Concord Character Guide

Welcome to the ultimate Concord Character Guide! This upcoming blockbuster has diverse characters and knowing their strengths and abilities is key to dominating the battlefield. From the powerhouse Rex who smashes through enemies to the stealthy Bazz with his deadly knives, each character brings their own unique flair and tactical advantages.

Let’s get the lowdown on all the characters, their weapons, abilities, and how they can help you turn the tide of battle in your favor. So let’s view this Concord Character Guide for who’s who and what makes each of them special!

1. OFF

  • Combat Trait: Trash Dispenser – Throws more Trash Bombs with higher damage.
  • Primary Weapon: CC-1090 Industrial Vacuum
  • Secondary Weapon: Pressure Blaster
  • Ability One: Air Barrier – Creates a shield of air that deflects projectiles. Charges by using the Industrial Vacuum.
  • Ability Two: Trash Bomb – Launches a bouncing, exploding trash projectile. Charges by using the Industrial Vacuum.
  • Movement Style: Single jump.
  • Passive Ability: Scrap Detector – Highlights objects that can be vacuumed.
  • Tough as Nails – Reduces incoming body damage.
  • Crew Bonus: Anchor – Boosts healing received.

2. Bazz

  • Combat Trait: Skillful Tracker – Tracks nearby enemies through walls while crouching.
  • Primary Weapon: Carbon Steel Throwing Knives
  • Secondary Weapon: None
  • Ability One: Lunging Strike – Performs a deadly melee lunge towards enemies.
  • Ability Two: Scourge Star – Throws an item that debuffs enemies, increasing damage dealt to them.
  • Movement Style: Double jump, triple dodge, boosted slide jump.
  • Passive Ability: Beacon Blades – Knives that hit an enemy will track them for a short time.
  • Crew Bonus: Haunt – Improves mobility.

3. Daveers

  • Combat Trait: Resistant Dodge – Dodging grants brief damage resistance.
  • Primary Weapon: MK 5 Burnite Grenade Launcher
  • Secondary Weapon: None
  • Ability One: Ignition Dart – Fires a damage-over-time dart that ignores Burnite pools.
  • Ability Two: Burnite Canister – Spreads self-igniting Burnite across an area.
  • Movement Style: Double jump.
  • Passive Ability: Volatile Chemicals – Burnite pools can be ignited by allies’ fire damage.
  • Crew Bonus: Breacher – Faster dodge cooldown.

4. Daw

  • Combat Trait: Intensive Care – Healing Pads offer more health before deactivating.
  • Primary Weapon: .320 Sanctuary Burst Rifle
  • Secondary Weapon: None
  • Ability One: Healing Pad – Drops a device that heals nearby allies.
  • Ability Two: Safety Dome – Creates a protective dome that blocks projectiles.
  • Movement Style: Double jump.
  • Passive Ability: Second Wind – Heals slightly during dodge.
  • Crew Bonus: Tactician – Faster reload speed.

5. Duchess

  • Combat Trait: Dodge Reload – Reloads weapon while dodging.
  • Primary Weapon: BA02 Submachine Gun
  • Secondary Weapon: None
  • Ability One: Construct Wall – Builds a wall to block sight and movement.
  • Ability Two: Ruinous Blast – Creates an area that implodes after a delay, dealing damage and making enemies vulnerable.
  • Movement Style: Double jump.
  • Passive Ability: Austorium Resistance – No self-damage from personal blasts.
  • Crew Bonus: Ranger – Reduces weapon recoil.

6. Emari

  • Combat Trait: Synergy Shield – Activating the Projectile Shield grants Armor.
  • Primary Weapon: Rotary Scrap Cannon
  • Secondary Weapon: None
  • Ability One: Armor Generator – Creates an area that gives Armor to allies over time.
  • Ability Two: Projectile Shield – A barrier that blocks projectiles and can be destroyed.
  • Movement Style: Single jump.
  • Passive Ability: Tough as Nails – Reduces incoming body damage.
  • Crew Bonus: Anchor – Increases healing received.

7. Haymar

  • Combat Trait: Hellfire – More Wall of Fire charges and shorter cooldown for Blinding Flash.
  • Primary Weapon: Flameshow Bow
  • Secondary Weapon: None
  • Ability One: Blinding Flash – A projectile that blinds enemies on explosion, can be manually detonated.
  • Ability Two: Wall of Fire – Creates a wall of fire in the direction thrown.
  • Movement Style: Hover, air dodge.
  • Passive Ability: Flameshot Charge – Overcharges the projectile when aiming down sights.
  • Crew Bonus: Warden – Extends weapon range.

8. It-Z

  • Combat Trait: Evasive Maneuvers – Increased mobility when at low health.
  • Primary Weapon: EL/120 Electrostatic SMG
  • Secondary Weapon: None
  • Ability One: Cosmic Slip – Throws an energy sphere and teleports to its location when activated.
  • Ability Two: Scramble Rebound – Disrupts enemy weapons with chaos energy and supercharges It-Z’s weapon.
  • Movement Style: Double jump.
  • Passive Ability: Mirror Image – Leaves behind a decoy when dodging or using Cosmic Slip.
  • Crew Bonus: Haunt – Boosts mobility.

9. Jabali

  • Combat Trait: Pulse Radius – Healing aura from Life Pulse has a larger radius.
  • Primary Weapon: Pulse-Guided Seeker Rifle
  • Secondary Weapon: None
  • Ability One: Life Pulse – Creates a healing aura around an ally.
  • Ability Two: Hunter Orb – An offensive orb that seeks out and damages enemies.
  • Movement Style: Triple jump.
  • Passive Ability: Life Cycle – Eliminations or Hunter Orb hits recharge Life Pulse.
  • Crew Bonus: Ranger – Reduces weapon recoil.

10. Kyps

  • Combat Trait: Marked Target – Reveals enemies and resets dodge cooldown when attacking from stealth.
  • Primary Weapon: Silenced Burst Pistol
  • Secondary Weapon: None
  • Ability One: Surveillance Trap – Reveals enemies when triggered and persists between rounds.
  • Ability Two: Disruption Grenade – Disrupts enemy abilities and shields, resetting dodge cooldown.
  • Movement Style: Double jump.
  • Passive Ability: Active Stealth – Activates stealth during dodge.
  • Crew Bonus: Tactician – Faster reload speed.

11. Lark

  • Combat Trait: Natural Dexterity – Faster reload while in spore areas.
  • Primary Weapon: Razorpod Launcher
  • Secondary Weapon: None
  • Ability One: Transplant Pod – Drops a pod that can be returned to on a second activation.
  • Ability Two: Spore Seed – Creates a spore area that boosts allies and slows enemies.
  • Movement Style: Double jump.
  • Passive Ability: Fungal Resistance – Damage resistance stacks with active spores on the map.
  • Crew Bonus: Tactician – Faster reload speed.

12. Lennox

  • Combat Trait: Reloads weapon during dodge.
  • Primary Weapon: HL-4 “Bell Ringer” Heavy Handgun
  • Secondary Weapon: Chesterly Model 3 Revolver
  • Ability One: Exploding Knife – A throwing knife that explodes on impact.
  • Ability Two: Claxton Healing – Regenerates health over a brief period.
  • Movement Style: Double jump.
  • Passive Ability: Gunslinger – Quickly reloads stowed weapons after emptying the current one.
  • Crew Bonus: Warden – Extends weapon range.

13. Roka

  • Combat Trait: Hover Targeting – Faster target lock while Hover Thrusters are active.
  • Primary Weapon: SAL-90 Light Missile Launcher
  • Secondary Weapon: None
  • Ability One: Hover Thrusters – Allows hovering in place in the air.
  • Ability Two: Blast Dive – Causes area damage on impact by blasting to the ground.
  • Movement Style: Triple jump, air dodge.
  • Passive Ability: Explosive Jump – Deals explosive damage on double and triple jumps.
  • Crew Bonus: Haunt – Boosts mobility.

14. Star-Child

  • Combat Trait: Diamond Dodge – Grants a burst of Diamond Skin while dodging.
  • Primary Weapon: Skullbreaker Shotgun
  • Secondary Weapon: None
  • Ability One: Rage Rush – Charges forward with Diamond Skin protection.
  • Ability Two: Power Slam – Slams the ground to deal area damage.
  • Movement Style: Double jump.
  • Passive Ability: Diamond Skin – Provides Armor while Rage Rush or Power Slam is active.
  • Crew Bonus: Breacher – Faster dodge cooldown.

15. Teo

  • Combat Trait: Rapid Reposition – Increased mobility for a short time after dodging.
  • Primary Weapon: ZEG-12 Guild Gard Rifle
  • Secondary Weapon: CL ROC 99 Guild Guard Sidearm
  • Ability One: Smoke Grenade – Creates a smoke cloud that obscures vision.
  • Ability Two: Cluster Grenade – A grenade that scatters secondary explosives in a tight area.
  • Movement Style: Double jump, double dodge.
  • Passive Ability: Tactical Weapon Sights – See enemies through smoke while aiming.
  • Crew Bonus: Ranger – Reduces weapon recoil.

16. Vale

  • Combat Trait: Enduring Aim – Grants Damage Resist while aiming down sights with the Sniper Rifle.
  • Primary Weapon: Monarch “Long 52” Sniper Rifle
  • Secondary Weapon: Monarch Sidearm
  • Ability One: Leap – Enhanced vertical leap.
  • Ability Two: Trip Mine – A mine that attaches to surfaces and detonates when triggered.
  • Movement Style: Double jump.
  • Passive Ability: Peak Performance – Faster rifle handling on critical hits.
  • Critical Eye – Track low-health enemies through walls.
  • Crew Bonus: Warden – Extends weapon range.


Each character in Concord offers a distinct set of skills and traits, so pick your favorite and gear up to take over the battlefield! The game features thrilling 5v5 matches, making it a great choice for teaming up with friends. With its impressive gameplay and stunning graphics, Concord promises an engaging experience you won’t want to miss. Concord release date is 23rd August, but it is available to pre-order here!

Hope this Concord Character Guide was helpful! Get more exciting updates on the latest games here! Happy Gaming!