The Stone of Madness: Gameplay, Characters, Release Date and More

The Game Kitchen, the developer behind the widely famous terror point-and-click adventure, The Last Door, and one of the best-selling series called The Blasphemous is back with a real-time tactical stealth game called The Stone of Madness. It seems as if The Game Kitchen has yet again what it does time and time again, adding scary elements and twists to religious themes. The game is not out yet but judging by its story, features, characters, and more, it seems like an interesting title. In this blog, we will discuss the Stone of Madness gameplay, story, characters, release date, and more.

The Story

The Stone of Madness is a real-time tactical stealth game taking place in an 18th-century Spanish monastery. This Jesuit monastery is both a madhouse and an inquisitorial prison. Five prisoners, Amelia, and Alfredo  Agnes, Leonora, Eduardo tormented by the harsh punishments of the prison. As a result, they want to leave it, once in for all.

They work together, utilizing each other’s special skills and tactics to navigate through the monastery, uncover its secrets, look for resources, and escape. But it is not as easy as it sounds. Each character is plagued by their weaknesses and set of phobias. 

The Gameplay

The Stone of Madness gameplay will allow you to have alternate control of all five characters, each with their own set of skills and abilities. You can these skills to escape the hellish monastery. 

Find a Way Out: The monastery is well-guarded and escaping it is no joke. But Amelia, and Alfredo  Agnes, Leonora, Eduardo have determined to do so. The ability to control the five characters alternatively will allow you to use their unique abilities, skills, and more to assassinate targets, distract enemies, get into hard-to-reach areas, cast spells, and more. 

Control The Madness: As if escaping the monastery was not heard enough, the Stone of Madness gameplay has a lot more challenges. Every playable character has a set of phobias and traumas. So be mindful and make sure to not trigger it. Otherwise, it may lead to negative effects such as dementia and paranoia which will affect the playability of the character in the game. 

Discover the Secrets: Players can choose from two campaigns in The Stone of Madness, each of which comes with its objectives, stories, characters, and more. Also, players must make their decisions during the right time of the day. In the morning when the security guards are distracted, you can sneak, explore, and gather materials. During the nighttime, it is much wiser to devise an escape plan and refrain from going outside as the guards are on high alert. 

The Characters

Leonora Guzmán

Leonra is the bold and versatile character of the group. She keeps a violin with her and plays it to boost the morale of the group as well. She possesses high skills in combat. Capable of stunning and killing the guards. She is also the scout of the group as she is exceptional in climbing, rope handling, lockpicking, and guiding the group through dangerous areas. 

Agnes Santos

Agnes is the old woman in the group and she has special abilities to support the group with her witchcraft. She can cast spells that go undetected by the guards such as putting out lights or casting the evil eye. Furthermore, she can also perform powerful actions such as sacring guards or knocking them down with the wind. However, due to her age limit and frail health, her mobility takes a hit as she can find it hard to navigate in physically demanding areas.

Alfredo Martin

Alfredo is a peaceful and devoted priest. He has ended up being imprisoned due to a corrupt Inquisitor. He is a man of faith and is devoted to his knowledge throughout the game. In the game, he dresses in his priest’s robes which allows him to go unnoticed in a lot of areas. He also possesses superb investigative skills. 

Amelia Expósito

Amelia is a very resourceful character in the game. She is nimble but doesn’t be mistaken, she uses her small size, speed, and agility to move without a trace and also access hidden areas. Picking pockets is natural for her which helps her group to gather items and unlock entrances. Her skills also allow her to steal essential items for the guards to aid her group in their escape. 

Eduardo de Rojas

Eduardo is a character that has a lot of mystery surrounding him, so much so that even the group does not have enough idea about him. He has a silent nature which is a result of years of imprisonment. What he lacks in communication, he compensates it with his brute strength and crafting skills. He can move heavy blocks to create steps, build bridges, and even tear down barriers. 

The Stone of Madness Release Date and Platform Availability

The game will be released on January 28, 2025. Gamers can play the game on the following platforms. 

  • Playstation 5
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Nintendo Switch
  • PC

To Conclude

The Game Kitchen is back with an interesting real-time tactical stealth game The Stone of Madness. It is set in the 18th Century Spanish Monastery which is a madhouse and an inquisitorial prison at the same time. Five prisoners,  Amelia, and Alfredo  Agnes, Leonora, Eduardo have decided to make their way out of the prison. Burdened by their phobias and traumas, each of them navigates through the game using their special skills and abilities. The game will be out on January 28, 2025, for Playstation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and Windows PC. 

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