Players can now Join the latest GTA Online Heist Challenge today till December 4th and earn exclusive GTA Online rewards. Rockstar recently updated their weekly playlist for GTA Online and added the brand new Heist Challenge for the community after the success of last month’s Ludendorff Cemetry Survival Mode. Learn more about the Heist Challenge and how to join and earn exclusive rewards below.

What is the GTA Online Heist Challenge
Rockstar, in recent years, introduced the Heist Challenge, which tasks the players in GTA Online to collect a cumulative amount of money during Heist finales and reach a certain amount fixed by the devs to earn exclusive rewards. The latest challenge tasks all GTA Online players to collect a total of 20 Trillion Dollars by December 4th and complete the challenge to earn clothing items, a new car, and further rewards in the December update.
How to Join the Heist Challenge
Players can jump into GTA Online at any time between today and December 4th and complete the heists finales of the following heists to be part of the challenge:
- The Fleeca Job
- Prison Break
- The Humane Labs Raid
- Series A Funding
- Pacific Standard
- Doomsday Scenario (Act III)
- The Diamond Casino Heist
- The Cayo Perico Heist
Earn the exclusive Pacific Standard Varsity jacket and special rewards in line for the December update of GTA Online and a brand-new vehicle.

Players can also avail discounts all week long on:
Kosatka – 30% off
Kosatka Upgrades and Modifications – 30% off
Kraken Avisa (Submarine) – 30% off
Mammoth Squaddie (SUV) – 30% off
Vapid Slamtruck (Utility) – 30% off
Maibatsu Manchez Scout (Motorcycle) – 40% off
Western Rat Bike (Motorcycle) – 50% off
Western Zombie Bobber (Motorcycle) – 50% off
Lampadati Michelli GT (Sports Classic) – 30% off
BF Raptor (Sports) – 30% off
Grotti Stinger (Sports Classic) – 30% off
Body Armor – 50% off
Ammo – 50% off
The GTA Online Community Heist Challenge is the perfect way to start earning those checks and jump back into the action-packed heist finales of the game. The GTA Online community smashed the last community challenge with a huge margin and wont be stopping anytime soon. Play GTA Online through December 4 and earn all these exclusive rewards to show off your contribution to the challenge and paly your part for the community.

Stay tuned to our blog site for the latest GTA online updates and exciting content.