Wild Bastards Character Guide 

Wild Bastards is one of the most-awaited games of the year. With a set release date of 12th September, Wild Bastards will fly off the shelves. From the veteran team behind Void Bastards and Card Hunter, Wild Bastards takes you across the galaxy, recruiting and managing a gang of 13 outlaws, each with unique abilities, weapons, and personality quirks. Knowing your outlaws is critical, whether you’re strategising for victory or simply trying to keep your gang from tearing each other apart. So saddle up, and let’s meet the Wild Bastards crew! Check out this exclusive Wild Bastards character guide!


Greetings from the realm of Wild Bastards, a game where you can rebuild the most feared gang in the galaxy, wrangle loot, and shoot your way through violent combat. Billy is a quintessential gunslinger who values quickness and accuracy. Billy is an excellent player in one-on-one shootouts and quick-draw situations since he has a revolver that can shoot faster than you can blink. His unique ability to temporarily slow down time gives you the advantage when the gunfire starts.

Weapon: A revolver

Unique Ability: Bullet Time Expansion


Sarge is the group’s tactical leader. Because of his training in military strategy, he adds a degree of discipline and planning that can turn any battle around. His shotgun has a powerful punch, and his special skills are centred on strategically positioning himself, supplying shields, and strengthening the squad.

Weapon: shotgun

Unique Ability: Group Defence


Rawhide is your man if you need brute force. It is excellent at taking out groups of foes, thanks to his minigun and tank-like sturdiness. In addition to his ability to absorb damage like a sponge, he is a fantastic front-line fighter.

Weapon: Minigun

Unique Ability: Berserker Rage


As the team’s sniper, Fletch can fire deadly rounds from afar. His ability to eliminate opponents before they even realise what hit them makes him ideal. Because of his unique ability to momentarily see through walls, he is an excellent help on reconnaissance missions.

Weapon: Rifle Sniper

Unique Ability: X-Ray Vision


Although Preach is the group’s doctor, he is not your typical healer. Brandishing a flamethrower, Preach feels that sometimes a little purification by fire is the best way to heal. Like his arsenal, his healing powers are unconventional, frequently forcing players to make difficult decisions on when and how to heal.

Weapon: Flamethrower as a weapon

Unique Ability: Healing an Area 


With its intergalactic gadgets and laser guns, Roswell is the place to go for anything tech-related. Using his power, you can send out drones that can scout, attack, or heal, depending on your need.

Weapon: Laser Rifle

Unique Ability: Utilising Drones 


Casino gambles as recklessly as he does. Casino’s skills are mostly dependent on luck. He carries two pistols and enjoys taking chances. His unique ability, “Luck of the Draw,” may make a terrible circumstance seem fantastic, or vice versa.

Weapon: Two Pistols

Unique Ability: Chance of the Draw

Spider Rosa

Spider Rosa is an expert at deceit and subtlety. She can slip past enemy lines with a crossbow and kill opponents without being noticed. Her invisibility makes her ideal for ambushes and recon missions.

Weapon: Crossbow

Unique Ability: Translucency


Spike loves things that go boom. Armed with a grenade launcher, Spike can clear rooms and take out heavily armored foes with ease. His explosive arsenal is unmatched, and his special abilities include setting timed traps and remotely detonating charges.

Weapon: Grenade Launcher

Unique Ability: Remote Detonation


The key to Hopalong is deception and quick thinking. Hopalong is unmatched in his ability to manoeuvre around the battlefield, thanks to his grappling hook and love of gymnastics. With the use of his unique ability, he may build up decoys that will confuse opponents and give you the advantage.

Weapon: Dual SMGs

Unique Ability: Use of Decoys


With massive armour and a rocket launcher, Kaboom is a live tank. Despite having unrivalled destructive power, he is not the gang’s fastest outlaw. Using his unique ability, he may temporarily become almost unstoppable by entering a fortified condition.

Weapon: Launcher rocket

Unique Ability: Strengthening


Justice, or at least his version of it, is what judges do best. A judge is ideal for close-quarters battles and crowd management since he can wield both a massive hammer and a shield. He is instrumental in difficult situations because of his unique ability to stun adversaries in a specific region.

Weapon: Shield and Hammer

Unique Ability: Shockwave Stun


With his chemical weaponry, Smoky gives the gang a distinct flavour. Smoky is an expert in area denial and damage over time effects while armed with a poison gas launcher. He may render adversaries helpless with a cloud of poisonous smoke that he can conjure with his particular power.

Weapon: Poison Gas Launcher

Unique Ability: Toxic Sky


Wild Bastards is all about managing chaos—whether it’s through tactical combat, character management, or navigating a galaxy that’s out to get you. By understanding each outlaw’s strengths and weaknesses, you’ll be well on your way to leading the most notorious gang in the galaxy. So, what are you waiting for? Get out there, recruit your crew, and show the galaxy what it means to be a Wild Bastard!

There you have it! The ultimate Wild Bastards Character Guide!

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