GTA Online fans are in for a treat this holiday season as December starts off with a bang. A new GTA Online update is on the way for December 10, called the GTA Online Agents of Sabotage taking players on new story missions, robberies, brand new cars and more to look forward to. This will be the biggest update for GTA Online after the Bottom Dollar Bounties update back in June. Let’s take a look at the New GTA Online Agents of Sabotage Update

New GTA Online Update
Agents of Sabotage will have the players join hands with their old pal Pavel from The Cayo Perico Heist and former FIB operative turned rogue agent Jodi Marshall. Together with Jodi and Pavel, the players will deal with serious grudges against Jodi’s former employer as the rogue agent has maintained a backdoor into the FIB’s files and confidential data. Work together to leverage your hand and exploit the FIB for personal gains.

Players will be able to purchase the good old Darnell Bros Garment Factory and use the facility as a base of operations for planning and strategizing the covert ops in the new update for GTA Online. Take part in new robberies and story missions, and utilize the latest clandestine tech to wreak havoc in Los Santos and further advance your Ill-Gotten Gains in GTA Online Agents of Sabotage.

Agents of Sabotage Trailer
While there has only been a brief teaser trailer for GTA Online Agents with no further information on the update, players can expect a whole plethora of new vehicles drip-fed into the game along with new outfits and vehicle customizations. So far, there will be new vehicle variants like the Bravado Banshee GTS, a police version of the Coquette D10, and a FIB variant of the Terrorbyte. In addition to these variants, the Police Predator will be rewarded to all GTA Online players for free if the GTA Online Heist Challenge is successfully completed.
The GTA Online is currently divided on the news of the new GTA Online Update: Agents of Sabotage, as many are still awaiting for the second trailer for GTA 6 while the other half of the fans are excited for the new update. Rockstar Games have kept GTA Online alive for the last decade as the game is now 10 years old at this point. Players can jump in and try their hands at the new update on December 10 on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Grab your copies of GTA Online here and play your part in the covert ops running deep within the underbelly of Los Santos.

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