Bungie during its recent Hersey Act 1 livestream announced a collab with someone that nobody expected. While discussing the release of the final episode, the devs did a bolt from the blue and announced a collab with the legendary franchise, The Star Wars. People were given a glimpse of the Star Wars-inspired skins that will be making their way to the game. And to be honest, these look super cool! Let’s talk about it.
Destiny 2 and Star Wars Collaboration

The developers of the game during the Hersey Episode live stream gave fans a surprise. It was the collab between Destiny 2 and Star Wars. One of the main highlights of this announcement was the three Star Wars-inspired armored sets that will be available for each class. These are:
The Covert Ranger Set

This set will be available for Hunters. According to the devs of the game, the inspiration behind this set came from the death troopers.
The Royal Protector Set

The Warlocks will get to enjoy this one. The inspiration behind this set came from the Imperial Royal Guards.
The Shock Enforcer Set

This one is for the Titans. This set is inspired by none other than the classic Storm Troopers. So if any Titan out there is a fan of the Storm Troopers, you are all set!
Other Additions
Some of the other additions include
The DS-2 Shell

In addition, there will also be some items that will be available to all the classes. One of them is the Ghost Shell called the DS-2 Shell. It is inspired by the Return of The Jedi Death Star. During the live stream, the devs mentioned that it still needs some work but were praising its looks and design. Further additions in this collaboration include a sparrow skin, a ship, a finisher, and other items.
When Can I Use The Star Wars Skins?
Players will be able to access the Star Wars skins on February 4, with the release final episode, Hersey Act 1.
Destiny 2 Hersey Act 1
Apart from the exciting collaboration with Star Wars, the Destiny 2 developers also provided insight and details about the final episode of the game, Hersey Act 1.
The Dreadnaught is Back
After almost a decade, the menacing massive hive ship is making a return. It was last seen in the expansion – The Taken King where Guardians fought Oryx, and later became a battleground for Xivu Arath’s forces.

The ship is now bringing new challenges to the players. They will explore it in new ways and figure out what has happened to the abandoned vessel after Oryx’s defeat.
The Nether

It is a new combat-based activity in Destiny 2 which is set inside the Dreadnaught. Players will face a wave of enemies with difficulty rising each time, and gain power-ups with special boons that have some risks involved. Featuring rogue-lite mechanics, players are going to have a challenging time with constant increase in enemy strength.
Further Additions
There will be new weapons and gear, various enhancements for player subclasses, and an event called, Sundered Doctrine Dungeon Race. It will take place in a new dungeon setting and will take place on February 7.
To Conclude

During the latest live stream of Destiny 2 Hersey Act 1, the developers of the game announced a collaboration with Star Wars. This will bring a lot of additions to the game such as three main armored sets for each guardian class, The DS-2 Shel, and other cosmetic items. These Star Wars Skins will come out with the release of Destiny’s Final Episode, Hersey Act 1 on February 4.
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