Crime Scene Cleaner Gameplay Guide

Cleaning up after crime scenes is not just a job; it’s one of the highly vital functions that has to do with precision, keen observation, and strategies. In our Crime Scene Cleaner gameplay guide, you can go through the ins and outs of this exciting game using our essential tips and tricks to help you prepare for whatever disgusting task is thrown at you. This guide will help newbies and seasoned cleaners excel and keep those crime scenes spotless.

Understanding the Basics

What is a crime scene cleaner?

In Crime Scene Cleaner, you play a professional who cleans crime scenes. You don’t simply sweep the general space but conceal all traces of the crime and return it to its original state. This involves cleaning bloodstains, removing hazardous materials, and sometimes even repairing damaged property.

Game Modes

It has a few different modes to mix things up. Story Mode guides you through a narrative that takes you through crime scenes with their own set of challenges and objectives. Freemode allows you to tackle crime scenes without the burden of a storyline. Time Challenge adds extra difficulty by cleaning up a crime scene within a specified time limit. Tools of the Trade

Essential Equipment

However, your main companion in Crime Scene Cleaner is your toolkit. Here’s what you will have at your disposal in most cases:

  • Mop and Bucket: Remember this for wiping up blood and other liquids.
  • Gloves and Masks: Wearing these will help you avoid harmful materials.
  • Biohazard Bags: These are used to clean dangerous or contaminated items.
  • Disinfectant Sprays: This assures that your surfaces are cleaned.
  • Scrub Brushes: These are used on solid stains but require more effort.
Upgrades and Enhancements

As you go on, you will unlock upgrades to your tools. Upgraded mops, more powerful disinfectants, and efficient biohazard bags will make cleaning easier. Be sure to look for these and try to invest in them as soon as possible.

Gameplay Mechanics

Surveying the Scene

Take a moment to survey the scene before you commence the cleaning. Identify all the spots that need your attention and then plan your approach. This will help you save time leaving no spot overlooked.

Cleaning Process
  • Remove Major Debris: Start by picking up large items and disposing of these in the biohazard bags.
  • Fluid cleanup: Clean up blood and other fluids with a mop and bucket. Be sure to wring the mop thoroughly numerous times to avoid spreading its unwanted contents.
  • Disinfecting Surfaces: Spray disinfectant onto all surfaces and scrub them well.
  • Dealing with Hazardous Materials: Always use protective gloves and masks when dealing with hazardous materials, and ensure they are disposed of properly.
  • Final Inspection: Make a final walk-through ensuring everything is well-covered.
Dealing with Hard Stains

Some stains are more resistant than others. For such stains, use your scrub brush and apply more elbow grease. If a stain is really hard, use a stronger disinfectant spray or an upgraded tool.

Tips and Tricks

Time Management

Efficiency is the name of the game in Crime Scene Cleaner. Here are some tips on how to manage your time correctly:

  • Prioritize Your Tasks: Begin with the most critical tasks, like blood cleanups, so they don’t spread.
  • Stay Organized: Keep your tools in order and know where everything is. This will save you from fumbling around and wasting time.
  • Take Breaks: If you’re playing Time Challenge mode, take small breaks once in a while to avoid burnout. A fresh mind works faster and more accurately.
Attention to Detail

Small details make a big difference. Ensure that:

  • Check Corners and Crevices: Blood and other fluids tend to seep into tiny areas. Break out your scrub brush and get into those areas.
  • Check Under Furniture: Crime scenes can be messy, and evidence can end anywhere. Move furniture around and make sure you’ve covered every inch.
  • Double-Check Everything: Before you’re done, double-check the entire area to ensure you’ve caught everything.
Upgrading Your Skills

Level up to earn points to spend on upgrading your skills. Focus on the following:

  1. Speed: Speeds up how quickly you clean, thus quickly finishing tasks quickly.
  2. Efficiency: Cleans well using fewer strokes or uses of the tools.
  3. Perception: Enforces visual acuity about hidden blemishes and particles.

Challenges and Solutions

Biohazard Zones

These can include specific areas marked as biohazards that need more care. Always wear your protective gear and clean with the proper tools.

Difficult Clients

You might encounter difficult clients and you can use these tricks to keep them satisfied:

  1. Communicate: Let them know where you stand regarding the job and any obstacles that may come your way.
  2. Go the Extra Mile: If a client is very demanding, spend a little extra time ensuring everything is right.
  3. Stay Professional: Always act professionally regardless of how problematic a client may be.
Time Limitations

In Time Challenge mode, you must clean quickly, but you must keep quality in mind. Here are some strategies:

  1. Plan Ahead: Before you begin, glance over the scene and decide how you will approach things.
  2. Stay Focused: Avoid distractions and maintain your mind’s focus on the task.
  3. Upgrade: Upgrade yourself by making speed-up and efficiency upgrades in the job.


Cleaning the crime scenes in Crime Scene Cleaner is not easy; however, with strategies and tools, you can master attaining that sparkling clean state. Keep yourself organized and wise with your time; monitor every detail.

Now, break out the mop, slip on those gloves, and here’s to real-life Dirty Work—the art of cleaning up after crime scenes. Stay tuned for more updates here!