Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Character Guide

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster’s most anticipated launch of the year has set high expectations for the gaming industry—brilliant graphics with a realistic gameplay experience and brilliant yet realistic graphics. The storyline follows incredible characters placed thoughtfully throughout the game to provide a fun experience. Enter the zombie world with the protagonist in style. Discover unconventional weapons and have fun killing zombies. Ensure you have your priorities defined in the game because you only have 72 hours to save the survivors! This descriptive Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster character guide will help you know more about the characters you will play with. 

Let’s Get Into It 

About the game a little, a small town in Colorado, United States, has been under quarantine by the U.S. Army. A freelance journalist comes to explore the reason why. He discovers that zombies and psychopaths have taken over a mall in the town; the journalist fights the antagonists to save the survivors. Cruise through the game with your weapons like CDs, chainsaws, guns and whatever you can find around you. It’s pretty much a living hell for you to save. Always remember the clock is ticking, and you only have 72 hours to make a change. 

Frank West 

The main protagonist, Frank West, is a freelance journalist called upon by crazy events happening in a small town in Colorado. He discovers that Zombies and psychopaths have taken over the city. He tries all the different ways to save as many survivors as possible with help from his friends in the shopping mall. Exploring the mall is highly beneficial and a time-saving technique for you in the long run. You can explore the character with the story mode and get into the small details of the entire plot. The story mode will help you to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the character you will be playing. 


The main antagonists of this story. The zombies have created an uproar, waiting to be cleaned up. In fact, the game has also come up with a song that’s from the zombie’s perspective. Give it a listen for a good laugh! The zombies only have one aim: to kill or be killed. Your objective in the game would be to kill as many zombies as possible. With their gory and dead features, they do a great job of absorbing the player into the story and game to conjure up hate for these zombies. Look out and kill some zombies!


Worse than zombies are the psychopaths. The name suits them right. These characters are the people who have lost their minds in the game and are waiting to attack you in the disguise of ordinary people, like a clown. Don’t shy away from using a chainsaw or CD to kill the ones in your path to save the people. 

Jessica McCarney

Jessica McCarney is a companion that you would come across in the game. She is responsible for all the intel on the survivors you’ll get from the Security room. Her boss, Brad Garrison, sent her to escort a high-profile doctor out of the mall safely. Help her finish her mission, and Jessica will help you with yours. Make good use of her intel and make sure that you work swiftly. 


To summarise, these characters add an edge of creativity and realism to the game never seen before. The brilliance of this game is unmatched. A generic concept twisted to spew a totally to provide a new experience to gamers: Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster. Immerse yourself in the experience of heroism and fighting zombies with a team of people. Make sure to look over your shoulder at all times! Game on. 

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