Neva Gameplay Guide: Learn Essential Tips & Tricks

Get ready for the highly anticipated platformer Neva, and as a fan of the studio’s previous hit, Gris, you are in for real fun. Magnificent visuals blend with an emotional story and add more difficulty and combat mechanics to keep one on one’s toes. In this Neva Gameplay Guide, we’ll walk you through what to expect, tips on making the journey smoother, and how to connect with Alba and Neva.

The Basics of Neva

It starts in an unbelievable forest, where you come face-to-face with your protagonist, Alba, who appears with her trusty companion, a wolf cub named Neva. Your journey only begins after a tragic event, when Alba and Neva must demonstrate their survival skills in this very beautiful yet dangerous world, pushing them to survive, find enemies, and solve puzzles as a duo.

At its heart, Neva is a platformer with some puzzle elements, but unlike Gris, it also has a new combat system with a new twist from Nomada Studio. You’ll do much more than jump from one platform to another, prepared to swing your sword and face dark creatures lurking in the shadows.

Combat: Don’t Be Afraid to Fight!

Whereas the game’s beautiful look and emotionally charged telling draw you into Neva, you fight loads in this game. You’re given a sword, and three flower icons represent your health. When you take damage, like hitting enemies or dark brambles- which occur a lot!-your health lowers.

Ah, but don’t get me down in the dumps! Neva would encourage a bold approach to combat. You can regain health by chaining attacks and hitting enemies in quick succession. The game rewards aggressive play, so when you’re getting low on health, start smacking some bad guys around to regain those precious flower icons! Stone structures worldwide can be exploited to help restore your health between battles.

Pro Tip: Don’t be too careful! Playing it safe will place you vulnerable to attacks. Instead, take head-on and make the most of health regen mechanics to prolong staying in the fight.

Platforming & Puzzle Solving

The most enjoyable part of Neva, however, is its platforming. Moving Alba and Neva through the world will mean jumping across platforms, avoiding obstacles, and solving environmental puzzles. Such level design should also reach a level of difficulty and be manageable.

You will have scenes in the first hour where your brain needs to come up with ideas on how to continue from the given spot. This requires accurate timing of jumps and mastery over dodging mid-air while crossing challenging parts with many thorns or hidden enemies.

Pro tip: If you ever get stuck on a section of platforming, take some time to wander about and look for other routes or ledges where you might pick a better vantage point. As much as this game is, sometimes patience and precision are better than brute force.

Alba’s and Neva’s Relationship

Neva’s gameplay is based on the relationship between Alba and Neva. In the starting phase, you are the caretaker; her little cub tends to need your assistance-whether it’s getting her away from some enemies or showing her the way.

However, as you progress through the game, Neva matures. She develops physically, as a character, and in her abilities. Even when you face your first boss, Neva would’ve grown less from needing Alba, even fighting alongside him. You can watch a helpless pup develop into a force to be reckoned with.

This budding relationship also impacts your playstyle. Neva grows and develops new abilities that make her stronger, changing how you engage with everything from the beginning. With it, she keeps advancing, steps forward, and helps Alba fight even more challenging bosses.

Pro Tip: Keep an eye on Neva growing. The more powerful Neva gets, the more she can use her new abilities for the best combat and puzzle-solving effects. The only way to master this game is by working together.

Boss Fights: Don’t Slack Off

Even though the opening game is not too unforgiving, boss battles with Neva will make you sweat. The first boss fight demonstrates teamwork between Alba and Neva. Throughout this battle, Alba weakens the enemy, and Neva delivers a final hit, which marks her first step toward being a true co-op partner.

Neva’s boss battles are well thought out and coordinated. You have to make time between pounding the boss and controlling Neva’s actions. There is no other way; be patient and strategic because rushing in without a plan will only result in being knocked out.

Pro tip: Focus on dodging and waiting for the boss to leave an opening from its attack patterns. You can use Alba and Neva’s abilities together to inflict maximum damage.

The World of Neva

Once again, Nomada Studio created a world that comes out simultaneously as simple yet vibrant and so beautiful-designed environments from peaceful forests to ominous, enemy-filled areas. The art style brings you into the emotional journey of Alba and Neva, helping that connection that goes beyond play.

The world is beautiful but also dangerous. With new chapters, puzzles will get complex, and enemies will only toughen up. A new challenge will start at just the right moment, which makes you think more and act more intelligent as you finish.

Pro tip: Stay calm, enjoy the landscape, and see how the story unfolds. The danger lies everywhere, so keep your wits about you and stay on top of your game to survive.


I need an hour to play Neva. Based on my experience, anyone who loved Gris would love this new game by Nomada Studio; the story has enough emotional depth and beautiful artwork, and the combat elements were added to make it unique in its own right.

Be ready for a game with stunning visuals that will challenge your intellect, make you think, and pull at your heart.

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