Evotinction Tips and Tricks 

Welcome to the high-stakes world of Evotinction, where technology isn’t just our ally—it’s a potential harbinger of humanity’s end. You step into the shoes of Dr. Liu, the last hope in a world where rogue AIs and killer robots run rampant in a secluded research facility known as HERE. With no combat training but a mind sharp as a laser, Dr. Liu must use his wits and hacking skills to survive, find survivors, and solve the mystery of what went wrong. Whether you’re a stealth game veteran or just hacking your way through for the first time, here are some Evotinction tips and tricks to help you navigate the facility. Look out for some pro tips hidden throughout the blog. 

What is Evotinction? 

A game which invites people who love hacking into the world of Dr. Liu. As Dr Liu, you’ll be facing off against rogue service robots and killer AI that have taken over the HERE facility. You aim to infiltrate the facility, use your extensive hacking tools to disable threats and uncover the truth behind the AI’s rampage. Let’s delve further into the Evotinction tips and tricks. 

Pro Tip: If you’re spotted, don’t panic. Quickly retreat to a safe spot and use your hacking skills to create a distraction or hide your presence.

Stealth is Your Best Friend 

The key to surviving the highly secured facility is to hone your gaming and stealth skills. Remember, Dr. Liu is not a soldier, so staying in the shadows might just save you from your enemies. 

Genie Robots: These are your bread-and-butter foes—everyday service bots that have gone haywire. They patrol specific routes, and their AI coordinates with other robots to maximise efficiency. Observing their patterns is crucial for planning your moves.

Killer Robots: As you go deeper into the facility, you’ll encounter specialised killer robots designed to neutralise threats. They’re tougher, smarter, and more dangerous, so avoid unnecessary confrontations with these bad boys.

Stick to the Shadows: Darkness is your ally. Use the environment to your advantage by hiding behind obstacles, staying in the shadows, and avoiding well-lit areas that make you an easy target.

Crouch and Move Slowly: Moving slowly and crouching reduces the noise you make, helping you stay undetected. Spinning to the next hiding spot is tempting, but patience often pays off. 

Pro Tip: Always take a moment to watch your enemies’ patrol routes. Understanding their movement patterns will help you plan your hacks and manoeuvres to slip past them unnoticed.

Master Your Hacking Arsenal 

Dr Liu isn’t a fighter, but he’s got a brain full of tech tricks that can turn the tide in your favour. Your arsenal of gadgets is your lifeline, so mastering them is critical to success. Here are some of the essential tools you’ll use:

Long-Range Signal Disruption: This disables robots’ communication with each other, effectively isolating them and making them easier to bypass.

Radio & Electromagnetic Jamming: These are great for creating confusion among your robotic foes. By jamming signals, you can cause robots to malfunction or act erratically, giving you an opening to sneak past.

Hologram Illusion: Deploy holograms to distract robots or lure them away from their patrol routes. This is especially useful when you need to clear a path without engaging.

Decoys: Similar to holograms, decoys can be used to lead robots into traps or away from sensitive areas.

Pro Tip: Mix and match your gadgets. For example, use a hologram to lure a group of robots and then hit them with a signal disruptor to keep them busy while you slip by.

Mapping Your Route to Victory 

The HERE facility is a sprawling complex with numerous levels, each filled with secrets, dangers, and hidden paths. Here’s how to make sure you’re always on the right track:

Use Hacking Vision: Dr. Liu’s advanced HUD lets you scan the environment, highlighting potential threats, hacking points, and paths. Use this frequently to get the lay of the land before moving forward.

Map It Out: Each level has multiple routes—some safer than others. Take your time to explore and find the path that best suits your strategy, whether stealth, hacking or a mix of both.

Choose Your Battles: Not every enemy needs to be hacked or defeated. Sometimes, the best approach is simply to avoid conflict altogether. Save your energy and resources for moments when you genuinely need them. 

Uncover the Truth 

As you progress through Evotinction, you’ll uncover clues and data logs that shed light on the mysterious virus that has taken over the facility. Dr. Liu’s journey isn’t just about survival; it’s about understanding what went wrong and finding a solution to save humanity from a potential extinction event.

  • Collect Data Logs: Keep an eye out for data logs and terminals that provide insights into the backstory of the HERE facility and the rogue AI. These will help you piece together the mystery and provide hints and tips for navigating the facility.
  • Dialogue and Choices: Pay attention to the dialogue and choices you make. Your actions will influence how the story unfolds, leading to different outcomes based on your decisions.

Pro Tip: Don’t rush through the levels.


Evotinction isn’t your typical action-packed shooter; it’s a game that challenges you to think, plan, and adapt on the fly. Dr Liu might not be a soldier, but his intelligence and hacking skills make him a formidable force against the rogue AI that threatens humanity. By mastering stealth, utilising your gadgets, and navigating the treacherous halls of the HERE facility, you’ll uncover the truth and, hopefully, find a way to prevent humanity’s downfall. These Evotinction tips and tricks will guide you through any challenging situation you’re stuck in. 

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