Funko Fusion Review 

If crossovers are your thing, buckle up because Funko Fusion may be your next addiction or patience exercise. A brainchild of a team that included some great minds who brought about the LEGO games, “Funko Fusion” brings together a mix of over 20 IPs. But here is the thing: only seven get the VIP treatment, and there is more backtracking to be found here than in a time-travelling DeLorean. Check out this Funko Fusion Review for more!

A Funko-tastic Adventure… With Some Bumps: “Funko Fusion” is an action-adventure game that throws together characters and worlds from a bunch of different franchises-think “Jurassic World”, “The Umbrella Academy”, and even “Masters of the Universe”, all wrapped up in those cute Funko Pop aesthetics. You’re on the right track if you’re imagining something like the old LEGO games. It brings in that familiar vibe: smashing up stuff, collecting bits – this time vinyl pieces – and laughing at quirky re-creations of classic movie scenes.

But-but it’s a big thing, but there’s a catch. Only seven 20+ franchises will get entire hub worlds with multi-level stages. These are your main playgrounds, and if you’re a fan of those respective IPs-be it “Hot Fuzz,” “The Thing,” or “Scott Pilgrim vs. The World”-well, you’re in for a treat. But if your fandom veers more toward other IPs such as “Back to the Future,” “Jaws,” or “Five Nights at Freddy’s,” well, prepare for some severe backtracking.

Backtracking: More Than Just a Feature

Ah, backtracking-every gamer’s favourite pastime, right? Not quite. These are unlocked through a bit of a scavenger hunt, but I’ll try to explain it using “Jaws.” To reach that stage, you must first progress through the “Hot Fuzz” world, searching for a portal leading to the next one. Once you find that, you’ll need to unlock one character with a flamethrower and another with an energy weapon. Easy? This is hard because to unlock those skills, you’ll have to play through “The Thing” and “Battlestar Galactica” levels first. Phew!

Essentially, the game is built around puzzle-solving exploration of this type, which can be fun if that’s your sort of thing. If, however, you are a “jump in and play” type, it can be a drag. The game does allow you to replay levels in “Funplay” mode using any character you unlock, adding a layer of fun once you’re done with the hard work. But, man, does it make you earn it?


Okay, now let’s move on to the gameplay itself because this is where “Funko Fusion” shines. The game plays from an over-the-shoulder perspective and makes some pretty surprising use of firearms for its LEGO ancestors. The nature of the Funko Pop design—tiny bodies, massive heads—makes for very satisfying headshots from a mile away. Gunplay feels tight and balanced; you can soak up bullets for a bit, but not so much that you feel invincible. Don’t charge in like a bull in a Funko china shop, or you’ll get overwhelmed quickly.

The combat and exploration are significantly enjoyed, but repetitive backtracking adds a little artificial length to the gameplay. If you’re anything like me and enjoy ticking every box, finding each secret, you will have a blast; if you’re more casual, you might groan at the number of hoops you need to jump through.

The Humor

One of the LEGO games’ biggest selling points was their humor. “Funko Fusion” tries to replicate this, but it doesn’t always succeed. The cutscenes are all dialogue-free, which worked terrifically in the LEGO games, but here, they’re a bit flat. It might be because the IPs used just don’t lend themselves to the same level of iconically meme-worthy moments as “Star Wars” or “Harry Potter.”

When the game features dialogue in text boxes and speech bubbles, it’s…fine. The humour is never wrong, but it’s rarely laugh-out-loud funny. The jokes often have that LEGO-style slapstick aim but primarily land firmly in the realm of “mildly amusing.”

Unlockables and Secrets Galore

If you love collectables and hidden secrets, “Funko Fusion” will keep you busy. With many secret nooks and crannies, secret characters like Chucky, Xena, M3gan, and Mega Man are just begging to be found. However, getting them on your roster isn’t quite that simple. There’s a bit of a game of hide-and-seek, which is fun, but only if you’re in the mood for the hunt.

This, in turn, involves several compulsory searches for them through various levels and entails fulfilling specific tasks. For example, to unlock Chucky, you must find him on the “Hot Fuzz” level and six other levels, including some cameo levels with their conditions. That’s quite a lot of work, considering that 100% full completion will likely take tens of hours.


Funko Fusion is a bit of an odd duck. On one hand, it’s a fun, chaotic mash-up with satisfying gunplay, a slew of IPs, and loads of secrets to unlock. On the other hand, the game relies very heavily on its backtracking, less-than-stellar humour, and uneven focus on its franchises.

If you’re the type that enjoys uncovering all the nooks and crannies in a game and revisiting levels to find treasures, “Funko Fusion” is your cup of tea. Overall, “Funko Fusion” is fun*—worth trying if you’re a fan of collections and don’t mind a bit of grind. Just do not expect it to replace your favourite LEGO game anytime soon.

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