We have all been there, staring at our reflections on a loading screen eagerly waiting for the game to boot up. Over time those waiting moments turn into some of the most unforgettable experiences. While we reflect on our decision to play the game, thinking about the next boss or texting our better half “Just one more game baby”. Loading Screens have become a crucial part of gaming and today we are ranking some of the best loading screens in video game history.

Best Loading Screens in Video Games
Creepy Door – Resident Evil
Retro Gaming fans all recognize the eerie door-opening loading screen from early Resident Evil Games. The slow door opening in between levels or while entering a new room built up suspense amongst gamers. The loading screen cleverly masked loading times in the Resident Evil Games, with its unsettling creaking sound and animation. The creepy door opening has disappeared over time with advancements in the gaming industry with faster loading times and game memory processing.
Artistic Paintings – Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

The latest Medieval RPG, Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 features a stylistic approach with its loading screens. Featuring artistic paintings from the 16th Century. The loading screens beautifully incorporate key story moments in the game with historically accurate, medieval-style paintings. Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 recently launched for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S & PC and has become a huge hit with fans of Open World RPG Games.

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3D Objects & Characters – The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is one of the most beloved games in the Elder Scrolls Series and gaming in general. The game revolutionized RPG Games with its expansive open-world, characters, branching story, customization & more. When booting up the game or entering new areas, players were introduced to loading screens displaying fully rendered 3D models of weapons, armor, and creatures. Players could rotate and inspect these objects and play around while they wait to load into the world of Skyrim.
Map Art – Battlefield 4
One of the most iconic and adrenaline-pumping loading screens on this list is the Battlefield 4 load screen. Before players plunged into the chaos of multiplayer combat, the loading screen showcased the upcoming map. While it wasn’t interactive, what made it truly memorable was the soundtrack. Each level featured its own unique score, building anticipation and immersing players in the action before the battle even began. Making it a truly memorable moment for many Battlefield fans.
In-Game Characters – GTA V

There isn’t a single gamer out there who wouldn’t recognize the iconic loading screen of GTA V. Featuring in-game characters while the player waits to load into the story mode or GTA Online. The loading screen featured story characters like Michael, Franklin, Trevor, Lester, Lamar & other faces coupled with the subtle score of the game. Over time the loading screen has become a source for many memes and fan discussions over the years due to its popularity and high loading times.
Animus Simulation – Assassin’s Creed Games

One series that has taken a different approach to loading screens in video games is the Assassin’s Creed Series. Before loading the game, the game puts the player in an empty glowing white space in the Animus Simulations filled with glitches. What sets it apart from other games is that it allows the player to control their character and practice movement and parkour while the game loads. Making it one of the most fun distractions while players await the fast-paced actions of the games.
Tips & Trivia – Minecraft

Another well-known loading screen is the funny trivia and Tips & Tricks seen in Minecraft. The game displays randomly generated messages—sometimes useful, sometimes humorous—against its classic pixelated backdrop. The loading screen in Minecraft holds its charm and is very relaxing compared to other titles. providing players with a subtle loading experience while they await their next adventure.
Story Progression – The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt
Perhaps the most thought after loading screen in a game comes from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Where the loading screen provides players with story progression recaps. Narrated by the beloved bard Dandelion these screens summarize recent choices and events, accompanied by black-and-white artistic illustrations. This feature not only is a way to load the game but also provides players with a recap of their choices and immerses them in the world of The Witcher.

Overtime Loading Screens in Video Games have turned from mere boot-up times to tools of immersion for the players. Some of these have become in the eyes of gamers across the world a staple of their franchise or the game developers. Whether the loading screen builds suspense, provides game hints, or just a moment of relaxation before players are thrust into the game’s world. The best ones make waiting an integral part of the journey rather than just an inconvenience.

Which loading screens are your favorite? Leave your thoughts in the comments below and for the latest gaming news, guides and more be sure to check our blog site.