Minecraft New Mob Variants Revealed: Chicken, Grass, and More

We get so excited each time Minecraft drops a new update! Minecraft added pig and cow mobs recently, and now it has revealed chicken, grass, and cactus flower variants as well. This content update is currently under development and will launch soon. Moreover, this patch will bring some technical changes in the data pack and resource pack, and also fix several bugs in the game. Let’s learn more about Minecraft new mob variants.

Minecraft New Mob Variants

The Minecraft Java Snapshot and Bedrock Preview have revealed that new chicken, grass, and cactus flower variants are coming to the game. This Snapshot and Preview is super popular for checking out future content coming to Minecraft and for the developers to test and run its new features with the community. Now, Minecraft has confirmed that the Snapshot and Preview are updated with these new chicken, grass, and cactus flower mobs with some variants. For example, the chicken mob comes with warm and cold chicken. Also, the existing chicken variant has been renamed as Temperate Chicken.

New Features

  • Warm and Cold Chicken variants
  • Short Dry Grass and Tall Dry Grass
  • Cactus Flower block that can grow on Cactus blocks
Minecraft New Mob Variants Revealed: Chicken, Grass, and More

Farm Animal Variants

  • Warm and cold variants have been added for Chicken
  • Existing Chicken is now called the Temperate Chicken
  • The variant is determined by the biome they spawn in
  • Warm and cold biomes are the same for all animals with variants (i.e. Chicken, Pig, Cow)
  • 2 new Egg items have been added for the warm and cold Chicken variants
    • Blue Egg: The Egg that is laid by and can hatch cold Chicken variant
    • Brown Egg: The Egg that is laid by and can hatch warm Chicken variant
    • Existing Egg: Laid by and can hatch temperate Chicken variant
Minecraft New Mob Variants Revealed: Chicken, Grass, and More

Short and Tall Dry Grass

  • 2 new types of grass: Short Dry Grass and Tall Dry Grass
  • Tall Dry Grass is only one block high, making it shorter than Tall Grass, which is two blocks high.
  • Both grow in the Desert and Badlands
  • Both can be placed on types of Sand, Terracotta, and Dirt blocks like the Dead Bush
  • Both can be bone mealed
    • Using Bone Meal on Short Dry Grass grows it into a Tall Dry Grass
    • Using Bone Meal on Tall Dry Grass places a neighbouring Short Dry Grass next to the block if possible
  • Both can be used in the Composter
  • Sheep can eat both to regrow their wool
  • Both can be used as fuel for smelting
Minecraft New Mob Variants Revealed: Chicken, Grass, and More

Cactus Flower

  • Cactus Flower is a new type of flower that has a chance of generating on cactuses in Deserts and Badlands
  • Cactus Flower can be placed on Cactus blocks or any block which has center support at the top of the block
  • Cactus Flowers have a chance of growing on Cactus blocks
    • If the Cactus is 1–2 blocks high, there’s a 10% chance of a flower growing. If the Cactus is 3 blocks or taller, the chance increases to 25%.
    • Cactus Flowers will only grow if they have space on all 4 sides
  • Cactus Flowers can be used in the Composter
  • A Cactus Flower can be used to craft 1 Pink Dye
Minecraft New Mob Variants Revealed: Chicken, Grass, and More

Firefly Bush Updates

The Firefly Bush now plays ambient sounds only if:

  • It’s nighttime
  • There’s no solid block directly above it (except Leaves)

Technical Changes

  • The Data Pack version is now 66
  • The Resource Pack version is now 51


Minecraft new mob variants are sure to improve the gameplay for us. Loved the gamers from across the globe, this simulation and strategy game is getting more popular day by day. These new variants bring even more life to different biomes. Chickens now have warm, cold, and temperate versions, each laying unique eggs. It’s surely a treat for farming lovers!

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