Frostpunk 2: Tips and Tricks

Ready to dive headfirst into the icy world of Frostpunk 2? This sequel to the city-builder game set in a post-apocalyptic world is more challenging than the first, with new factions, oil as fuel, and colonies to manage. Worry not! We have some Frostpunk 2: Tips and Tricks to keep you alive in this frozen wasteland and thriving in your city.

1. Start putting a priority on logistics early on

One of the secrets to getting such great results in Frostpunk 2 from the very start is getting your logistics in order. Once you create your districts, get out to the outskirts of your city and establish your logistics districts at the old way stations. This is where you can go out into the forestland itself, where you will start accumulating that crucial resource within the game that you can’t get within your city and materials, first and foremost. Investigate logistic bays early to expand the number of Frostland teams and broaden your research.

Pro tip: The sooner you start researching, the more resources you will gather. It could mean survival and an empty stockpile when the cold sets in.

2. Clever District Positioning is Important

Proper placement of districts can make your city or break it. Food and extraction districts should thus be placed to cover the majority of accessible nodes with resources, particularly the valuable infinite resources you unlock later. You should place housing districts in ravines for maximum heat efficiency. Do not place housing districts near industrial or extraction districts since squalor demoralizes your people.

Remember hubs! These buildings will undoubtedly reduce the workload of people around districts, which will save some of your workers for other jobs. Plan with hubs in mind to be productive without hogging your workforce.

3. Play with Factions to Your Advantage

Factions are a whole new, tricky aspect in Frostpunk 2. Instead of letting them give an unappealing yield to every demand, you use the factions strategically, though. Sometimes, you might tax them for headstamps, an essential currency when expanding your city. You can create a “Raise Funds” action every 40 weeks, during which it’ll shoot your relationship with the faction a little bit but give you a nice, excellent chunk of headstamps. Keep strengthening the relationships with factions to grip this feature better.

Pro tip: It’s always a good time to keep factions happy enough to keep levying them tolerably, but don’t let them decide for you.

4. Keep Factions Happy While Not Selling Your Soul Completely

When factions propose laws or changes, you don’t have to commit. Use the “Grant Agenda” action and let them suggest a law, but you won’t necessarily enact it. Quite often, there isn’t enough support, and you get to appease the faction without changing city policies.

5. Do Not Overpromise, but Have Use for Emergency Council Sessions

It’s too tempting to promise factions things to keep them happy but to get in over your head. When you find yourself caught in a web of promises and can’t get out of it, you have recourse to use the Emergency Council Session action in the central district, which will let you vote on a law right now. This keeps you from promising something you cannot do and saves you from the wrath of a faction. Use it wisely, though, because it slightly weakens your relationships with every faction.

6. Never Do Anything for Free

When passing legislation or researching new technology, think first if it’s something that a faction wants. Use the “Make Promises” action to show that you are doing this for the faction. This way, you solve the city’s problem while raising bonus faction points to tax them later for even more heat stamps.

7. District Expansion and Building Addition

Don’t just spread your city far and wide to places–you should focus on maximizing the efficiency of existing districts. There are many buildings in the ideas tree you can add to districts that need a boost in efficiency. Each district has two building slots that unlock when you expand it—Prioritise districts over an infinite resource node and those making critical supplies. Maximizing the districts in terms of efficiency might keep you from constantly needing to create new districts.

8. Toggle Industrial Districts for Goods Production

This is a surprising tip many people didn’t know about: You build an industrial district, and it auto-produces prefabs (construction materials). However, these might not be what you need to produce, so you’ll need to toggle in-game to change the production type. You want to spend most of your game time in extraction districts for prefabs and save industrial districts for actual good production.

9. Go Slow in Chapter 3

Chapter 3 of Frostpunk 2 allows you to see a location from the classic game, but take your time. Amass all the resource cores and other resources, happy the factions, research hospitals and automated workforce. The prepared city will sail through far easier situations entering this chapter, so bless yourself for taking a little extra time to prepare.

10. Access unlimited resources due to the Deep Melting Drill Technology

Those infinite resource nodes on the map are like gold, but you will need the right tech to tap into them. Research Deep Melting Drills in the ideal tree as soon as possible to tap into those vital resources. Infinite deposits will help you manage long-term supply needs and make sure that you eliminate constant struggles with finding and extracting new resources just because the old ones have run dry.


With ten of these tips, you’ll be set for Frostpunk 2. As for the faction demands, being prepared in advance, flexible, and open to changing stuff will keep your city alive and thriving. Explore early, resource-allocate properly, and try to be strategic about the factions you pick, and then welcome all the harsh challenges of the cold world.

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