Essential Minecraft Tips for beginners |

Minecraft is an easy game to learn when you first start playing but loaded into your first world; everything might seem a bit overwhelming. The game mechanics are vast and varied, yet the learning curve is soft and can be overcome with a little investment by playing the game. To help you begin your journey, we have listed some of the most essential items for beginners. So, here are a few Minecraft tips for you! 

 Crafting Table 

The most essential utility for any Minecraft player is their good old trusty crafting table, this has to be the first priority for any player as the crafting table opens up all the unlimited possibilities of crafting the multiple varied items and tools in Minecraft. A crafting table is quite important as multiple items in-game are locked behind it as without it crafting certain higher level items become impossible, bringing players progression to a stall.

Iron Sword 

The best defence is a good offence, this comes true in the case of Minecraft as the world is filled with Mobs of all categories whose sole purpose is to hurt the player and kill them. Don’t let this be your setback and craft a Iron Sword as soon as possible to give you the best chance of defending yourself in the early game with the iron sword. It can be used to defend yourself from Mobs as well as kill livestock which will come in handy when you are running low on food. 


A Shelter or some sort of safe house has to be on top of your priority list when you are settled down enough to put your back into building a safe spot for you to retreat back to and set up your very first base. Shelters or bases are crucial to your success as when the night falls, Mobs in Minecraft are on the prowl and players will have to spend many a nights defending themselves from these Mobs. Starting small is always the preferred choice as your first shelter can either be a dirt house or simply a abandoned Mineshaft repurposed into a survival bunker. Let your imagination run wild as even the sky isn’t the limit in Minecraft and with our Minecraft Tips, all is possible in the block world.


The first few days can be tough when it comes to surviving in Minecraft as players are just getting used to the mechanics and running low on all kinds of supplies. So it is quintessential to craft a bed as the bed mechanics lets you skip the night time in Minecraft, with this players can easily skip the nighttime as the visibility and constant attacks from the Mobs in game can hinder your hard work. Plus the bed acts as a spawn point for you when you die in game. 


Until and unless you have the eyes of a cat this Minecraft Tip will save your life in sticky situations as torches are super necessary to your survival journey. When venturing out players will stumble upon deep cave systems, chasms and a multitude of other structures deep within the different biomes of the game and none of these places will have a source of light so to not dive right into the claustrophobia of Minecraft, torches will come in handy as sources of light and players can also use them to light  up their paths and mark them. 


Furnaces add to the functions of crafting in the game with the primary function of a Furnace in Minecraft is to smelt ores and cook food. Smelting ores like Iron and Gold is essential to turn them into usable crafting materials. Additionally, most food items you collect can be cooked in the Furnace, which enhances their effectiveness in satisfying your hunger.


In Minecraft players have a limited capacity of only 36 slots for items, plus an additional 9 slots for the hot bar, which is accessible on the main screen. This makes it tough for players to carry multiple items at once and some of it needs to be stored in a secure space, that’s where Storage or Chest comes into play. Chests provide the players with extra storage space. Crafting a bunch of chests will help players in storing items to be used at a later time and keep the on-person inventory free of any waste items not essential for exploration

Iron pickaxe 

Pickaxe is one of the most crucial tools for any Minecraft player as the core mechanic of the game is for players to venture out and mine for materials and turn them into usable items. An iron pickaxe will prove useful for mining stronger material blocks such as Diamonds, Emeralds, Gold, and Redstone. Iron pickaxe is also a must have item for deep mining and reaching the depths of the Minecraft world. 


Food is the energy source of the player, working as the healing factor in game, players should always have plenty of food stocked in their inventory for those sticky situation where you stumble upon a shaft swarming with zombies and skeletons or that one creeper which spawns out of nowhere and blast you to bits. Cooked food is always the better option and an inventory full of cooked chicken or ham is the best way to go about exploring. 


A bucket might not seem very useful in a game where you fend off mobs and mine deep underground for diamonds and gold, but its benefits are surprising regardless of your level. One of the most valuable uses for a bucket is dealing with the sudden and unexpected appearance of lava. Remove the wrong block while mining, and you could find yourself on fire. Carrying a bucket of water can be a literal lifesaver in such situations. You can also use it to carry lava or milk. 


Now that you are through with our Minecraft Tips and now know what you are getting into and now you have the best essential items list you are ready to venture into the deep chasms of Minecraft and explore its vast open world with unlimited possibilities of creativity and innovation and if you haven’t tried out Minecraft yet you can find the cheapest Minecraft digital key right here on Driffle

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