Wild Bastards Tips and Tricks 

Welcome to the wild, folks! The lawless galaxy of Wild Bastards awaits your arrival. The spiritual successor of Void Bastards and a roguelike strategy shooter that’s part tactical, part heart-pounding FPS action is the perfect definition of Wild Bastards. If you’ve ever dreamed of leading a ragtag team of galactic gunslingers, this game has got you covered. The most-awaited release of the year, Wild Bastards, is set to come out on 12th September. From managing relationships between feuding outlaws to planning your every move on procedurally-generated planets, Wild Bastards is a game that rewards careful planning, sharp shooting, and a bit of luck. Let’s dive into some Wild Bastards tips and tricks to help you navigate this chaotic galaxy and lead your gang to victory.

Choose Your Outlaws Wisely 

Your group of thirteen outlaws in Wild Bastards each adds its flair to the game. Choosing the appropriate outlaw for the job is essential, as they offer a variety of weapon kinds, special powers, and growth trees that unlock as you advance. Evaluate the terrain. Before landing, examine a planet’s surroundings, opponent kinds, and geography thoroughly. This will let you choose which outlaw’s skills will benefit you most.

Various Skill Sets: Be sure to combine outlaws with contrasting abilities. For example, changing the balance of the combat is possible when a powerful hitter is paired with someone who can offer strategic advantages or support skills.

Relationship Balance: Pay attention to the dynamics inside the group. Some outlaws are simply incompatible, which might impact their performance. Control feuds to prevent unforeseen setbacks at critical junctures.

Master Tactical FPS Combat 

In Wild Bastards, battle involves more than just shooting; it also involves using tactical skills to outmanoeuvre adversaries. Employ Movement and Cover. Your adversaries will attempt to flank you; heed their advice and follow suit. Never stop moving and make the most of your surroundings to prevent being a sitting duck. 

Exploit Enemy Weaknesses: Different enemies have different vulnerabilities. Some might be weak to certain weapon types or susceptible to status effects like poison or burn. Learn these weaknesses and exploit them mercilessly.

Manage Ammo and Reload Times: Monitor your ammo and plan your reloads strategically. Running out of ammo in the middle of a shootout can be fatal.

Make it More than Just a Sidequest

How well your gang manages its interpersonal relations is just as important as your battle strategy.

Healing and Support: Use your resources to maintain your gang’s strength and operationality, in addition to using them for offensive purposes. Priorities should include strengthening bonds amongst players, levelling up characters, and healing wounded members.

Mediation: Watch out for growing hostilities among gang members. Early problem-solving helps prevent problems from becoming out of control and impacting missions. Occasionally, combining rival members in conflict for less important assignments can help them get along—or at least tolerate one another. Remember, a poorly managed relationship can lead to decreased performance and even mission failure.

Strategise Each Mission 

The key to success in Wild Bastards is not just shooting, but meticulously planning every move. Before each mission, carefully examine the planet’s features, including gravity, weather, and opponent types. This strategic planning will empower you to choose the most suitable outlaws for the mission, giving you a sense of control over the game.

Resource Management: Your campaign’s lifeblood is its loot. Look for essential supplies to help your gang heal, level up, or improve its powers. Don’t waste these on pointless improvements.

Use Special Locations: Take advantage of unique locations on worlds that provide benefits or advantages. For instance, a high ground can serve as a perfect sniping spot, while a healing spot can be crucial for regaining health during a tough battle. These places can be crucial to accomplishing a task, whether they serve as viewpoints or healing spots.

Navigate Through the Galaxy 

Because Wild Bastards’ galaxy is created randomly, no two plays through the game are alike.

Adjust to Changes: If the galactic sectors shift, keep your plan flexible. Changing coalitions, more formidable adversaries, and novel environmental concerns keep things interesting and force you to adapt.

Stay Mobile: Avoid spending too much time in one spot. There are countless opportunities and a giant galaxy. You can avoid the more deadly factions that may be pursuing you by moving around a lot.

Challenge Mode 

After finishing the primary campaign, Challenge Mode presents the actual test.

Get Ready for the Worst: Challenge Mode ups the ante with ever more challenging sections and mutators that significantly alter gameplay. Make sure your group is ready to take on these difficulties before you dive in.

Aggression Can Be Killed in Challenge Mode if you choose Strategic Play Over Aggression. Pay attention to tactical play: take no needless risks, plan every move, and use cover.


In Wild Bastards, players who plan, adapt quickly, and use their resources effectively are in for a thrilling ride. Whether you’re fighting over money, engaging in intense shootouts, or trying to keep your gang from falling apart, there’s always something exciting happening. So buckle up, stay alert, and get ready for an adrenaline-pumping experience. Remember, only the strongest and most cunning among a galaxy of outlaws survive, or you could also use these Wild Bastards tips and tricks to survive. Get ready to have a blast!

These Wild Bastards tips and tricks will help you to manage your gameplay strategies conveniently. 

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