Battlefield 2042 Drops Latest Update with New Changes

Battlefield 2042 lately has been receiving much support from EA with numerous updates and patches. A Unplayable mess at its launch Battlefield 2042 has seen a resurgence with gameplay fixes, new content, and more. The latest update for Battlefield 2042, Patch 8.5.0 brings new changes to loading screens, quality of life improvements, portal fixes & more. Let’s take a look at the latest Battlefield 2042 Update 8.5.0 Patch notes & fixes. 

Battlefield 2042 Update 8.5.0

Battlefield 2042 Update 8.5.0 

EA in their latest update for their first-person military shooter series introduces new bug fixes and loading screen changes to Battlefield 2042. The update also adds more description space for creators on Battlefield Portal. The overlaying of text during loading screens has also been fixed along with a new sequence for insertion from the UH-60 Black Hawk Helicopter.

Battlefield 2042 Update 8.5.0

The patch notes also stated more improvements and changes for the loading screen in the future. With more details coming soon on Battlefield’s Social Media channels and Discord.

Full Patch Notes  


  • Fixed overlapping input prompts on the deploy screen.


  • AI soldiers should no longer die out of bounds when fighting in the shipwreck. 


  • Added insertion sequence for the UH-60 Black Hawk.
  • Camera transition should now be smoother when switching views in seats while in a vehicle.
  • Fixed a bug where projectiles would despawn when firing from above the air vehicle max height.


  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to purchase the accelerated event pass if all levels were completed before the purchase.


Battlefield 2042 Update

The latest update for Battlefield 2042 brings minor changes to the game but is one step further for Battlefield 6. EA’s efforts to revive the grand old series with their next entry are in full swing with the recent reveal of Battlefield 6 Gameplay. 2042 with all updates and fixes has become something of a must-try for Battlefield fans due to its hard-hitting gunplay, customization options, and custom portal servers. 

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