Squirrel with a Gun Gameplay Guide

Have you ever thought, “How magical it would be to be a squirrel with a gun”? Well, then, you are in the right place. The indie gem in the palm of Dee Dee Creation has storm-trooped through the often rigid gates of the gaming world with its quirky premise, engaging mechanics, and, let’s face it, an absurd sense of humour. Here’s a Squirrel with a Gun Gameplay Guide to help you further become a master of chaos wielding a gun with a squirrel.

General Mayhem Tips

1. Embrace the Absurdity

About Squirrel with a Gun, the very first thing to keep at heart is that it is supposed to be a rather funny, exaggerated project. In this game, you are not anybody’s Squirrel; you are a squirrel armed to the teeth and able to create pure chaos in the non-depluming urban environment. The humour is like that imbued into everything in this game, from how your Squirrel feels about guns to the ridiculous situations you’ll find yourself in. So, just a minute before heading into the meat of the gameplay, take in how silly everything is. Because the further you let yourself go with the madness, the more you’ll enjoy yourself.

2. Controls and Movement

The controls in Squirrel with a Gun are straightforward, but mastering them may be required to pull off some of the more advanced manoeuvres in the game. The controls grant the squirrel movement in an open world with the ability to climb objects and equip itself with various weaponry. Movement: Move using the analogue stick or the WASD keys. The Squirrel certainly is agile; hence, use this to your full advantage as you avoid enemy attacks and slip past elements across the game environment.

  • Climbing: Press the jump button close to climbable surfaces to scale buildings, trees, or fences. This is key to exploration and tracking down those hidden goodies.
  • Shooting: Use the mouse or right analogue stick to aim and the trigger to shoot. Remember, the aim of a microscopic creature firing a gun could be a bit shaky, but it’s part of the fun!

Mastering Combat: Weapons, Enemies, and Strategy

1. Wide Range of Weapons

One of the high points is that Squirrel with a Gun hosts various firearms. Every weapon comes with its own experience, be it the hilarious recoil that sends your Squirrel flying or the sheer firepower that lets you take down larger enemies.

  • Handguns: These basic weapons are well-balanced between power and control. They are great for close-range combat and quickly picking off enemies.
  • Shotguns: Super powerful but with a colossal kickback. Use the recoil to your advantage, slingshotting yourself into places you would otherwise not get to quickly.
  • Machine Guns: Ideal for laying waste to enemies from afar, they pose quite a challenge regarding manoeuvrability. Brace yourself for mad air, as they produce some pretty wild recoil!
2. General Tips
  • Use Your Size to Your Advantage: You’re a small squirrel—a hard target. Use this to your advantage by staying mobile, dodging, and taking good cover.
  • Play with Recoil: The physics engine will allow you to abuse the gun’s recoil to traverse. Want to reach that rooftop? Just shoot a shotgun to the ground and hurl yourself up to the target location.
  • Stealth As Needed: It is often better to sneak past the opponent rather than engage in a firefight. Leverage this to your advantage to take out an unaware enemy or avoid a firefight you don’t need to have.
3. The Enemies

You’ll come across many enemies, from brainless humans to those special agents who will be obsessed with your downfall. Every type of enemy has to be dealt with differently.

  • Civilians: These non player characters are more of a nuisance than anything else and exist mainly to throw their wallets your way.
  • Special Agents: These guys are well-armed and dangerous, but you can use your agility and small size to outmanoeuvre them. Use this to avoid them ganging up on you. Make them separate so that you can take them out one by one.

Secrets, Missions, and More

1. Environment Interaction

The open world in Squirrel with a Gun is interactive. Objects of interaction are littered for discovery by the player. The level is not just an environment but a playground for the player.

  • Climb and Explore: You can use a squirrel squirrel’s climbing ability areas. The more you climb, the more likely you are to get rare collectables or secrets. Collectables: Search for golden acorns and other types of collectables around the space. They might unlock new abilities and cosmetics for your Squirrel.
  • Environmental Puzzles: Some areas are locked behind puzzles that require thinking creatively. Most of the time, these puzzles require you to use your weapons in unconventional ways.
2. Completing Missions

Missions in Squirrel with a Gun are as varied as they are ridiculous. From helping or harassing the local humans to pulling off elaborate heists, there’s never a dull moment.

Significant Quests: These will progress the story and usually consist of larger set-pieces or boss battles. Completion will unlock new areas and more powerful weapons. Side Quests: These are optional but offer great rewards. They may require the player to discover hidden items, complete challenges, or cause as much chaos as possible.

Customization and Upgrades:

1. Cosmetic Items:

One fun thing about Squirrel with a Gun is that the customization options for making your Squirrel look the way you want are boundless. There are many cosmetics, from sunglasses to tiny hats, that you can grab and decorate your Squirrel with.

  • Shop for More: Check out some cosmetics that you can get from in-game vendors. Go ahead and spend your hard-earned loot on making your Squirrel look as ridiculous or fantastic as you want it to be
2. Upgrades on Weapons

You can upgrade your weapons; it could be firepower, reduction of recoil, or even special weapons like explosive rounds.

  • Collect parts: Upgrading the weapon will require parts that can be obtained in the world or through rewards after missions.
  • Visit the Gunsmith: Return to the in-game gunsmith with what has been found to have the upgrades added to make your Squirrel oh so much more powerful.


Squirrel with a Gun isn’t just some game; it’s an experience. It’s a game in which there’s nothing to do but embrace the weird, laugh at its absurdity, and enjoy the moments of unpredictability that only physics-based gameplay can throw at you. There’s sheer fun in this, from blasting off with a shotgun into the sky to sneaking up on a particular agent.

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