a wall.

3. Unravel the Mystery of the Infection

While you frantically feed animals and run from zombies intent on eating you alive, remember the central plot of this game. A mystery infection is sweeping through the zoo, and it’s up to you to reveal all the clues about where it originated from. Documents, notes, and other hints are scattered around the zoo; you must assemble the pieces and figure out what is happening.

Tip: Investigate each zone in detail. You’ll want to rush to the safety zone, which may contain the most relevant clues and items in the ignored locations. Be attentive to any notes or audio logs-they may even be the key to solving the mystery of zoochosis.

Major Conflicts of Zoochosis

This is what makes Zoochosis stand out: it always raises the stakes. What starts as a leisurely game of managing the zoo turns into a survival fight within no time and keeps you holding your breath. Here are some of the challenges you might face along the way:

  • Escalating Perils: With the spread of the infection, it is only a matter of time before more animals turn aggressive as the game progresses. You will now be subjected to unpredictable passive animals and must react quickly to survive.
  • Scarce Resources: The resources available, including food and medicine, are limited. Handle your resources prudently, particularly when treating infected animals or protecting yourself from them.
  • Most challenging Decisions: Would not feeding an infected animal save or kill it? In Zoochosis, you’ll make choices that make all the difference in the game’s ending. Do you feed an infected animal, hoping that you can save them, or do you play survival at your own cost? Your choices will determine how long you survive and how the story of Zoochosis will unravel.

Survival Tips in Zoochosis

Here are some expert tips to help you survive this nightmarish zoo and get out alive:

  • Scout the Area: Always spare some time to know where you are. Locate all the places of exit and areas considered safe havens.
  • Move Around: Only spend a little time in one place once you hear sounds. The infected animals are cunning and can track you down if you do not move.
  • Save Your Supplies: Supplies are scarce, so do not waste them. Only save the animals you are sure of saving, and reserve some food and medicine.
  • Listen Carefully: Sound plays a significant role in Zoochosis. It may already be too late when you hear a growl or footsteps. You have to be vigilant and use sound signals to identify danger early.
  • Think Before You Act: Some of the choices you’ll make will have big impacts on the game. Don’t rush into decisions; consider the impact they may have later in your gameplay.

What makes Zoochosis Unique?

Zoochosis is far from being a typical horror game. Sure, there are jump scares and hectic moments at the right places, but the simulation survival horror set piece makes it stand out. The game’s requirement for balancing the care of those animals with keeping them alive adds tension, and the need to pay attention keeps you hooked.

Not to be overlooked, the animal mental health theme, also known as zoochosis, a real-world condition- adds several layers of horror to the game. This eerie atmosphere, coupled with more twisted spins on previously docile zoo animals, is what makes Zoochosis so unique


In Zoochosis, you will experience something unlike any zoo. It is full of horror and thrilling survival elements that will keep you returning for more. If you are an indie horror game player or want something new and fresh to play in 2024, Zoochosis really is going to be a must-play title.

Prepare for the most terrifying shift in your life, and good luck with surviving the zoo!

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