Squirrel with a Gun Tips and Tricks

Did you ever think, “I wish I could be a squirrel with a gun?” That wild thought finds actual form in the new game Squirrel with a Gun. This indie gem by Dee Dee Creation sends us a title bursting with lowbrow humour and fun mechanics. Get ready to wreak some havoc with a gun-slinging squirrel in the lead. Check out these “Squirrel with Gun Tips and Tricks” to get the hang of the gameplay.

Embrace the absurdity

Firstly, Squirrel with a Gun is different from your everyday game. This is the ultimate absurd, off-the-wall, off-the-rails adventure, where you are a little squirrel with some serious firepower. It thrives on its craziness in every aspect, from the very idea to the mannerisms of your Squirrel carrying weapons through the situations you find yourself in. Before we get into the nitty-gritty, take a moment to appreciate how silly everything is. The more you embrace the madness, the more fun you will have.

Mastering Controls and Movement

While the controls in Squirrel with a Gun are easy, mastering them is the key to unleashing all that chaotic potential.

Movement Done with the analogue stick or the WASD keys—your Squirrel is so agile, make the most of it! Dodge those attacks from enemies or slip past various obstacles in this giant environment.

  • Climbing: Press the jump button next to climbable surfaces to scale buildings, trees, and fences. This ability is critical to getting around this wide world while searching for goodies.
  • Shooting: Aim with your mouse or right analogue stick, and shoot using the trigger. Remember, you’re a little squirrel with a gun, so expect some recoil. Part of the fun, right?

Weapon Mastery

One of the most show-stealing things about Squirrel with a Gun has to be the weapons he wields. Each gun is a completely different experience and is uproariously fun, from the hilarious recoil to the overwhelming power you unleash.

  • Handguns: These are the weapons that assist you in short-range fights. They can be well balanced in their power and control, making them perfect for picking off enemies accurately.
  • Shotguns: Shotguns pack a wallop! The recoil is vast, but you can use it to great advantage. Need to get up on that rooftop? Fire off your trusty shotgun on the ground, watching the sky as you launch into the air.

Combat Tips

Now that you’re tooled up to the teeth, it’s time to get into some combat. Here are a few tips to help you dominate the battlefield:

  • Use Your Size: As a small squirrel, you are a challenging target to hit. Keep moving, dodge attacks when you can, and take cover as much as possible.
  • Play with Recoil: Physics in this game is your best friend! Use the recoil of your weapons to traverse the environment in the most imaginative ways. Have you ever needed to get to a higher platform? Just shoot your feet below you and let that recoil do the work!
  • Stealth Is Key: There will be many times when it’s better to slip past enemies rather than get into a firefight. Use the tiny size of the Squirrel to your advantage and slip past opponents, where you can knock them out when they least expect it.
  • Civilians: These NPCs are no more than an eyesore. Occasionally, they will fling their wallets at you; that’s loot, folks!
  • Special Agents: These are the heavy artillery. Well-armed and dangerous, this one will be determined to stop you. Use your agility to outmanoeuvre them, separate them, and pick them off individually.

Learn the World: Secrets, Missions, and More

The world of Squirrel with a Gun is interactive and full of surprises. Here’s how to get the most out of your exploration:

  • Climb and Explore: Use your squirrelly climbing abilities to reach hidden areas. The more you explore, the more likely you will find rare collectables or secrets.
  • Collectables: Take golden acorns and many other collectables along the way. These may give you new abilities or even cosmetic things for your Squirrel, so look sharp!
  • Environmental Puzzles: Sometimes, areas are closed off from the player unless they can solve the thinking-outside-of-the-box-type puzzles. Many times, you will be forced to use your weapons in non-conventional ways to be allowed to pass through these sections.

Main Quests and Side Hustles

The missions in Squirrel with a Gun are eclectic and ridiculous. They range from helping or harassing humans to epic heists, which is always fun.

  • Main Quests: These quests push the story forward and generally involve the main set pieces or boss battles. Completing them opens new areas and allows you to unlock more potent weapons quickly.
  • Side Hustles: These are optional but rewarding and can include finding hidden items, doing specific challenges, or causing as much chaos as possible. They’re a great way to get extra loot and explore the world. 

Customization and Upgrades

Make Your Squirrel Stand Out Among the most entertaining factors of Squirrel with a Gun is the capability to personalize the look of your Squirrel and upgrade weapons.

  • Cosmetics: From sunglasses to tiny hats, the customization never ends. Visit squirrel vendors worldwide to purchase newly implemented cosmetics and dress your Squirrel as ridiculously or fashionably as you like.
  • Weapon Mods: Upgrade your firepower and aiming arc, or strap on some modules for special effects, like exploding rounds. Scavenge the parts from around the world or earn them as mission rewards, and then hit up the gunsmith to mod your weapons.


Squirrel with a Gun is more than a game; it is an experience. It’s all about embracing the weirdness and having fun with the ridiculous aspects of physics-based games. From launching into the sky with a shotgun to sneaking up on a special agent, one doesn’t lack much fun.

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