Final Fantasy XVI (FF16) – Game Guide & Tips

Welcome to the complete guide for “Final Fantasy Mode” in Final Fantasy XVI. This guide will cover all the challenges, strategies, and tips to help you master this mode. It will holistically cover everything that “Final Fantasy Mode” represents, how it differs from standard gameplay, and how one can truly maximize their character Clive to see him navigate through New Game Plus. 

What is Final Fantasy Mode?

Final Fantasy Mode is an extreme mode in FF16, you need to complete the game once to unlock it. More precisely, it’s for players who want to put themselves through a wringer: there are more potent enemies, different enemy placements, and zero room for error. 

Key Changes and Features 

  • Enhanced Enemies: Enemies will be much more robust, and their placements will differ significantly from those in other modes.
  • More EXP: More experience points are gained from defeated enemies; hence, levelling up to proceed with the story is more efficient. 
  • Ultima Weapon: The powerful “Ultima Weapon” can be forged, but its recipe is only available in this mode.
  • Better Equipment: Equipment can be plus-ed up to +3, and accessories can be upgraded if identical duplicates exist.
  • Clive’s Max Level 100: In this setting, the level cap extends to 100 for Clive, allowing further development and enhancement of his abilities.
  • No QTE Prompts: The effect of this is that, during boss fights, button prompts are invisible, and the whole idea is that it requires you to pay attention to visual cues for timing.
  • Locked Difficulty: You can’t switch to another mode after starting a Final Fantasy Mode game.

New Game Plus (NG+): What’s Different?

New Game Plus is a feature in many games that lets you replay the game with the same stats, gear, and abilities. This is how NG+ and Final Fantasy Mode come together:

  • Carry Over Progression: The saved data from your first playthrough carries over into NG+; thus, you have upgraded your equipment and abilities.
  • Better Equipment Upgrades: You’ll upgrade your equipment further in NG+, up to +3, and get “+” materials that will fall to you with the best upgrades. Those things fall off the bosses and “Risky Mobs”.
  • Using Materials Judiciously: Be frugal with your supply of Orichalcum Dirk and other limited materials. Plan your upgrades to make the most of them for particular equipment.

Hints and Tips for Final Fantasy Mode

  • Max Out During First Playthrough: Max your stats and equipment during the first playthrough so that if you start NG+, your journey will be much easier.
  • Collect Resources Wisely: Gather materials and Gil to upgrade your equipment to the highest available. Prioritize certain upgrades that are important to excel on quests.
  • Focus on Inventory/Item-Improvement Quests: Completing quests that improve inventory capacity or enhance the effectiveness of items can remarkably affect this game’s difficulty.
  • Practice to Evade and Counter: Since enemies deal heavy damage, mastering evasion and counterattacks will help you be more survivable. Observe the pattern of enemies’ attacks and use evasions to avoid damage.
  • Keep Upgrading Equipment: The more frequently you upgrade your equipment, the more competitive you will be. The enemies in this mode hit hard, and you should constantly check the Forge and the Shop for something better.
  • Use Potions Wisely: You should always keep a fat stock of potions. Proper management of healing items can make all the difference in boss fights.
  • Focus on Stronger Abilities and Combos: Spend your resources on abilities and combos to help you do the most damage or bring a critical advantage in combat. 


Final Fantasy Mode in FF16 is available for those who want an added challenge. This will also test your strategy, timing, and adaptability. Follow these strategies, maximize your resources, and gain that combat skill to conquer the most demanding challenges of the game.

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