Frostpunk 2 Gameplay Guide

As it is in Frostpunk 2, you play yet again as the leader of remaining humanity in this unforgiving and harsh climate. Building from the first game’s success, the sequel here amply raises the stakes, along with further mechanics, challenges, and opportunities for survival. You’re new to this cold, grim, post-apocalyptic city-builder? Prepare to do everything you can to keep those people warm and alive. Here is a Frostpunk 2 Gameplay Guide for the beginners, containing all the crucial tips and tricks!

1. Always Meet Heat Demand

The most precious resource for you in Frostpunk 2 is heat. The generator in your city generates heat, but it needs a steady fuel input source, such as coal or oil. It would help if you were mindful of your demands for heat by keeping the fire symbol hovered on the HUD. A red bar of unmet heat demands will fuel illness, unrest, and, eventually, the destruction of your city.

The demand for heat zooms when temperatures drop. If you fail to meet this demand, your population will weaken, mortality will increase, and the game will become exponentially more challenging. So, the first thing to do is stock up on fuel resources just before you see a cold front approaching your weather forecast.

2. Resource Control

Resource management will break or make a life for your city in Frostpunk 2. Whether getting coal or keeping the food supply in check, you’d not want to go into scarcity without producing more than needed. And you would need to balance the workforce in various production zones.

When managing resources:
  • Let your workers do their thing wisely and deactivate some of those districts when resources are plentiful.
  • Keep your production level efficient and bring adjustments to percentages in your workforce in various areas.

Pro Tip: Monitor your workforce at all times. Too few workers slow down production, and too many in one area can leave other important things undone. The balance of these factors will keep your city thriving.

3. Harden Your Workforce

The stronger your workforce, the faster your city will expand. When basic citizen demands like heat, food, and shelter are met, your population will boost, thus providing you with available workers. A bigger population brings more hands to work, build, and maintain your city.

Be aware of the causes of illness and death, which may deplete your workforce. To keep your populace healthy and productive, you may have to pass laws improving medical care or food production.

4. Send Initial Expeditions

The best way to acquire resources is to lead expeditions out of your city into the forestland surrounding it. These expeditions can bring back resources such as steam cores, fuel, and people that will help advance your city.

Launch expeditions from an abandoned Waystation by creating a Logistics District there. Make sure you do this early so you can utilize outside-the-city-limits resources.

5. Make Frostbreaking a Habit

Another unique mechanic for Frostpunk 2 is frostbreaking. It can break the frost, creating new resources, fertile lands, and Waystations. The more you keep breaking the frosts, the more you will have the material needed for further construction or expansion. Do not wait until the last minute; make time for frost to break and remain ready when your lands are weathered.

6. Check the Weather Forecast

The weather in Frostpunk 2 is unpredictable and deadly, which probably simulates real-life best. You can view the changes that will happen by using your thermometer icon at the top-right corner of your screen. Tracking the forecast will help you prepare for the cold spells ahead by stockpiling enough resources and halting the production of things that you do not need during that time.

If you ignore the weather, you’ll be out hunting for fuel in the middle of a freeze, which can cause major troubles for your generator and your heat supply. Stay one step ahead of the game by preparing for incoming cold fronts.

7. Let In New Ideas Often

In Frostpunk 2, that is what replaces the research tree in the first game—there, all of these new solutions for your city pop into existence. The Ideas comprise technological upgrades and societal reforms, and unlocking those regularly is key to keeping your city on track.

Then, there are various factions in your city that will either support or counter these ideas. Hence, you have to be strategic about which ideas to pursue. Fulfilling all their proposals with success helps strengthen your relationships with them and also enhances the passage of crucial laws to be passed later on.

8. Make Tough Moral Decisions

Frostpunk 2 is a game of hard decisions that check your moral threshold. But sometimes, you will be up to enforcing unpopular laws, resorting to drastic measures to ensure the survival of your city.

Whether you do it to ration food, enforce extreme measures to stop disease, or allow propaganda to keep your people in line for you, these decisions will haunt your city for generations to come. The bottom line is to weigh your pros and cons and pick the best decision for your long-term strategy.

9. Law & Order

The bigger your population grows, the bigger their demands become. If you can’t satisfy such needs, the unrest may develop into riots, crime, and acts of vandalism. Keep them in line with laws like guard patrols or martial law if things go out of control.

Any of these will need council approval to enact, so keeping on good terms with your city’s factions should be a priority. All legislation passed requires a two-thirds majority, meaning having good faction relationships is very important.

10. Save Often

Things can quickly get out of control in a game as complex as Frostpunk 2. If everything seems okay, a sudden drop in temperature or an unexpected resource shortage can throw your city into chaos. Saving progress should avoid hours of ending up down the drain.

Make a habit of saving many checkpoints to revert to an earlier point in case things go south. You don’t want to begin from scratch again if you missed something crucial!


Frostpunk 2 is all about balancing the needs of your city in extreme conditions. With a viable strategy for managing resources, population growth, and law enforcement, you will have a good shot at surviving this frozen apocalypse. Remember, it’s not just building a city; it’s making tough decisions to help it survive for a long time.

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