Every journey must come to an end. Some adventures are more memorable because of the people who accompany you on it. The Uncharted series is one of them. We can’t seem to stop talking about it even after so many years. The imprint it left behind will last forever. A trip down memory lane to the world of Nathan Drake seems fitting. The Uncharted games were the best of times, and the worst of times. Here we have a journey through all the Uncharted games, from start to finish.

The Uncharted Series and What They Meant
Rushing from school to see the familiar PlayStation load screen was a universal experience. To us, it was our entire world to just forget about the real-life concepts we learn every day as the years pass by. The Uncharted was a personal favorite series to many people across the globe. I think that before there’s a new version launched we should pay homage to what was. Uncharted games tie us forever with the lives of Sam and Nathan. We are hoping for a new game by Naughty Dog; however, there hasn’t even been an inkling of news from their end. Let’s venture into our childhoods.
1. Uncharted: The Golden Abyss

This is where it all began. This story takes place a few years before Drake’s Fortune. The game begins in Panama where Nathan joins his friend, Jason Dante. They both travel together to excavate a dig site to earn profits. However, Drake faces a problem on the way. He figures out that Jason has a shady deal with one of the local revolutionaries called, Robert Guerro. When Drake learns about this, he abandons Jason and flies off to complete a different mission with a treasure hunter, Marisa Chase. This story unfolded with many unchartered territories left unexplored. I like to believe that this story was the best way to begin Nathan’s life story. Many games succeed this game, but this one will forever have a soft corner in most of our hearts.
2. Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune

This story continues a few years later, Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune was the first mainstream game in the series. This pretty much began the craze around this action-adventure series. A game that took real-world references and turned it into a quest of the century. This game follows Nathan in a quest to track down the treasure of El Dorado, a mythical city. This game was the beginning of Sir Francis Drake, an alleged ancestor of Nathan Drake. When the story progresses and Nathan inspects the coffin of Sir Francis Drake, he finds a diary that could lead him to the treasure of El Dorado. This was one of the first games to introduce an open-world treasure hunt.
3. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

When has one treasure hunt been enough? We follow Nathan on another adventure to find a legendary stone. He needs to find the Chintamani Stone, a rare artifact from the ancient city of Shambala. This adventure found him through the source of his raid at the museum. The Marco Polo’s ships were stranded and never made it back to Persia. These ships contained the ancient stone of Chintamani. He sets out on an adventure with his best mates, Chloe and Sully to find Harry Flynn, because he had betrayed Nathan and left with the map to the ships. This hurries them through the journey of finding the Chintamani Stone in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.
4. Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception

This takes place two years after Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. This is the third part in the 4 part series. This focuses on the adventure where Nathan Drake pursues the Atlantis of the Sanda in the Rub’al Khali desert. This was one of the best playable games. Naughty Dog has worked hard on the innovation and graphics of the game. In fact, Uncharted 3 still has some of the best gameplay. This journey begins with a disagreement between Nathan, Scully, and the villain named Katherine Marlowe. He sets out to find the Atlantis of the Sand in the Rub’ Al Khali desert to find an unnamed amount of treasure. This treasure was supposedly once found by Sir Francis Drake.
5. Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End

This is set three years after Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception. The epic send-off to the character of Nathan Drake. This was one of the best concluding games of all time. Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End puts an end to Nathan Drake’s treasure hunts. In this version, Nate and Sam AKA Dream Team track down the treasure of the legendary pirate caption, Henry Avery. (Spoiler Alert) We finally see him settling down with his wife, Elena. (Spoiler Ends Here) Sam makes an offer Nathan can’t refuse, much like me when purchasing this game when it was released. These stories take me back to much sweeter and simpler times. We can’t go back to how it was, we can bring it back to life though. And, Naughty Dog really did with Uncharted: The Lost Legacy.
6. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy

This is a stand-alone game that can be enjoyed even if you haven’t played the game before. A great introduction to the characters of Uncharted. This game follows Cloe Frazer through an adventure as the lead protagonist. She teams up with the villain from Uncharted 4. This takes them on an adventure to find the lost Tusk of Ganesha. A Story set in the lands of India, a visually pleasing game for sure. This game had a semi-open-world format which makes it seriously different from the other parts. This game leaves us on a really positive note. It ends with an open prospect for Uncharted games in the future.
The Last Words

We can’t wait to see what Naughty Dog will have in store for us. As for me, this was my last rendezvous through the lists and releases of nostalgic adventure games. Everyone wishes for more time together with those they are fond of. But, everything has to change for a reason, just like our beloved Uncharted series. We are glad to have experienced it at all.
That was the last you hear from me here. Peace.
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