All Characters and Classes in Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2

So, how excited are you about Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2? It is about chaotic battle of guns, chainswords, and terrifying enemies! Here, you step into the boots of an elite Space Marine and tearing through hordes of aliens with style. In this action-packed sequel, players are introduced to iconic characters and an impressive set of six distinct classes that define the battlefield. Now, check out the Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 characters and classes.

Main Characters

There are 3 main characters in Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2: Lieutenant Titus, Brother Chairon, and Brother Gadriel.

Lieutenant Titus

Lieutenant Titus is back, and he’s better than ever. This fearless Ultramarine has been through it all, and in Space Marine 2, he leads his squad with unrivaled experience. Known for his brutal combat style and unwavering loyalty to the Imperium, Titus commands respect wherever he goes. After surviving the events of the first game, Titus has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, and now he’s got an even bigger war to fight. Whether he’s leading the charge or cutting through swarms of enemies with his chainsword, Titus proves that he’s a hero you don’t want to mess with.

Brother Chairon

Brother Chairon is the second in command, bringing a unique mix of wisdom and deadly combat ability to the squad. He is the calm, methodical type who’s always ready to act when the situation calls for it. Chairon specializes in both strategy and warfare, making him the perfect right-hand man to Titus. His skills are not just limited to tactical prowess—he’s also a beast in combat, effortlessly switching between long-range fire and up-close, brutal kills. Chairon’s presence adds a layer of tactical depth to the team, ensuring that the Space Marines always stay one step ahead.

Brother Gadriel

Brother Gadriel is the squad’s heavy hitter, both figuratively and literally. Equipped with an arsenal of devastating weapons, Gadriel is the guy who can blow things up in spectacular fashion. He’s all about firepower and making sure that enemies are left in ruins. What makes Gadriel stand out is his resilience and his sheer love for combat. Whether it’s a horde of Tyranids or heavily armored foes, Gadriel makes sure they don’t stand a chance. His unmatched strength and firepower provide the squad with the extra muscle needed to win against impossible odds.

Classes in Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2

In Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2, mastering the different classes is essential for survival. The game gives players the freedom to adapt to various combat situations with six diverse and unique classes.

Tactical Class

The Tactical class is the most versatile of all. If you’re someone who likes to be prepared for anything, this is the class for you. Tactical Marines are jacks of all trades, capable of excelling in both close-quarters combat and long-range firefights. You’ll be blasting enemies from afar one moment, then charging headfirst into the fray the next. Tactical Marines carry a wide range of weapons, ensuring that they can adapt on the fly. From bolters to plasma guns, these guys know how to deliver pain. Their adaptability is perfect for players who enjoy being in control of various situations without specializing in one particular area.

With the Tactical class, you can also support your team by taking out enemies from medium range or holding ground in tricky situations. Need to charge into a room full of enemies? Tactical Marines got you. Facing a long-range sniper? Tactical Marines got you there, too. Flexibility is the name of the game here, and that’s what makes this class stand out on the battlefield.

Tactical Class Ability: Auspex Scan– Detects and exposes enemies within a designated area, increasing their vulnerability and the damage they take.

Assault Class

If high-speed melee combat is your thing, then the Assault class is where you belong. Assault Marines are all about getting up close and personal, dealing massive damage with every swing of their chainsword. With jetpacks strapped to their backs, Assault Marines can literally fly into the fight, slicing and dicing enemies from above. Their aerial mobility makes them difficult to pin down, and their powerful melee attacks make them a force to be reckoned with.

When you’re playing as an Assault Marine, the battlefield becomes your playground. You can quickly close the gap between you and your enemies, overwhelm them with devastating melee attacks, and zip out of harm’s way just as fast. The Assault class is all about speed, aggression, and controlling the flow of battle by being everywhere at once. If you love fast-paced, high-octane action, this class is perfect for you.

Assault Class Ability: Jump Pack– Enables enhanced dashes, leaps, and high-powered jumps, perfect for executing melee attacks.

Vanguard Class

Vanguard Marines are the tough, resilient brawlers who excel in close combat. They might not be as flashy as Assault Marines, but they make up for it with sheer durability. Vanguards can take a lot of punishment, charging headfirst into battle and dealing with enemies up close. Furthermore, their ability to close the gap between them and their enemies quickly makes them dangerous foes in any engagement.

What sets Vanguards apart is their focus on resilience and tanking damage. These warriors can hold their ground in the most chaotic situations, absorbing damage that would easily take down other Marines. When you’re in a tight spot, you’ll want a Vanguard Marine leading the charge, smashing through the enemy lines and keeping the pressure on.

Vanguard Class Ability: Grapnel Launcher– Fires a hook at an enemy, pulling the marine forward to deliver a powerful diving kick.

Bulwark Class

Bulwark Marines are all about defense and area control. As a Bulwark, your job is to anchor your team and make sure the enemy doesn’t gain ground. You’ll be setting up defensive perimeters, controlling choke points, and laying down suppressing fire to keep enemies at bay. Bulwarks are masters of crowd control, using their heavy weapons and defensive tactics to hold off waves of enemies.

In team-based scenarios, Bulwarks shine. Their ability to maintain a strong defense makes them a crucial part of any squad, especially when you’re up against overwhelming odds. Bulwark Marines aren’t just defensive players, though—they can unleash devastating attacks when the time is right, making them a solid all-around class.

Bulwark Class Ability: Chapter Banner– Deploys a flag that emits a pulse within an area, replenishing shield charge for nearby allies.

Sniper Class

Precision, stealth, and patience—that’s what the Sniper class is all about. Snipers excel at long-range combat, picking off enemies from a distance with pinpoint accuracy. In Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2, Snipers also have the ability to cloak, making them invisible to enemies as they move into position. Their long-range capabilities allow them to take down high-priority targets before they can even react.

When you play as a Sniper, you’ll need to think strategically and plan your movements carefully. Setting up in a good vantage point allows you to provide cover for your team and disrupt the enemy’s advance. Snipers are also great at taking out enemy leaders, making them an essential class in tougher missions.

Sniper Class Ability: Camo Cloak– Makes the marine invisible and hidden from enemies until their next attack.

Heavy Class

For those who love causing absolute destruction, the Heavy class is the way to go. Heavies wield massive weapons that can mow down entire squads of enemies in seconds. Not only are they walking arsenals, but they also provide buffs to their squad, making everyone around them stronger. Heavies might move a little slower than the other classes, but their firepower more than makes up for it.

The Heavy class is perfect for players who want to control the battlefield through sheer force. Whether you’re blowing up enemy fortifications or taking down massive enemies, the Heavy class brings the pain. Plus, their ability to buff the team makes them an invaluable asset in team fights.

Heavy Class Ability: Iran Halo– Generates a protective bubble shield in front of the player that blocks all incoming ranged attacks.


In Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2, you’re becoming part of an elite fighting force. With iconic characters like Lieutenant Titus, Brother Chairon, and Brother Gadriel leading the charge, you’ll dive into the battlefield with intensity. If you prefer the all-around adaptability of the Tactical class or the explosive firepower of the Heavy class, there’s a playstyle for every kind of gamer. So gear up, choose your class, and get ready to bring the fight to the enemies of the Imperium!

The Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 releases on September 9, 2024. It will be available on PC , PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X. Get it here now!

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