Chaos is reigning and it needs some stunning Kombat. Mortal Kombat 1’s developer confirmed the entry of Conan The Barbarian, the fictional Sword and Sorcery hero to the game’s latest DLC, The Khaos Reigns. In the latest gameplay trailer released for Mortal Kombat 1, we can see this Chad slaying Quan Chi, the sorcerer and the major villain in Mortal Kombat Series. Let’s see what we will get to see as he makes a startling entry into the game.

Conan The Barbarian
Conan, in MK1, is based on his first-ever appearance in the 1982 film Conan The Barbarian starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. He gets his voice from Chris Cox, who played the T-800 in Mortal Kombat 11. Conan, as a playable character is already available in early access, starting from January 21. He will be fully available from January 28, and will only come to Khaos Reigns Expansion, Bundle, or Kollection.

Conan The Barbarian is the fifth character to join the roster for its latest DLC, The Khaos Reigns. Before him, we saw Noob Saibot, Sektor, Cyrax, and Ghostface making it to The DLC. Where we still await the entry of The Terminator’s T-1000, Mortal Kombat’s latest trailer dropped Conan’s gameplay, showcasing his fatalities. Let’s take a quick look at his gruesome attacks as he takes down the cunning Sorceror.

- Conan’s First Fatality: Conan’s First fatality, as shown in the trailer is when he cuts down one limb of Quan Chi that falls into the cauldron full of acid. The violence doesn’t end here. Conan is then shown putting his foot against Quan Chi’s chest, ramming his sword into the sorcerer’s mouth. His savagery takes the next step as he pushes him into the acid until he boils down to just bones and blood.

- Conan’s Second Fatality: Conan’s Second fatality, again, is a close-range attack. As players attempt this fatality, they will be able to attack into the gaps of the opponent’s head and the shoulder blade, slicing him down to bones and blood. Conan does this on both sides, ending the fatality by tearing off the enemy’s head with bare hands.

Let’s take a look at how to perform these fatalities on PlayStation, XBox and Switch.
How To Perform the Fatalities
Here is how players can perform the fatalities of Conan The Barbarian in Mortal Kombat 1.
For Fatality 1
- Xbox: Back, Forward, Down, X (Close Range)
- Playstation: Back, Forward, Down, Square (Close Range)
- Switch: Back, Forward, Down, Y (Close Range)
For Fatality 2
- Xbox: Back, Down, Back, A (Close Range)
- Playstation: Back, Down, Back, X (Close Range)
- Switch: Back, Down, Back, B (Close Range)

Where to Play As Conan The Barbarian
Conan The Barbarian will be available as a playable character for Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns Kollection, Expansion, and Bundle holders. Get your hands on it now.
With Conan, the Barbarian making a stunning entry to Mortal Kombat 1: The Khaos Reigns, the fun and violence are doubled. Players will be able to get their hands on it in early access from January 21, 2023. He will be fully available for the DLC from January 28, 2024. With solid swordplay and gruesome fatalities, Conan is all set to take down the villains in Liu Kang’s New Era, along with the other heroes who battle the ruthless Titan Havik, who threatens to plunge the realms into chaos.

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