How to Beat Every Boss in Astro Bot

Astro Bot just released for PlayStation 5 on 6th September, and we’re just going gaga over it! It’s one of those games that hooks you in with its bright colors and cute characters, but don’t be fooled—this game has bosses that will make you sweat! If you’re here, you’re probably stuck on one of these bosses and need some tips to take them down. No worries, we’ve got your back! This guide will help you out on how to beat every boss in Astro Bot, tell you about their attack patterns, and exactly how to bring them down without losing your cool.

How to Defeat Mighty Chewy (Monkey Boss)

Phase 1:

  • Mighty Chewy starts by slamming his fists on the platform. Dodge the shockwaves by jumping and avoid getting hit.
  • He will occasionally pound the ground with bananas falling from the sky. Use Astro’s Punch attack to hit the bananas back at Mighty Chewy to stun him.

Phase 2:

  • Chewy will throw giant punches towards you. Watch the pattern and dodge them. When bananas appear again, keep hitting them back until he’s stunned.
  • Once stunned, use the touchpad to pull the plug on his head.

Final Phase:

  • As the difficulty increases, his attacks become more aggressive. Keep dodging the shockwaves and launching bananas at him. After pulling the plug the third time, you’ll defeat him!

How to Defeat Wako Tako (Squid Boss)

Phase 1:

  • Wako Tako’s tentacles will start smacking the platform. Watch the shadows to dodge the tentacles.
  • Use your water gun to spray Wako Tako in the eye, stunning it.

Phase 2:

  • The squid boss will launch ink blobs at you. Use Astro’s water gun to wash away the ink and then aim at the eyes to stun Wako Tako again.

Final Phase:

  • Wako Tako will become more aggressive, slamming tentacles and shooting ink faster. Keep dodging and spraying the eyes until you can get close and pull the plug on its head to finish it off.

How to Defeat Lady Venomara (Snake Boss)

Phase 1:

  • Lady Venomara slithers around the arena, spitting venom. Dodge the venomous projectiles and wait for her to reveal her weak spot.
  • When she opens her mouth, use Astro’s grappling hook to pull out her fangs.

Phase 2:

  • She’ll start spitting more venom and increase her speed. Use the grappling hook on her fangs again while dodging the venom puddles.

Final Phase:

  • Venomara becomes faster and will slam the ground with her body. Time your dodges and keep pulling out her fangs. After the third pull, you’ll defeat her.

How to Defeat Mecha Leon (Chameleon Boss)

Phase 1:

  • Mecha Leon uses stealth to turn invisible in Astro Bot. You can see his movements through his glowing eyes or faint outlines.
  • Use your shuriken to hit his weak spots (glowing areas on his body) and make him visible again.

Phase 2:

  • He will start launching lasers and missiles. Dodge them and keep throwing shurikens at his weak spots.

Final Phase:

  • His attacks become faster, and he will frequently go invisible. Stay sharp, avoid the lasers, and keep hitting the weak spots until you can finish him by pulling the plug on his head.

How to Defeat Falcon McFly (Bird Boss)

Phase 1:

  • Falcon McFly swoops down and tries to hit you. Dodge his dives and wait for him to slow down.
  • Use Astro’s grappling hook to latch onto his tail when he hovers in place, bringing him down.

Phase 2:

  • McFly will start shooting feathers like projectiles. Avoid them and keep grappling his tail when he hovers again.

Final Phase:

  • He becomes quicker and shoots even more feathers. Keep dodging and grappling him down. After a few successful pulls, you’ll defeat Falcon McFly.

Déjà Vu Dimension: How to Defeat Space Bully Nebulax (Alien Boss)

Phase 1:

  • Nebulax sends out shockwaves by slamming the ground. Dodge them and wait for him to reveal his core.
  • Use Astro’s laser beam to hit the core, stunning Nebulax.

Phase 2:

  • He will summon meteors and lasers. Dodge the meteors and aim the laser beam at the core whenever it’s exposed.

Final Phase:

  • Nebulax’s attacks become chaotic, sending multiple shockwaves, meteors, and lasers at once. Dodge everything and hit the core when it’s open until you can finally defeat him. This will help you beat every boss in Astro Bot.


In Astro Bot, every boss has a unique set of challenges, but they can all be beaten if you keep your cool and learn their attack patterns. Galactic Grogg demands mobility, Zixyra tests your timing, Draco is all about dodging fire, Mecha Mantis rewards endurance, and Void Master Arcturus throws everything at you in the ultimate test of skill. The key to victory? Staying patient, upgrading your gear, and focusing on strategy instead of rushing in. I hope now you know how to beat every boss in Astro Bot. Now go out there and show those bosses who’s boss!

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