The Most Powerful Myth Units in Age of Mythology: Retold

Ready to explore the epic world of Age of Mythology: Retold? Remember, knowing the most powerful myth units can turn the tide in your favor. Let’s check out the pantheons and explore the myth units that truly pack a punch in this fierce saga. From Greek cyclops to Egyptian mummies, Norse giants, and Atlantean birds, these units are legendary for their raw power and unique abilities.

Greek Myth Units

The Myth Units from Greek Gods are considered the strongest and most resilient.


Meet the Cyclops: a towering, one-eyed giant who is the epitome of raw power. With immense strength and formidable combat skills, Cyclops units crush anything in their path. They have high hit points and deal significant damage, making them perfect for breaking through enemy lines and laying waste to buildings. Their sheer size and strength make them essential for any Greek strategy.


The Minotaur, a beast with the body of a man and the head of a bull, is not just a mythical figure; it’s a powerhouse in battle. Known for its incredible melee damage and resilience, the Minotaur charges through foes with unmatched ferocity. Its high hit points and devastating attacks make it a staple for Greek armies, especially in close-quarters combat.


The Hydra is a formidable opponent with its many heads, each growing stronger as it battles. As it levels up by defeating enemies, it gains an additional head, up to a maximum of five. This multi-headed attack capability allows the Hydra to handle multiple enemies simultaneously, making it an invaluable asset in extended conflicts.


The Colossus, a giant animated statue, is a sight to behold on the battlefield. This unit boasts enormous health and can deal massive damage to both units and buildings. Its durability and offensive capabilities make it a perfect choice for leading charges and smashing through enemy fortifications. When you need sheer power and resilience, the Colossus is your go-to unit.


With her ability to petrify enemies, Medusa is a game-changer. Her gaze turns enemies to stone, rendering them immobile and helpless. This powerful crowd control ability allows you to neutralize threats quickly and effectively. Medusa’s high ranged damage output and control over the battlefield make her a critical asset in any Greek army.

Egyptian Myth Units

The myth units from Egyptian Gods are ancient and mighty.


The Sphinx, with its lion’s body and human head, is both majestic and menacing. This unit excels in defense and can deal substantial damage to enemies. Its ability to heal and buff nearby units adds a strategic layer to its use. The Sphinx is perfect for holding the line and supporting your army while dealing out punishment to attackers.


The Phoenix, a mythical bird that rises from its ashes, is a force to be reckoned with. Not only does it deal significant damage, but its resurrection ability makes it incredibly resilient. Each time it falls, it revives through its egg, giving you a second chance to turn the battle in your favor. The Phoenix’s high offensive power and regeneration make it a must-have for Egyptian strategies.


Mummies are the undead warriors of the Egyptian pantheon, and they bring both fear and strength to the battlefield. With high hit points and the ability to summon additional mummies, they can overwhelm enemies through sheer numbers. Their ability to resurrect after falling in battle ensures that they keep coming back to fight.

Scorpion Man

The Scorpion Man is a fearsome creature with a deadly sting. Its ability to deal poison damage makes it an effective unit for wearing down enemy forces over time. With high hit points and a strong attack, the Scorpion Man is great for disrupting enemy formations and causing chaos on the battlefield.


The Avenger, a powerful, vengeful being, brings both offense and resilience to Egyptian armies. It excels in both melee combat, allowing it to adapt to various battle scenarios. The Avenger’s combination of power and versatility makes it a valuable addition to any Egyptian force.

Norse Myth Units

The myth units from Norse Gods in Age of Mythology: Retold are fierce and powerful.

Mountain Giant

The Mountain Giant, as its name suggests, is a colossal being that towers over the battlefield. With massive hit points and powerful attacks, it can crush enemy units and structures with ease. Its sheer size and strength make it ideal for leading assaults and breaking enemy lines.

Frost Giant

Frost Giants are formidable opponents with high health and a chilling presence. Their ability to deal substantial damage and withstand enemy attacks makes them excellent frontline units. Frost Giants excel in freezing and slowing down enemies, which can be a game-changer in battle.

Fire Giant

The Fire Giant brings intense heat to the battlefield with its fiery attacks. This unit deals significant damage and can incinerate enemies with its blazing assaults. Its ability to withstand damage and retaliate with powerful fire-based attacks makes the Fire Giant a crucial part of any Norse strategy.


Valkyries, with their divine grace and combat skills, offer both offensive and support capabilities. They can heal and revive Norse units, providing crucial support during battles. Their high mobility and combat prowess make them versatile units that can adapt to various combat scenarios.

Battle Boar

The Battle Boar, a massive and aggressive creature, excels in melee combat. With high hit points and devastating charges, it can break through enemy defenses and cause havoc among enemy ranks. The Battle Boar’s strength and tenacity make it a valuable unit for Norse armies.

Atlantean Myth Units

All myth units in Age of Mythology: Retold from Atlantean Gods have some special attacks.


The Automaton, a mechanical marvel, combines durability with powerful attacks. Its resilience allows it to withstand significant damage while dealing out substantial punishment. The best part? One automaton can repair another and heal it to the fullest! Amazing, right?


The Centimanus, a giant with multiple arms, is a formidable force in battle. Its ability to attack multiple enemies simultaneously makes it a versatile and powerful unit. With high hit points and strong melee attacks, the Centimanus can dominate enemy forces and break through defenses.


The Behemoth, a colossal creature of immense power, can wreak havoc on the battlefield. With its massive size and strength, it can crush enemy units and buildings with ease. The Behemoth’s durability and offensive capabilities make it a game-changing unit for Atlantean forces. Moreover, its ability to regenerate makes it a valuable warrior.

Stymphalian Bird

The Stymphalian Bird, with its metallic feathers and deadly attacks, is a unique unit that excels in aerial combat. Its ability to launch deadly attacks from the sky makes it a valuable asset for harassing and defeating enemy forces. The Stymphalian Bird’s versatility and range of attacks provide strategic advantages in various scenarios.


Argus, an octopus-like creature with many eyes, is known for its ability to spot and target enemies from a distance. This unit’s high health and powerful attacks make it effective in both offense and defense. They release a poison-like substance that proves to be very deadly for their enemies.


Exploring the most powerful myth units in Age of Mythology: Retold reveals a fascinating array of mythical creatures and legendary beings. From the brute strength of Greek giants and the mystical power of Egyptian phantoms to the Norse titans and Atlantean wonders, these units each bring unique strengths and strategic advantages to the battlefield. Try out the power of these legendary units and watch your armies dominate the ancient world!

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