Wild Bastards Gameplay Guide

Ready to be the ultimate gunslinger in Wild Bastards? If you are into a roguelike adventure with an FPS combat feeling, the new game by Blue Manchu has got you covered. Packed with 13 unique playable characters, the Outlaws, each with distinct abilities and different ways of progressing, “Wild Bastards” really changes the roguelike genre. Let’s summarise what you need to know with this Wild Bastards Gameplay Guide to thrive in this chaotic, bullet-flying universe!

Introducing the Outlaws

First things first: “Wild Bastards” is all about Outlaws. These are a set of 13 unique characters which you will be controlling throughout your journey. Unlike many roguelikes where you would focus on one character, your gang is your primary axis of progression here. Think of them more like a hero shooter squad from something like Overwatch but set in a roguelike universe. 

Each Outlaw brings something different, including unique weapons, special powers, or a distinctive way of playing the game. As Jonathan Chey, the design director of Wild Bastards, describes it: “Each Outlaw plays differently and responds to situations in unique ways.” That means you’ll have to understand their abilities and how they complement each other to maximize your gang’s full potential.

Tip: Experiment with different Outlaws to determine which best fits your playstyle. Perhaps you prefer a stealthy sniper or Guns-blazing Tank, someone for each approach.

How Progression Works in Wild Bastards

Progression in “Wild Bastard” is more than just grinding levels. It’s deeper, more intricate, and, quite frankly, more rewarding. Here’s the deal:

  • Permanent Improvement with Your Gang: Unlike other roguelikes, in which, upon death, you lose everything, “Wild Bastard” will let you keep your gang intact. Any outlaw you have recruited will stay with you for the subsequent runs. Furthermore, any “aces” you’ve gathered abilities or upgrades also stay with you.
  • Sector Progression and Resource Management: You must be prepared to forfeit temporary resources such as mods, items that buff Outlaws, tonics, beans, and cramps to progress through each “sector” of the galaxy. So please plan accordingly, and don’t be afraid to take risks-it’s a roguelike!
  • Unique Upgrades: Aces High! Each Outlaw can pick up as many as six new “aces” during the game. Significant upgrades or new powers make your Outlaws way more dangerous. They’re so rare; each and every time you get one, it feels like a victory!

Tip: Concentrate on getting the “aces” for Outlaws that fit within your core strategy. The upgrades are game-changers and can turn a close call into an easy win.

Combat Strategy

Make Every Shot Count Wild Bastards doesn’t drop you into random fights just like that. You’ll have to have a strategy. Hopping from planet to planet, you will engage in tactical FPS combat with various enemies. Keep in mind:

  • Prepare the Terrain: Each planet will have its character that will, at one moment, help and hurt you. Always prepare the ground you choose before selecting which Outlaws you are taking into the fight.
  • Know Your Enemy: The enemies in “Wild Bastards” aren’t total pushovers. They use cover and attempt to flank, and some have special moves such as teleportation and homing poisonous quills. Always observe their behaviour patterns and adjust in time.
  • Choose Your Outlaws Wisely: Different Outlaws excel in various situations. Face a long-range enemy? Bring in your sniper. Need a heavy hitter to absorb some damage? Deploy one.

Tip: Keep your enemies guessing by changing your team composition. Don’t let them adapt to your strategy!

New Player Pro Tips

  • Prioritize Resources: Of course, collect all the mods and tonics early. These resources are significant in keeping your Outlaws in fighting shape.
  • Plan Your Runs: Never dive into the next sector. Take time to plan according to your intelligence from enemies and terrain.
  • Explore and Experiment: Feel free to experiment with different Outlaw combinations. The game rewards you for creativity, tests new strategies, and adapts what works best for you.

Stay mobile during combat; “Wild Bastard” requires motion. Do not stay in one place, or you will become easy to target. Use covers, flanking manoeuvre around the enemy, and keep mobile!

Wild Bastards” is more than combat-it’s an open world where one can make tactical and strategic decisions, from choosing which Outlaws to send on a mission to which upgrades they need to the management of resources. It’s every decision that counts.

But don’t you forget, “Wild Bastards” is a roguelike at its very core. That implies you will die a lot. And that is okay! Each death brings you closer to mastery over the game and the subtleties in its mechanics. So don’t be afraid to jump in, make mistakes, and learn on the go!


If “Wild Bastards” is anything, it’s a great twist on the roguelike genre, focusing on a diverse range of Outlaws and their respective skills. Whether you are a grizzled veteran of the genre or new to it, tactical FPS combat and strategic resource management will keep you on your toes. So gear up, ready, and find out if you have what it takes to be the best gunslinger in the galaxy!

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