What’s more noble than saving lives? Ambulance Life A Paramedic Simulator is all about you as a paramedic in San Pelícano who has dedicated his life to saving others. If there’s an accident, you rush to the emergency site and provide first-aid, and then take them to the hospital in your ambulance. But this journey is associated with a lot of challenges and even a little mistake can cost you a life. We’re here with some essential Ambulance Life tips and tricks to help you in the game.

6. Watch Tutorial
This might sound very obvious but many gamers skip game tutorials. Ambulance Life A Paramedic Simulator is a complicated game with various gameplay mechanics and skipping the tutorial might just confuse you throughout the game. It’s better to watch the complete tutorial before starting the game rather than failing missions and then hopping back to the tutorial. You will get essential gameplay tips in the tutorial like catastrophe management, first-aid tactics, driving tips, and more.

5. Try ‘Classic Mode’
For beginners, the Classic Mode will be a better choice at first as it guides you through the game. You will see instructions and tips on the screen on how to play further. The game also contains a Simulation Mode which is a closer representation of the real world and needs you to do everything by yourself. So, opt for the Classic Mode initially until you get familiar with Ambulance Life A Paramedic Simulator.

4. Drive Carefully
You will be driving an ambulance to transport victims to hospitals and you need to do it very carefully. This will test your driving skills and how you manage the ride in heavy traffic. Some things you need to remember while driving are:
- Stay in the right lane
- Don’t exceed the speed limit
- Never run over pedestrians
- Don’t run red lights at signals
- Never drive against traffic

3. Stay Patient
The game could get very intense at times and you might not be able to save everyone. In tough times, you have to stay calm and patient and not lose your mind. There could be catastrophes like fires or earthquakes where hundreds of citizens have died. In that case, you need to treat the ones who have potential and skip the ones who are gone already. Treat the heavy injuries first and then move on to the rest. Keep a cool head and make decisions carefully.

2. Use your Tablet
Being a non-medical person, you might have trouble understanding the paramedic stuff like particular medicines and treatments. You will have a tablet with everything you need to help injured people in Ambulance Life A Paramedic Simulator. Use that information to find the right treatments and save lives. Always cross-check information and refer to it in times of emergencies and you will be alright.

1. Gain Experience
‘Experience’ is an in-game mechanic that you earn by completing shifts, and tasks, and responding to call-outs. You will get a good or poor grade at the end of each shift according to your performance during the emergency. A good grade means your experience will improve and you will become more skilled as a paramedic. If a patient dies during your shift, you will gain less experience. Gaining high experience will unlock new equipment, achievements, and more.

Being a paramedic is all about touching lives through hard work and the right treatment. It’s not easy to be a life-saver and this simulation will make you realise that. No matter how hard you try, there will be always more to do and more people to save in Ambulance Life A Paramedic Simulator. Just rush to accident sites immediately, drive well, and offer the correct diagnosis, and everything will be okay. Remember to apply these Ambulance Life tips and tricks to improve your gameplay. All the best!

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