Star Wars Outlaws: Why the Speeder Bike Needs Improvement and How to fix it

Among the celebrated vehicles in the universe of Star Wars, not many are as iconic or historical as a speeder bike. In Star Wars Outlaws, players finally have a chance to ride such bikes immersed and deeply engaged with what is happening around them, but we hear that this experience requires some development. So let’s talk in this blog about where improvement might be needed and what developments could brighten the experience of riding a speeder bike.

The Current State of Speeder Bikes in Star Wars Outlaws

Speeder bikes in Star Wars Outlaws are designed to give a swift means of crossing the vast environments. On paper, the concept is good; however, many players, though felt that some aspects of the mechanism of speeder bikes were not developed well. Some of them include:

1. Handling and Controls

The most recurrent criticism is the way of dealing with the speeders. Most players find it to be unresponsive particularly when dealing with the maneuvers and fast turns. It was rather frustrating at times, especially in situations with obstacles.

2. Visual Feedback

Generally, the visuals for high-speed rides usually disappoint. Since it is expected of the player to feel a sense of speed adrenaline, graphics that do not meet modern standards are less thrilling as one would want them to be. In addition, no dynamic environmental interaction also detracts from the immersion level.

3. Customization Options

Customization is one of the predominant features in most modern games. Most of the players want to personalize their vehicles. The customization available for the speeder bikes in Star Wars Outlaws is scarce, which may depress the enthusiasm among fans who always love to personalize their rides.

4. Mission Integration

Although the speeder bikes are fun to ride, their activity in missions feels tacked on. Many players feel that the speeder bike sections do not fit into the story and become a detraction between riding and gameplay.

Improvement Ideas for Enhancing the Speeder Bike Experience in Star Wars Outlaws

Improvements in the handling and controls to enhance the speeder bike experience in Star Wars Outlaws can include: 

1. Improvement and refinement in handling and controls

Improve handling for speeder bikes. Developers can introduce control input that is sensitive and adjustable, so that it will make players feel much more in control, especially when the action goes very fast; mechanics of drift – this will let players make sharp turns without losing speed, so high-speed chases will become an even bigger thrill.

2. Enhance Visual Feedback

To make gameplay even more immersed, developers can do:

  • Moving Camera Angles: Shaking and moving the camera when going at high speeds, can be used to increase a sense of speed.
  • Environmental Response: Letting the environment respond to the bike, for example, kicking up dust or leaves, would create more excitement and feel for the player.

3. Add Customization

Allowing players to have more options to customize their speeder bikes will greatly increase the immersion of the game. Options could include :

  • Design Customization: Having players choose a different color scheme, decals, and parts of the bike gives each one an individual look and feel.
  • Upgrade Performance: You can achieve this through upgrades that enhance the bike’s speed, handling, or toughness. These may help add some depth to the gameplay.

4. Improve Mission Interlation

Developers could also strive to upgrade the levels featuring speeder bike by:

  • Story-Driven Rides: Inclusion of speeder bike chases in major story missions ties the game better together.
  • Diverse Objectives: Enforce different objectives in a quest while riding. This can make the player race to defeat an opponent or complete challenges within a given timeframe. 


The speeder bike is an iconic part of the Star Wars universe, so implementing these improvements in Star Wars Outlaws can do well to elevate the experience as a whole. Improving on handling, visual feedback, customization options, and also on the portrayal of various aspects within the mission will give players more excitement and immersion about riding. And with such changes, the prospect of having such great features in the game will guarantee speeder bikes to really shine through, and the players get to experience it with the Star Wars adventure fully.

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