World of Warcraft: The War Within Character Guide

Hello! We know you are as excited about the upcoming ‘The War Within’ expansion as we are and you have come to the right place. We figured out some characters who will make a grand entrance or dramatic return in this upcoming expansion. Let’s get into the World of Warcraft: The War Within Character Guide and speculate on their roles in this epic saga unfolding.

World of Warcraft Main Characters

1. Alleria Windrunner

Confirmed to be Xal’atath’s rival, will struggle with the Void throughout the expansion. Alleria has been an exciting character, balancing between the Light and the Void. The internal struggle promises to be a vital point of the storyline, but one cannot help but wonder how she will deal with the whispers of the Void.

2. Anduin Wrynn 

As Shadowlands winds to a close, Anduin embarks on a quest to rediscover who he is and what the Light means to him. He is known to be in Hallowfall, a place that could be a holding of its own to rest and grow. Will Anduin emerge more robust, or will his trials lead him down a darker path?

3. Thrall     

BlizzCon fans can dig into Thrall. Thrall is a fan favourite, and according to the WoW Wiki, he looks for Solace to the voice and visions spreading throughout Azeroth. He is also searching for his new place within the Horde. With his deep connection to the elements and leadership skills, Thrall’s journey in “World of Warcraft: The War Within ” will be pivotal.

4. Magni Bronzebeard 

At BlizzCon, it was revealed that Magni will have to face the heavy weight of genuinely being the Speaker of Azeroth. This storyline has immense, far-reaching implications, considering that Magni is part of the ongoing fight against the Void and is deeply connected with Azeroth herself.

Other Characters

1. Moira Thaurissan 

This character’s interest in the Earthen was revealed in an interview, and she has appeared several times in the feature trailer. This would indicate that her role may be with Azeroth’s ancient histories and secrets if Moira turns out to be important in this upcoming war.

2. Dagran

Thaurissan II, Moira’s son, has been mentioned in a few interviews as having a role in the “War Within.” Considering the legacy of the Thaurissan family and how much influence it tends to have on the Earthen, this would indeed play into the storyline.

3. Talanji

One of our eagle-eyed forum users spotted Talanji in the background of one screenshot. It appears to be a camp of some kind, with many leaf tents erected. There is not much information about her role, but her presence already means that the Zandalari are involved in the upcoming events. Talanji shows the strength and leadership needed to rally her people.

4. Brann Bronzebeard 

Confirmed for Delves NPC Partner Brann’s the NPC partner we can say for now in Delves, with the new underground exploration feature. Brann’s no doubt good at digging through ancient secrets, so maybe he’ll let us in on some of them!

Speculations and Theories

This is where lots of fun speculation comes in.

1. Alleria and Void

Alleria’s struggle with the Void can become quite the drama. Will she manage to keep it tamed, or will her addiction swallow her? Her dynamic with Xal’atath may also reveal new lore about the true nature of the Void.

2. Anduin’s Path

Anduin’s path could lead in so many different directions. Perhaps his part in Hallowfall will either gain him some unlikely allies or lead him into confrontation with old enemies. His wrestling with the belief in the Light might parallel the inner conflicts of other characters, leading to a rich, well-interwoven narrative.

3. Thrall’s Visions

Thrall could be embarking on this journey to understand the spreading visions worldwide, which may lead him to ancient shamanic sites or lost planes of the elements. His relationship with the Horde and his position in guiding new leaders may put him at the centre of every political dynamic in this game expansion.

3. Magni

As Speaker, Magni has access to secrets and knowledge beyond the reach of most individuals. His confrontation with his responsibilities may reveal new grave threats. 

4. Moira and Dagran

Moira and her son’s meddling with the Earthen may be the unlocked key to ancient Dwarven lore. Their story can be about rediscovering forgotten histories and reclaiming lost lands.

5. Talanji’s Role

The Zandalari will come in with Talanji at the forefront. Her leadership will matter as she forges new alliances and reveals long-kept secrets about the Zandalari.

6. Brann’s Adventures

Brann’s adventures within the Delves are about to take him to the unexplored grounds holding treasures. The expert has a hand in exploration into the undergroundness of dark mystery. 


World of Warcraft: The War Within is going to be an amazing expansion with rich character development and complicated storylines. It will include fights in the Void of Alleria and the journey of discovery of Anduin, among other complications.

So, how are your theories holding up? How are these characters going to fare and associate with each other? Allow the speculations to keep rolling in as we look forward to this grand adventure. Stay tuned for more, and don’t forget to gear up for the expansion. It’s going to be legendary! Check out here to get more info on this thrilling release.