Ready Or Not – Home Invasion DLC Tips and Tricks

Get ready to elevate your tactical FPS experience with Ready or Not – Home Invasion DLC Tips and Tricks! This latest DLC adds an adrenaline-fueled twist to the otherwise intense world of SWAT missions.

Take it slow: Slow is smooth, Smooth is safe

First, pacing. From the concept, Ready or Not might be all running and gunning; trust me, slowing down will save your life—and your team’s. When on a mission, take time to analyze what’s around you. Rushing in could mean taking unnecessary risks and, very often, mission failure. Slow down, communicate with your team, and plan your moves carefully.

Think of it this way: if you move slowly, you allow yourself time to spot any threat and make better decisions. It is much better to finish a mission a little later than never. 

Keep Quiet: Silence Is Golden

Sometimes, silence is your best ally in Ready or Not. Enemies are watching out for audio cues—the last thing you want to do is announce your presence with loud footsteps or gunfire. Move slowly, avoiding the sprint option, and crouch when near enemies to stay below their radar.

By keeping silent, it shall be you who will surprise your enemies instead of them catching you off guard. Also, sneaking up on enemies often gives you a chance to capture them without a struggle, contributing to better mission scores.

Practice Your Skills at the Shooting Range

Want to improve your aiming and familiarize yourself with weapons? The Shooting Range is the place to go. It’s located just behind the Los Suenos Police Department and provides a safe environment to practice shooting.

Take some time to learn the ins and outs of each weapon. Practice here can go a long way when you’re out on a mission. This will give you confidence, which comes in handy when managing situations. Remember, practice makes perfect!

Let Criminals Surrender: Less Bloodshed, Higher Scores

Sometimes, it’s better to take enemies alive. Doing this reduces the risk of getting shot and fetches you higher scores. Targets can be subdued with non-lethal tactics using the beanbag gun or taser. Once they are down, use the “F” key to ask them to surrender.

But beware! Some suspects may pretend to surrender and then maim or kill with surprise attacks. Keep an eye on their body language and watch for an opportunity to take control if everything does not go according to plan.

Use Corners to Your Advantage

Corners are your best friend during gunfights. Ready or Not offers a lean mechanic that allows players to peek around corners without exposing their whole bodies. This is especially helpful in gathering intel on enemy positions, thereby charting the next move without putting oneself at undue risk.

If honed, this skill has the potential to turn the tide in many encounters in favour of the player, affording him an upper hand and possibly catching his enemies off guard.

Implement Long Tactical

Long Tacticals are essential in the challenging missions of Ready or Not. Equipped with tools like breaching shotguns, battering rams, and mirror guns, which can help increase your efficiency, you will be able to break into doors easily, recon the scene without putting yourself in the line of fire, and have added protection by providing ballistic shields.

The right tools for a job can make all the difference in providing the flexibility to cope with situations easily.

Door wedges: avoid flanks

Nothing is worse than being flanked by enemies. Door wedges are a simple, effective tool to prevent this. Place wedges with the “4” critical equipment and the left mouse button on doors. This secures entry points and prevents enemies from sneaking up on you.

By controlling the access points, you can more effectively control the battlefield and focus more on the threats.

Team Communication 

Communication is everything in Ready or Not. Never be too far away without keeping in touch with your team, whether you’re setting up an assault or clearing a room. You will want to use voice chat or in-game commands to coordinate your moves and let others know enemy positions and traps.

Good comms can turn what may seem like a messy situation into a well-coordinated operation and highly improve your chances.

Customize Your Loadout: Tailor Your Gear

What works on one mission may be different from another. Kit up before you deploy, depending on the mission objectives. Choose from your preferred weapons and gear to suit your playstyle and the job.

For instance, if you know that you will deal with well-armed suspects, you can load armour-piercing rounds and wear heavy armour. Flexibility and preparation are the keys to success in any mission.

Flexibility: Be Prepared for Anything

Ready or Not missions can get really unpredictable. You may have a plan floating in your head, but things can really go haywire fast. Stay adaptive and be prepared to change course at the drop of a hat. Feel free to fall back and try something different if something needs to be fixed.

Flexibility allows one to stay one step ahead of the enemy and keep your success rate in mission accomplishment high.


The new DLC for Ready or Not in 2024 will really put these tips and tricks into practice, with new challenges and opportunities for tactical gameplay. The most important traits one can have include patience, communication skills, and adaptability.

Gear up, stay sharp, and lead your team to victory in true video game style. Check out more interesting reads on Ready or Not here.

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