Creatures of Ava Gameplay Guide

Creatures of Ava is the latest action RPG from 11 Bit Studios. If you’re tired of the same old games with the primary goal of killing everything in sight, you’re in for a treat. It the script by focusing on saving and taming creatures rather than destroying them. This Creatures of Ava Gameplay Guide will walk you through everything you need to know.

Getting Started: The Basics

First, let’s talk about what makes Creatures of Ava unique. Most action RPGs that exist have violence as their primary mode of gameplay. Yours will be the salvation and taming of creatures with the help of a magical tool: the lute. It is a very refreshing pace and extremely rewarding. Moreover, who doesn’t like cute mystical creatures? 

How to Get the Lute

First, you will need the lute to tame creatures. The good news is that you just can’t miss it. The lute is related to the story and will be gained pretty early in the game. An NPC will give you the lute as you progress through the main quests, setting you on the path to becoming that creature whisperer.

Taming Creatures: Step-by-Step Guide

Now that you have the lute let’s look into how to do it. With these steps, you will be well on your way to becoming a pro!

Step 1: Get Close to a Group of Creatures

Venture out into the wide open and search for herds of creatures. These can be in many areas, so always be on the lookout. As you find a group, please approach them, careful not to get too close. If you scare them off, then you need to find another group.

Step 2: Watch for Music Notes

As you approach the creatures, you will see minor music note signs over their heads. You must play the sequence of the notes to tame the beasts. Watch for the white indicators that constantly flash in three or more directions. Now, your task is to remember the sequence of those notes.

Step 3: Play the Sequence on Your Lute

Once you’ve memorized the sequence, hit the left button on the D-pad to bring up your lute. Now, play the same sequence you just saw above the creatures’ heads. Don’t worry about being too precise. Even if you hit a slightly wrong note, it’ll still count. The important thing is to get the general sequence right.

Step 4: Tame the Creatures

If you did everything right, the creatures should now be following you. You can do a few things with them in this state. You can pet them; they will like that, or send them to your ship if there is a tool for that nearby. Congratulations, you have just tamed your first creatures!

Advanced Taming Tips

Once you have the basics down, it is time to elevate your taming abilities to a new dimension. Here are more advanced tips to help you become the ultimate creature tamer.

Tip 1: Try Out Various Tunes

Each class of creature in Creatures of Ava reacts to different tunes. Although the primary sequence will get you by with most creatures, some will require more finesse. Trying out different sequences will help you learn what works best for which type of creature.

Tip 2: Environmental Clues

Observe your environment; it can give you valuable clues about the creature you are taming. The sounds and movements of the creatures will give you an idea about the sequence you need to play. Sometimes, the environment will hint at it.

Tip 3: Upgrade Your Lute

The further you go in the game, the more upgrades you can make to your lute. Upgrades give longer ranges and accuracy and add different effects to your tunes. Keep a lookout for upgrade opportunities that will make taming easier.

Tip 4: Build Relationships

This does not mean that taming creatures is merely about playing the right notes. It can also be about making relationships with them. Spend time interacting with your tamed creatures. Pet them, feed them, and take care of them. As you become closer to the creature, your taming abilities will improve.

Taming Joy

One of the most rewarding aspects of playing Creatures of Ava is taming and interacting with the creatures. Every single creature within the place has its own nature and various aspects of its personality, so each taming experience will differ. Whether one is taming majestic flying beasts or small cute critters, the amount of satisfaction and bonding is beyond compare.

World Exploration

While questing, one will encounter all sorts of landscapes and environments in the great lands of Ava. All areas, from green forests to deserts, are full of life waiting to be claimed. Take your time and get enchanted by the beauty of the game world. The more you explore, the more creatures you will find to make friends with.


Creatures of Ava is an innovative action RPG with a fresh approach. Instead of annihilating creatures, the game provides a heartwarming feeling towards taming and saving, making it one of the most engaging games. With this guide, you are well on your way to being that master creature tamer. Stay tuned for more updates on hot upcoming titles.