Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 Tips and Tricks

Hey there, fellow Warhammer enthusiasts! Let’s dive back into the most-awaited release of the year, Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2. Yes, you heard me right. The Warhammer saga continues. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a fresh recruit, Space Marine 2 brings an epic and chaotic battlefield where only the strongest survive. To help you sing the songs of victory with your fellow veterans, we have compiled a collection of Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 tips and tricks. Buckle up, grab your bolter, and let’s get into it. Keep reading to discover some pro tips as well. 

Know Your Role

In Space Marine 2, there are a range of classes at your disposal. Each has its unique abilities and strengths. Whether you’re a tactical marine who can wield the mighty power sword or a devastator known for laying down heavy fire, knowing who you are will be necessary. Tactical Marines are all about their versatility. Remember to be mobile and stay on the move. Devastator Marines should always let their weapons do the talking. Lastly, Assault Marines is the close-combat specialist. Choose chaos if you are fighting an up-close battle. 

Pro Tip: Always keep an eye on the minimap to get places quickly. 

Stay Alive and Dominate

To stay alive, you will need to take cover. Taking cover isn’t a joke; it’ll be your lifeline in the game. In the chaotic and ruthless battles of Space Marine 2, use your cover effectively to stay alive longer and finish your missions. Move from cover to cover, peek out strategically and never forget to reload your weapons before facing enemies. 

Know When to Strike 

Each class has a range of abilities and special moves that can turn the tide of battle. Timing is everything, whether a powerful orbital strike or a healing boost. Tactical Marines should use their abilities to support their squad and create openings for attacks. Devastator Marines can unleash devastating firepower, which could be helpful for surprise attacks. Lastly, Assault Marines should leverage their mobility and disrupt enemy formations with close combats. 

Pro Tip: Learn the cooldown timer of your abilities.

Make it Your Battlefield

Customising your characters to make them your own is the best part of a game. If you are a Warhammer fanatic, you can now control how the marine looks. Make sure to experiment with different setups. Tweak and upgrade your gear, increasing your effectiveness on the battlefield. This can also help you to adapt your gear to your playstyle for a victorious battle. 

Work With Your Team 

Space Marine 2 is not a solo venture; teamwork is crucial. Coordinate with your squad, communicate regularly and support each other. A well-coordinated team can outmanoeuvre and overpower any enemy the game presents. This will turn the odds in your favour. Support your allies, heal or assist teammates in trouble and use team-based abilities. Keep each other updated on enemy positions, incoming threats, and objectives. 

Pro Tip: Communicate with your team for a coordinated win. 

Find Hidden Advantages 

The battlefield in Space Marine 2 is rich with opportunities. Using your environment is an essential tip that only pro gamers use. Look for environmental features that can give you an edge. High vantage points, destructible cover, and hidden paths can all be exploited to gain strategic advantages. Scout the terrain, familiarise yourself with the layout of each map, and identify vital areas for cover. 

Practice Makes Perfect

Lastly, remember that mastery comes with practice. Spend time honing your skills, learning the nuances of each class, and developing strategies. The more you play, the better you’ll become at navigating the intense battles of Space Marine 2. Always take note of what worked and what didn’t. 

Pro Tip: Experiment with different tactics and strategies to be more flexible. 


You’re ready to dominate the battlegrounds if you’re armed with the Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 tips and tricks. Embrace your role, use cover wisely, time your abilities perfectly, and always coordinate with your team. Have fun with your characters, and don’t forget to have fun.

If you enjoyed these tips and want more gaming guides, don’t forget to check out our other blogs here. Happy gaming, Space Marines!