Concord Tips & Tricks: The Sci-Fi Hero Shooter of 2024

What’s good, gamers? This hero shooter from 2024 is making waves and for a reason! If you’re a newcomer or a grizzled gunner just looking to up your game, we have the ultimate Concord Tips & Tricks to gaining the upper hand in this future battlefield.

Getting to Know Your Freegunners

You’ll choose from 16 unique characters known as Freegunners, each with special abilities and gadgets. Knowing your Freegunner’s strengths and exactly how to exploit them can give you a real edge in battle.

1. Play to Your Strengths:

Bazz: If you love to get up close and personal, Bazz is the guy for you. Master his melee attacks and throwing knives, and quickly take enemies down one by one.

Emari: Do you like to tank your way across the battlefield? Emari’s Rotary Scrap Cannon and armour abilities make her a great way to soak up damage and charge into the fray.

Kyps: Or are you more of a stealth player? Kyps’ cloaking and recon abilities are tailor-made for those who want to scout ahead and catch the enemy off-guard.

Mastering the Game Modes

From objective-based gameplay to all-out deathmatch, Concord’s game modes play differently. Here’s how to dominate them all:

2. Area Control:

Teams battle over various zones. To dominate:

Coordinate with your team: Secure zones together, after which defend.

Deploy area control abilities via Freegunners: Trap or set up defensive gadgets to hold zones.

3. Cargo Run:

No-respawn mode, where teams clash to plant the robotic package, Blue Buddy.

Strategize your approach: Plan your moves and anticipate enemy tactics.

Defend effectively: Hold out on good defensive positions against enemies with Blue Buddy by your side.

4. Clash Point:

A round-based, no-response mode where the objective is to control the centre zone.

Play smart: Use cover and coordinate with your team to hold the central area.

Conserve resources: Since there are no respawns in this game mode, do not waste your abilities or gadgets.

5. Trophy Hunt:

Earn points by killing other players to earn bounty cards.

Keep moving: Be mobile and avoid becoming an easy target.

Focus fire on the high-value target player: Target players with more bounty cards to gain more points.

Improving Your Gameplay with Bonuses

Concord is not just a shooting game; it’s a thinking game. Leverage the kinds of bonuses to improve your Freegunner:’

6. Choose the Right Kind of Bonus:

Tacticians: Speed up the reload times to keep the pressure on the enemy.

Rangers: Reduced weapon recoil for greater accuracy.

Haunts: Boost mobility to dodge enemies.

Anchors: Incoming Healing increased for longer survivability in combat.

Breachers: Cooldown reduction on dodges to dodge more often.

Wardens: The weapon range increased to attack enemies from a safe distance.

Special Gear

Turn the battle with special gear – mines, healing pods, and traps, among others:

7. Strategic Deployment:

Mines: Lay mines in areas of high traffic to surprise your foes.

Healing Pods: Set up healing pods to retreat and recover safely.

Traps: Use traps to control chokepoints and surprise enemies.

Understanding the Story and Updates

Concord isn’t just a shooter; it’s set in a rich sci-fi universe with ongoing narrative updates.

8. Follow the Story:

Engage with the weekly updates: This keeps you informed about deeper character arcs or stories.

Stay Informed: Knowing the lore can add flavour to your missions and make the game more immersive.

9. Keep Up with Post-Launch Content:

Firewalk Studios confirms free post-launch content updates, including new characters, maps, game modes, and story vignettes. With all the fresh updates, this will keep you engrossed in your gameplay experience.

Final Tips to Succeed

10. Communication is the Key:

Chat with Your Team: Strategies must be discussed, information shared, and an integrated effort ensured for victory.

Adapt and Overcome: Be flexible with your tactics and adjust to the dynamic battlefield.

11. Practice Makes Perfect:

Try Out Various Freegunners: Find what suits your playstyle best.

Learn from Each Match: Analyze gameplay to improve and refine strategies.


Concord is shaping up to be one of the most exciting hero shooters of 2024. With its diverse characters, heart-pounding game modes, and strategic depth, there is something here for every player. Power up with these Concord Tips & Tricks and really become a master of this game to carve your place in the star-studded halls of players.

Stay tuned for further updates, recent information and hot tips on the latest games. Good luck with your game!