No Man’s Sky Review 2024, Still Worth it?

Since the very beginning of 2016, No Man’s Sky was hyped to such an extent that fans were lining up to buy the long-awaited Space-Exploration game with thousands of plants to explore and species to discover. Still, it all turned into One Man’s Lie with the disastrous launch of the title. No Man’s Sky quickly found its way to the back of the line with bombed reviews and even worse gameplay and mechanics. The game has had its fair share of moments, from the Hype train to the disastrous launch, which basically killed the game, to it being revived back and turned into one of the most played and best space exploration games of the Decade and finally delivering on its Original Promise. 

Packed with Content

No Man’s Sky in 2024 is packed with content, and packed means literally packed. The game offers players a multitude of ways to play. Whether you like exploration, base-building, crafting, or the good old space combat, there’s something for everyone and their liking. The introduction of new updates like Echoes and Interceptor have brought additional storylines to the game, expanding the narrative experience it lacked during its initial launch, unique alien races, and advanced technologies, which have continuously expanded the game’s universe and turned it into a living and breathing dystopia with emphasis on player exploration.

With the Multiplayer, options have also been refined, allowing players to team up easily or encounter others organically while exploring the vast cosmos of planets and stars.


No Man’s Sky saw a drastic downfall upon its release compared to its initial reveal trailers and gameplay footage compared to the actual product that players got upon its release. In 2024, with the latest updates and tweaks, the game is a visual masterpiece with significant improvements, with lush, diverse planetscapes that feel truly alive. With additions of rich Alien Flora, tweaked dynamic weather system and realistic space vistas, the game looks stunning on modern hardware, especially on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. With a strong PC with the latest hardware, players can see the peak performance of the game with smooth animations, a very minimal loading time and seamless transition from one planet to another.  

Exploration and Sandbox elements  

No Man’s sky greatest feat is its sense of freedom offered to the players. With this, players are dropped in a vast world and given the freedom to do as they desire with minimal hand-holding throughout. Players can venture out to different planets on their own accord, discover new species, trade with aliens or build remote bases on distant planets spread across the galaxy. The world of No Man’s Sky is procedurally generated and unpredictable, with no playthrough ever being the same as players can stumble upon undiscovered planets of all types and means, whether they be densely packed with Flora and Fauna or remote planets in faraway systems. New tools and quality-of-life improvements have made exploring more accessible and rewarding, catering to both newcomers and veteran players.

Space Combat and Fleets 

The space combat aspect of No Man’s Sky was under-utilised for a long time, and with the system being reworked over time and now completely overhauled with new ship types, more advanced weapons and tactical manoeuvres and skills which add depth to the gruelling dogfights in the game. With the addition of fleet management, players can now own and operate multiple ships, adding another layer of features and depth to Space combat and exploration.

Learning Curve 

While the game has tried to balance out the gameplay, many systems might feel overwhelming to newcomers as there is a lot to digest when players boot up No Man’s Sky for the first time or veteran players return after new updates. The developers have introduced various difficulty settings to the game and added guides to help players with the complex mechanics. Hello Games has constantly supported their game with fixes and is very active when fixing bugs and minor glitches that disrupt the flow of gameplay. 


If you still have the same perspective of No Man’s Sky as you had in 2016, you are surely missing out on one of our generation’s best Space Explorations games. No Man’s Sky in 2024 is a vastly improved and deeply engaging space adventure that offers nearly limitless possibilities and is the Prodigal Son’s return. Hello games has transformed the game, which was termed as one of the worst launches ever in the history of gaming and constantly being picked apart by the community, into a loved and ever-evolving game in the genre. The fans rallied behind the efforts of the developers to turn One Man’s Lie into No Man’s Sky of Today. You can find the cheapest keys for No Man’s Sky right here on Driffle. Whether you’re returning to the game or venturing into it for the first time, No Man’s Sky provides an unforgettable journey among the stars. 

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