Fans have been waiting for well over a year now for the second GTA 6 Trailer. Rockstar Games keeping the trailer 2 still under wraps, have made fans eager to get their hands on any piece of new intel. In this GTA 6 Breakdown article, we have compiled a list of everything leaked and confirmed for GTA 6. All information present has been taken from the GTA 6 Document, compiled by the community after the 2022 leak of the game’s code and test footage.

This GTA 6 Breakdown will dive deep into the mechanics of GTA 6 including Gameplay aspects, characters, locations, guns, vehicles, missions, and more. Let’s begin this GTA 6 Breakdown and discover all available information on the biggest game release of the century.
GTA 6 Game Engine & Physics

GTA 6 is not going to be just grand but a pioneer for years to come. The game will use an updated version of Rockstar’s in-house RAGE (Rockstar Advanced Game Engine). The game will host a tweaked Euporhia engine for advanced ragdoll physics (remember GTA 4?). On a graphical level, the game will host detailed characters & animations similar to the likes of RDR 2. With the characters sweating, clothes getting dirty, facial hair growth, facial blemishes, and more.

The RAGE Engine’s capability will show off in the world of Grand Theft Auto 6, with volumetric clouds from Red Dead Redemption 2, advanced lighting, and skybox. GTA 6 will also host a Heavy Fog weather type, not present in GTA 5.
GTA 6 Protoganists & Side Characters

This will be the first time in the Grand Theft Auto Series, that players will take control of a female protagonist. The narrative of GTA 6 will follow the Bonnie & Clyde duo of Jason and Lucia. Both protagonists will appear throughout the story of GTA 6 with a wide cast of supporting characters:
Side Characters in GTA 6

- Dre – A friend of Boobie’s, he is the one who’ll introduce Jason & Lucia to Boobie.
- Sam – A friend of Dre’s, who is seen having some sort of problem with his club.
- Tit – Friend of Dre’s and one of the DJs in a nightclub.
- Billy (New Contact)
- Kai
- Wyman
- RB Shaw (New Contact)
- Zach
- Iris
- Chester Dale
Gangs of GTA 6

Like any Grand Theft Auto Game, GTA 6 will have its own set of gangs and misgrunts running the underbelly of Vice City. The leak suggests a few mentions of some gangs in the gang:
San 4 San– A Haitian street gang located in the Little Haiti neighborhood.
Guardia Brothers– A biker gang similar to the Lost MC from GTA 5 and GTA 4.
Far Right Milita– Not much is known about the Far Right Militia at the moment. The gang/group might be encountered by the protagonists while exploring similar to the Klan from RDR 2.
Weapons, Items & Equipment in GTA 6

The majority of the leaks for GTA 6 suggest both Protoganist will have unique abilities similar to the abilities in GTA 5. Lucia is said to have more of a hacking approach with abilities and Jason is on the brute side with abilities to break into cars and crowd control. This coincides with the leaked equipment list of GTA 6 which includes:
1. Auto Dialer: Used to make automatic calls, typically for fraudulent activities or technical operations.
2. Painkillers: Acts as a recovery item.
3. Food and Drink: Recovery items for health and stamina.
4. Immobilizer Bypass: This can be used to bypass car immobilizers, especially for luxury vehicles.
5. Tracker Jammer: Prevents GPS tracking. A gadget that blocks signals from GPS tracking devices, helping players evade police or other pursuers.
6. Trauma Kits: For advanced healing and recovery.
7. USB Drive: Likely used for data theft or hacking.
8. Crowbar: A tool for prying open doors or crates or as an improvised melee weapon.
9. Torch/Flashlight: Used for illumination in dark environments.
10. Binoculars: Long-range scouting and surveillance.
11. Pool Cue: Often found in bars or recreational areas, the pool cue can be used for impromptu combat.
12. Golf Club Purpose: Melee weapons or for recreational gameplay.
13. Slim Jim: Unlocks older car doors.
15. Duffle Bag (Loot): For carrying large amounts of loot. Essential for heists or other missions involving cash, weapons, or valuables.
16. Backpack (Loot): A smaller version of the duffle bag.
17. Cut-Off Tool: Likely for cutting through materials or locks.
18. Cigarettes: May serve as a small health-reducing consumable or simply add realism to character behavior.
GTA 6 is likely to host a similar weapons wheel to Grand Theft Auto 5. This time around Rockstar might go for a more realistic approach in carrying equipment, similar to RDR 2. The GTA VI document suggests the ability to stow items in a vehicle’s trunk and perhaps players can store weapons in their vehicles, gone are the days of carrying a full arsenal on yourself.
Weapons in GTA 6

- Rocket Launcher
- Assault Rifle (M16, AK47)
- Baseball Bat
- Polymer Pistol
- Knife
- Bolt Action Sniper
- Molotov
- Speargun (Yes, a bloody Harpoon)
- Grenade
- Smoke Grenade
- Compact SMG
- Flashbang
- Micro SMG
- Hunter Sniper
- Heavy Machine Gun
- Auto Rifle (Carbine)
- Pump Action Shotgun
GTA 6 Interiors & Building

The game will host the biggest map out of all the Grand Theft Auto games. The GTA 6 Document states upwards of 157 enterable interiors in the game, with highly detailed interiors and props. GTA 6 might follow a generative function for its generic interiors as the game is gonna be huge in terms of graphics, mechanics, and storage functionality.

The list of confirmed interiors includes:
- Malibu Club
- Pawn Shop
- Jack Of Hearts Strip Club
- Supermarkets
- Bars
- Restaurants
- Apartments
- Laundries
Open-World Activities in GTA 6

Like any other Rockstar Game, GTA 6 is sure to have a plethora of Open-world activities to keep the player occupied. Leaks suggest, activities such as Dice, Golf, Fishing, Racing, Van- Shipment, Robberies & Deliveries.

This time around Rockstar is putting more emphasis on open-world events with detailed robberies for both Jason and Lucia. Some of which can be seen in the leaked footage of the game. Leonida will boast a number of markers across the map with robbery options from small dinners, bars, and more.
New Mechanics in GTA 6

Rockstar is ramping up GTA 6 to include elements from RDR 2 and add on new mechanics. This will give the title some of the most realistic gameplay possibilities and mechanics. The list below is all the brand-new mechanics coming to GTA 6 and some ported over from RDR 2:

- Ability to switch shoulders while aiming
- Grappling During Fist-Fights
- Buddy Comms
- Buddy Ping
- Cover Mode
- Shooting from a Car Window (Like GTA San Andreas Free Aim While Driving Cheat Code)
- You can walk while in cover
- Ability to go prone
- Loot Bags (Jason and Lucia both have duffle bags for loot & items)
- Underfire (Covering your face with weapons or bats, Also works while crouching)
- Downed Self Suicide and Downed Self Revive
- Eagle Eye System (Like in RDR2 – it is possibly Jason’s ability, and it’s used to highlight items of interest such as jewelry, safes, and security cameras)
- Weight and Muscle System (Unconfirmed)
- Interaction with objects/people:
◦ Carry bodies
◦ Rob, threaten and talk with NPCs during robberies - Ability to Drop and pick up Weapons
New Features in GTA 6

No Minimap Option: Players can navigate using on-screen waypoints and map icons instead of a minimap.
New Police System: Includes a “Time Until Cops Dispatch” timer and police waiting outside during robberies instead of rushing in.
CCTV System: Features a CCTV detection meter.
Limited Weapon Wheel: Players carry one assault weapon, one handgun, small melee weapons, tools/items, and an option to remain unarmed.
Restrain NPCs: NPCs can be restrained with items like zip ties.
Vehicle Looting: Prompts appear to examine or loot vehicles, as seen in gameplay footage.
Advanced Car Hijacking: Luxury cars require immobilizer bypasses, older cars need slim jims, and hijacking attempts can fail with event triggers like “Steal Car – Fail.”
Detailed Car Interiors: Interiors now feature realistic details, including working GPS in first-person mode.
Vehicle Controls: Left D-pad for controls and right D-pad for quick options.
Improved Vehicle Damage/Handling: Crashes are more impactful, with realistic damage, part detachment, and heavier handling.
Passenger Seat Option: Players can choose to enter vehicles as passengers.
GTA 6 Leonida Map & Locations

No GTA 6 Breakdown is complete without the mention of its map. And there is no doubt the map of GTA 6 is going to be huge, and when we say Huge. It is going to be actually huge, based on the real-life state of Florida and surrounding areas. GTA 6 will return back to the beloved neon-lit streets of Vice City. Fully expanded with locations across the map with new towns, lakes, grasslands, and more.

The map of GTA 6 is estimated to be 2.55 times larger than the Grand Theft Auto 5 map. With detailed interiors and exteriors, from bustling streets to croc invested swamps of Leonida. The two main locations for GTA 6 are Vice City and a new city called Port Gellhorn.

The locations of Leonida so far:
- Vice City
- North Vice City
- Rockridge (Based on Little Havana)
- Little Haiti
- Vice Beach
- South Beach
- Washington Beach
- Yorktown (Another smaller town north of Port Gellhorn)
- Port Gellhorn (Second biggest city after Vice City)
- Redhill
- Lake Leonida
- Grassrivers [Everglades]
- Hamlet
- Sugarloaf Mountain
- Domed Hills
- Canyon Etchings
- Prison
- Underwater Research Facility
- Airforce Base
Check out the GTA 6 Mapping Project right here & for a more detailed look at the leaks, reference The GTA VI Document, brilliantly put together by the GTA Community & Forums.

Well, this was the detailed breakdown of GTA 6 from the September 2022 leaks of the game. Grand Theft Auto 6 is all set for a Fall 2025 Release and we are still waiting for a second trailer. All the above-mentioned information is not a hundred percent accurate as the game is still in development. But I hope this GTA 6 Breakdown provided you with more information on the game than any other clickbait titles on the internet. Meanwhile, fans can check out some of the latest gaming titles right here at the most exclusive discounts and offerings.
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