Age of Mythology: Retold Character Guide 

Just what 2024 needed a reboot of a fan favourite: Age of Mythology: Retold. The new release will be launched on 4th September, and we can’t wait. Age of Mythology invites you into a mythological universe of European gods. You’ll fight monsters and dragons; what more could you want? Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or new to the world of the Age of Mythology, mastering the game’s characters is vital to crafting a powerful and achieving victory. Because the universe has a lot of characters, we have listed down the Age of Mythology: Retold character guide of gods have in your court to create the best defence against creatures of the universe. 

Age of Mythology: Retold Character Guide 

Here are the top characters to dominate the mythological battlefield: 


The king of Greek Gods, commands the sky and wields power from thunder and lightning. He is truly an icon among the gods. 

Strengths: One of Zeus’s strengths is the power to summon lightning bolts, which can easily devastate enemy units and structures. His other strength is that he can boost the morale of his entire troop just by his presence, which makes him the best commander for an effective allied troop. 

Weaknesses: His limited naval power makes him ineffective in naval battles compared to the gods, who have sea-based powers. He’s also dependent on consuming significant amounts of mana, which generally requires careful management. 


Wanna possess the powers of a sea god? Poseidon will be your best bet. He controls the sea and naval armies and masters the maritime battlefield. 

Strengths: Poseidon’s sheer naval superiority is unmatched by any other god. He can summon tidal waves that can crush enemy ships. He can also influence and control the battlefield with this kind of control. 

Weaknesses: In the sea, Poseidon will be the best bet, but on land, he won’t be the strongest soldier. His effectiveness on land will fail because he depends more on the sea for his powers. His focus on naval combat can also limit his versatility in other aspects of the game. 


Ra is the Egyptian sun god. He brings the sun’s power to his allies and provides the best offensive and defensive support. 

Strengths: Ra can heal and strengthen allied units, extending their effectiveness in battle. His solar powers are highly effective in attacks because they cause significant damage to the enemies and bolster their allies. 

Weaknesses: Ra’s offensive capabilities are strong but may lack the raw unleashed power of other gods like Thor or Poseidon. 


The most extraordinary god to exist is Anubis, the god of the Egyptian underworld. He commands dark magic and necromancy to control the battlefield. 

Strengths: Anubis can summon undead units to reinforce his army and terrorise opponents. His magic spells can inflict significant damage. He creates an insane amount of fear among enemy troops. 

Weaknesses: Anubis’s dark magic is less practical against opponents with light-based solid abilities. Secondly, summoning dead units and casting powerful spells require you to collect a good amount of resources to use them. 


He is the Norse god of thunder, and Thor’s reimagined characterisation in this game is genius. A must-play for Marvel fans, you will be enthused with the casting of Thor and Loki, the Norse gods of the universe. His sheer brute strength and ability to conquer lightning, which can cause significant damage, are impeccable. 

Strengths: Thor’s military combat skills and thunder strikes can cause massive damage to enemies. These strengths make him a formidable front-line fighter capable of overwhelming his foes. 

Weaknesses: Thor’s abilities primarily focus on his brute strength and thunder, limiting his effectiveness from a distance. His powerful attacks can leave him vulnerable if not supported by other gods. 


The Norse goddess of love and war offers versatility and the ability to support other gods on the battlefield with her unique skills. 

Strengths: She can enhance the capabilities of her allies, making them more effective in various situations. She also excels in both offensive and defensive roles, providing a well-rounded approach to battles. 

Weaknesses: While versatile, Freya’s abilities may not match the raw power of gods focused solely on offence. Her support abilities are most effective when used in conjunction with other characters. 


Loki is the most famous Norse god. He is the original god of mischief. His entire character thrives on deception and trickery to manipulate the battlefield. 

Strengths: He can create illusions that confuse the enemies and disrupt their strategies. His trickster capabilities can turn the tide of battle by sowing chaos among opponents. 

Weaknesses: Loki’s strengths lie only in manipulation rather than direct combat, making him less effective in straightforward fights. Maximising Loki’s potential is a threat to character because it requires a lot of careful planning and strategising. 


Play to the core strengths of the gods is the game’s entire gameplay. Strategising with this Age of Mythology: Retold character guide will be easy for you because you know the strengths and weaknesses of each of them. Having a strong command and control over the characters will aid you in reaching a high score in the game. 

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