Helldivers 2 is one of the most-played video games of 2024 and is one of the most polished and fun multiplayer titles available on the market. The game in recent months has seen player counts skyrocketing on the PlayStation 5 and PC. With new players jumping into the game every day, we have created a list of Beginner Tips & Tricks for Helldivers 2 for new recruits joining the forces of Super Earth. So Helldivers, keep these Tips & Tricks for Helldivers 2 in your mind while slaying the enemies of Super Earth and dishing out some good old democracy.

Tips & Tricks for Rookie Helldivers
Understanding the UI & HUD
The first task of any new Helldiver is to learn the basics of the UI, the ability to navigate the objectives, load-outs, missions, customization, settings, and more. Every Helldiver should explore the UI when first booting up Helldivers 2, exploring the main menu and sub-menus will provide you with much-needed information on certain tasks and settings for the game.

The same goes for the Heads Up Display (HUD) indicating all the vital information to the player from your Health Bar, Stamina Bar, Ammo count, Objective Tracker, Weapons, Minimap, Squad information, Stratagems, and more. Knowing where and what function each one holds is crucial to every new player in Helldivers 2.
Combat Mechanics & Shooting

Your weapon belongs to you and, wherever you decide to point it and press the shoot button—let’s just say that spot will have an unexpected vacancy. There are a few things to keep in mind before your first drop and mission:
- Stay static/still when aiming your weapon for peak accuracy in suitable situations
- Practice headshots for humanoid and smaller enemies, while aiming for the center mass of bigger enemies
- Use controlled bursts to be precise and decrease the chances of weapon sway and unnecessary waste of ammo
- Conserve ammo as every bullet counts and reloading with ammo left in your mag will discard the unused ammo

Pro Tip: Remember, a still target is just a fancy way of saying “bullseye,” so keep those feet moving, Helldiver!
Loadout & Weapons
There is no Meta for Helldivers 2 and anyone who talks about the best guns or loadouts is just talking nonsense. Yes some weapons are better than others but Helldivers 2 is not a PvP game, your enemies are AI Bots. Explore and experiment with different weapons and classes and find what suits your style the best.

New Helldivers should be ready to run into the thick of battle with nothing but a rifle to protect them (That’s the Helldiver mentality).
Helldivers 2 has a wide range of weapons ranging from Assault Rifles, SMGs, Shotguns, Energy Weapons, Pistols, Melee Weapons, and more. So take your pick and practice with what you love. Exploring is the key here recruits!
Understand your Orders & Missions

Before setting out on a mission in the game, you need to understand what Order is. Helldivers 2 uses collaborative effort from the community to push on objectives and advance the fight for Super Earth Supremacy. On the mission select screen on the bottom right are the major orders, these missions tell you which faction the forces of Super Earth are up against at the moment the Terminids, the Automatons, or the resurging Illuminates. Minor Orders are more like side quests and only are for you and your squad to take on.

The true fight is in the Major Orders with the entire community pitching in like liberating sectors or planets from the control of other factions. Completing these orders will grant everyone in the community with currency and rewards.
Pro Tip: Complete as many objectives in a mission to get additional rewards and currency boosts for you and fellow Helldivers.
Grab the Damn Samples
You there listen to me when I say this, grab the samples so you can upgrade your ship later. One of the most important resources in Helldivers 2 is the Samples as they are equally important to you as Requisition Slips or Medals. Samples nodes can be picked up while on a mission, they will have to be picked up by the player and extracted without dying. Each node is shared amongst the squad members and picking up one for yourself will also show up for others at the end of the mission.

Keep this Helldivers 2 Tip in mind while out on a mission as Sample nodes will be used later on to upgrade your ships and various departments. In turn, giving you more upgrades for the various Stratagems in the game.
Upgrade and use the Stratagems

One of the most useful tools for any Helldiver is the ability to use the various Stratagems available to you. They can vary from supporting the player with resupply drops or work as an offensive weapon to support you and your squad on the battlefield. Upgrading your ship will unlock more variety of these helpful drops from the support ship, so keep in mind to upgrade and utilize them.
Some of the Stratagems available are:
Resupply Pod: Drops a crate of ammunition for all weapons.
Support Kit: Includes medkits, tools, and other essential supplies.
MG-94 Defender Turret: A stationary automatic turret that provides suppressive fire.
Shield Generator: Projects a protective barrier around a fixed area.
Recon Drone: Deploys a drone to scout ahead and highlight enemies.
Along with many more available to the player after upgrading their ships.

Be a Team Player
Helldivers 2 is best enjoyed when playing with your squad members as the game allows up to 4 Helldivers to team together to fight the enemies of Super Earth. Being a team player is critical to the success of your mission and is the best strategy to complete challenging situations on higher difficulties.

Keep these Helldivers 2 Tips & Tricks to be a good team player:
- Use a mic to communicate with your teammates
- Compliment your squad while picking the loadout, a balanced squad is the key to victory here
- Helldivers 2 enables friendly fire, so be careful where you aim or toss that grenade. A quick heads-up beats yelling “fire in the hole” after the fact!
- Don’t be a jerk to others, play with fun in mind. At the end of the day, it’s just a game, not an Esports tournament.

Well Recruit, you have learned some basics and this is the ample amount of information for you to jump straight into the warzone(Not you COD). If you keep these Helldivers 2 Tips & Tricks in mind while booting up the game for the first time, you might just do fine and not die as soon as you drop. The enemies of Super Earth are many but there is no scarcity of skilled Helldivers like you. Dive into Helldivers 2 Today and join the fight to save Super Earth, safeguard democracy, and secure the galaxy’s future!

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