Minecraft Guide: How to Craft and Use Bundles

If you’re fed up with constantly digging through your messy inventory in Minecraft and unsure where to store all your items, Bundles are here to help! These handy pouches can stack and organize various items, keeping your inventory neat. Discover how to craft Bundles and make the most of them with our Minecraft guide during your adventures.

Crafting Resources

  • 1 Leather – Can be obtained from animals or looted
  • 1 String – Killing spiders or destroying Cobwebs

How to Create Bundles

  • Open your inventory with the E key or interact with a crafting table.
  • Place the leather in any of the bottom slots of the crafting grid.
  • Then, add one string directly above the leather.
  • You have successfully crafted a bundle in Minecraft.

How to use Bundles in Minecraft

  • After crafting the bundle, open your inventory.
  • Left-click the bundle to pick it up.
  • Hover over a stackable item (up to 64 or 16) and left-click to insert it into the bundle automatically.
  • Alternatively, pick up the item and manually insert it into the bundle by left-clicking.
  • The bundle will display a bar at the bottom indicating how full it is.
  • Repeat the process until the bundle is full, marked by a red bar.
  • To store the bundle, left-click it into an empty slot in your inventory.
  • Hover over the bundle to see the fullness bar and a preview of the items inside.

Minecraft Bundle Stack Rules

Not all items in Minecraft stack the same way. Some stack up to 64 (like blocks), some up to 16 (like ender pearls, snowballs, and eggs), and others, like tools, weapons, enchanted books, and potions, only stack to one. Items will fill bundles based on their stack size.

For example, you can’t fit 64 potions in a bundle; unstackable items (stackable to one) will fill a bundle instantly. Items stackable to 16, like eggs or snowballs, can be mixed together in a bundle but follow their stack limits. So, you could have three eggs, eight ender pearls, and five snowballs in one bundle. You can also combine items that stack to 64 and 16, but they’ll still follow their individual stacking rules.


With our Minecraft guide for Bundles, you can now enjoy seamlessly and not worry about managing your inventory while playing the game, especially during mining trips or exploring. You can store various loot types without cluttering your inventory with single items, making bundles perfect for sorting smaller items like seeds, tools, and crafting materials. If you haven’t had the chance to play Minecraft yet, you can buy the cheapest keys for Minecraft and all its editions right here on Driffle.

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