The latest update to the GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition, Update 1.112 brought back some much-needed lighting changes to all three games along with many new fixes. The GTA Trilogy Update 1.112 added the Classic Lighting feature, updated fire and smoke effects, and gameplay changes, and fixed numerous bugs and framerate issues for the game. Let’s do a side-by-side comparison of all three trilogy titles including GTA San Andreas, GTA Vice City, and GTA 3.

Classic Lighting Vs Default Lighting
The default lighting for the GTA Trilogy titles was more than just a downgrade as the development of the Definitive Edition Trilogy was handed over to Grove Street Games. GSG completely changed the lighting of all three games and switched from the classic retro aesthetics of the games in turn for a more modern lighting model. This made the games lose their original appeal and appear more dull in nature compared to the original titles

After Rockstar implemented Update 1.112 for the GTA Trilogy, the classic lighting feature is now available for all versions of the games bringing back the retro vibe of the games and adding that hint of PlayStation 2-era aesthetics.
Grand Theft Auto Vice City and GTA 3 also received the classic lighting feature and refinement to their environments and overall quality of life improvements.

Visual & Environmental Improvements
Rockstar games not only brought back the classic lighting but also improved animations and effects for fire, smoke, shadow casting, and more, Before the fire effects of the game looked more choppy and lesser in volume, with 1.114 the fire effects have increased in size and volume. Smoke effects for the vehicles have been changed to greyish tones from pitch-black rubber burn. The shadow casting in GTA 3 has also been changed to be much more smoother and doesn’t look choppy like before.

GTA San Andreas saw significant changes to its environment with changes to the looks of high-altitude clouds. Vice City received foliage and grass hedges on the main street, initially missing before. GTA 3 also received changes to its atmosphere and all three games received texture improvement in the update.
Gameplay Changes
The update improved the gun animations of the games and now running and gunning is much more smoother in all three games. Previously players couldn’t run and gun with the Revolver and Spas 12 shotgun in Vice City and with the flame thrower in GTA 3 but surprisingly Rockstar added the ability in the new update which wasn’t even present in the original games. CJ’s crouching animation has been fixed along with many quality-of-life improvements to all three titles.
Update 1.112 for the GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition is now available on the PlayStation4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC, and the Nintendo Switch.

The new update 1.112 for the GTA Trilogy came out of nowhere and has surprised fans and the community. With Rockstar taking charge and removing the logo of Grover Street Games from the loading screens, it is for sure Rockstar has had enough of the bashing for its beloved PlayStation 2 Era titles. Fans are happy with the changes and there’s been a player spike for the games on Xbox followed by positive reception on social media.

This might just be the start as the world awaits the arrival of GTA 6 and improvements to the GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition. Stay Tuned to our blog for more updates and don’t forget to leave your thoughts below in the comment section.