“In a world full of Chaos, a nameless Hero rises.” Set in China’s Three Kingdom Period, the game features an unnamed protagonist with a lost memory battling across the extensive battlefield to save its starving people from ultimate chaos. Dynasty Warriors: Origins offers tactical action gameplay where players get into the shoes of an unnamed warrior who must find a way out of the absolute disorder. As players hop onto the game, they will experience realistic battlefields, where they will conquer enemies in 1v1000. The struggle comes in as the protagonist has lost all his memory. But, worry not, his muscle memory still recognizes how to conquer. Let us look at some ways by which players can ace the gameplay, even with a protagonist with a lost memory.

Dynasty Warriors Origins Gameplay: Master Both Offence and Defense
Stepping into the battlefield is the only way to survive the chaos. And, as players step into the game, battles and encounters will reveal the path further, navigating through the war-torn times. Here are a few ways by which players can ace the gameplay.
- Basic Combat Action: As players enter the battlefield, basic attacks paired with more powerful attacks that are strong enough to break enemy blocks are crucial to the combat.
- Use “Arts” to your advantage: Arts in Dynasty Warriors Origins are nothing but strong, unique attacks that get unleashed as players repeat certain attacks, unlocking “bravery”. Using Arts effectively will result in improved gameplay.

- Parrying on time: Defensive gameplay is central to tactical combats. Parrying at the right moment will leave the enemy vulnerable, working to your advantage.
- Block and Attack: Blocking attacks with a guard, keeping an eye on weak enemy defenses, and attacking accordingly is a great way to harm enemies.
- Reducing Fortitude: Enemies have a protective energy called Fortitude around them, adding to their power. Attacking on weak points can reduce Fortitude, leaving them vulnerable.

- Unlock the Assault: As the enemy’s fortitude decreases, players can activate Assault, rendering massive damage to the enemy. This can also be the master stroke, finishing the enemy entirely.
- Unleash Musou Attacks: As players attack enemies, the Musou Gauge will fill. As it reaches a certain level, players will be able to access powerful strikes called Musou Attacks.
Master Weapons As You Journey Through Three Kingdoms
- Venture through the World Map: The World Map represents the entire world of The Three Kingdoms. As players venture through the map, they will face large-scale battles and missions to suppress the rebellion and save their people.
- Acquire Weapons: While journeying through the map, players can purchase some rare and powerful weapons, besides winning them in the battles.

- Master the weapons to reach New Heights: As players strive to up their game, they will be wielding some weapons, starting from basic ones like swords and spears to more advanced pieces like crescent blades and gauntlets. Mastering these weapons will unlock new “Rank” for the protagonist, increasing his abilities.
- Use Companions Effectively: Depending on the battlefield’s complexity, players can choose to use companions. These Companions have peerless power and assist in gameplay. However, the number of times players can choose to use them is limited, so unlocking them strategically is extremely important.
Dynasty War Origins is around the corner and in fact, is already available for pre-order. This gameplay guide takes you through some ways by which players can ace the gameplay. By using the acquired weapons effectively, paired with efficient use of attacks and defense, players can slay as large forces of enemies as possible as they venture through the Three Kingdoms. Pre-order the game now to get hands-on experience of the gameplay ASAP!

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